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Компютърни технологии (Компютърни технологии)


Computer is a modern intelligent electronic device with data storage, modification functions, and calculation of related logic and data. As an electronic device integrating network, computing, media and other technologies.

Computer technology refers to the technical methods and technical means used in the computer field, or refers to its hardware technology, software technology, and application technology. Computer technology has obvious comprehensive characteristics. It is closely integrated with electronic engineering, applied physics, mechanical engineering, modern communication technology and mathematics, and has developed rapidly.

The first general-purpose electronic computer ENIAC was based on radar pulse technology, nuclear physics electronic counting technology, and communication technology at that time. Electronic technology, especially the development of microelectronics technology, has a major impact on computer technology, and the two penetrate each other and are closely integrated. Achievements in applied physics provide conditions for the development of computer technology: vacuum electronic technology, magnetic recording technology, optics and laser technology, superconducting technology, optical fiber technology, thermal and photosensitive technology, etc., are widely used in computers .

Mechanical engineering technology, especially precision machinery and its process and measurement technology, are the technical pillars of computer peripherals. With the advancement of computer technology and communication technology, as well as the increasing demands of the society to form a network of computers to realize resource sharing, computer technology and communication technology have also been closely integrated and will become the strong material and technological foundation of society.

Discrete mathematics, algorithm theory, language theory, cybernetics, information theory, automata theory, etc., provide an important theoretical basis for the development of computer technology. Computer technology is produced and developed on the basis of many disciplines and industrial technologies, and is widely used in almost all fields of science and technology and national economy.

System Technology

The technology used by the computer as a complete system. Mainly include system structure technology, system management technology, system maintenance technology and system application technology.

System structure technology

Its function is to enable the computer system to obtain a good problem-solving efficiency and a reasonable price-performance ratio. The advancement of electronic devices, the advancement of microprogramming and solid-state engineering technology, the development of virtual memory technology, operating systems and programming languages, etc., all have a significant impact on the structure and technology of computer systems. It has become a close combination of computer hardware, firmware, and software, and involves multidisciplinary technologies such as electrical engineering, microelectronics engineering, and computer science theory.

System management technology

Computer system management automation is realized by the operating system. The basic purpose of the operating system is to make the most effective use of the computer's software and hardware resources to improve the machine's throughput, time-efficiency for solving problems, to facilitate operation and use, to improve the reliability of the system, and to reduce the cost of arithmetic.

System maintenance technology

The technology of computer system to realize automatic maintenance and diagnosis. The main software for implementing maintenance and diagnosis automation is the function check program and the automatic diagnosis program. The function check program aims at all the micro-functions of the various components of the computer system. It uses strict data graphics or action retries to conduct examination tests and compare the correctness of the results to determine whether the components are working properly.

System application technology

The application of computer systems is very extensive. Programming automation and software engineering technology are two aspects that are generally related to applications. Program design automation, that is, the use of computers to automatically design programs, is a necessary condition for the promotion of computers. Early computers relied on manual programming with machine instructions, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive, error-prone, and difficult to read, debug and modify.

Device Technology

Electronic devices are the material basis of computer systems. The most basic circuits of computer complex logic are "AND gates", "OR gates" and "inverters". The higher-level circuits formed by this have two types: "combination logic" and "sequential logic". These logics are implemented by electronic devices, and the technological changes in electronic devices are usually used as a sign of computer generation. Computer device technology, from vacuum electronic devices in the 1950s to ultra-large-scale integrated circuits in the 1980s, has gone through several major stages of development, increasing the machine assembly density by about 4 orders of magnitude, the speed by about 5-6 orders of magnitude, and the reliability. About 4 orders of magnitude (compared with the device failure rate), the power consumption is reduced by about 3 to 4 orders of magnitude (with a single "gate" as the unit of comparison), and the price is reduced by about 4 to 5 orders of magnitude (with a single "gate" as the comparison unit) Unit). The advancement of device technology has greatly improved the cost-performance ratio of computer systems.

Component Technology

The computer system is composed of a large number and variety of components. The technical content of various components is very rich, mainly including operation and control technology, information storage technology and information input and output technology.

①Computer and control technology

Computer's computing and logic functions are mainly composed of central processing unit, main memory, channel or I/O processor, and various external device controller components Achieved. The central processing unit is at the core. The research results of arithmetic algorithms play an important role in accelerating the four arithmetic operations, especially the multiplication and division operations. As the price of devices decreases, the logic method greatly shortens the time of carry and shift.

The application of technology such as instruction overlap, instruction parallelism, pipeline operation, and cache memory can increase the computing speed of the central processing unit. The application of microprogram technology has made the originally messy and difficult-to-change random control logic flexible and regular. It applies the concept of programming to the realization process of machine instructions, which is a major improvement in the design method of control logic, but Due to speed limitations, it is mostly used in medium and small computers, channels and external equipment component controllers. Various controls of early computers were concentrated on the processor, which made the system very inefficient.

The production of multi-programs and time-sharing system technology and the functional and technical development of various memory and input and output components have made the management method and transmission of internal information in computer systems an important issue, and computer control From centralized to distributed, memory control technology and channel, external device component control technology, etc. appeared.

②Information storage technology

Storage technology enables computers to store extremely large amounts of data and programs in the system to achieve high-speed processing. Due to the sharp contradiction between the capacity, speed, and price of storage means, the memory has to adopt a hierarchical system to form a hierarchical structure of the memory. Memory) and large-capacity external memory, etc. The main memory is the core of the storage system and directly participates in the internal operations of the processor. Therefore, it should have a working speed and a large enough capacity compatible with the processor. Although a variety of storage methods based on different physical principles have appeared since the 1950s, none of them have achieved ideal results. In the mid-1950s, ferrite core memory came out, and it has been used for 20 years. It was not until the mid-1970s that MOS memory technology was gradually eliminated after the rise of MOS memory technology.

MOS memory has great advantages in terms of speed, price, power consumption, reliability and process performance, and is an ideal method for main memory. The working speed of the main memory has not been able to keep up with the processor, generally 5 to 10 times slower. In order to give full play to the potential of the processor, there has been a cache memory. The cache memory is usually composed of a bipolar device similar to the processor to match the speed of the two. However, due to the high price, the capacity is generally only a few percent of the main memory.

The huge amount of computer data is stored in slower speed and lower price external memory. External memory mainly includes disk drives and tape drives. The hierarchical structure of memory relatively eases the contradiction between speed, capacity, and price, but it brings difficulties to users in scheduling storage space. For this reason, the cache space is generally automatically scheduled by hardware to make it transparent to users; the virtual storage method (see virtual memory) is used to implement automatic scheduling between main memory and external memory with the support of operating system software.

③Information input and output technology

Input and output devices are the means by which computers send in data and programs and send out processing results. The basic input method is based on punched card or paper tape as the carrier, and the data and programs are sent to the computer through the card or paper tape input machine. The keyed floppy disk data input method (ie, data input station) that appeared in the early 1970s has gradually become popular. Optical text readers that directly read printed (or handwritten) texts and data into computers have been realized, and the technology of directly inputting voice images into computers has also achieved certain results.

In terms of output, the most common are all types of printers based on percussion technology, but the speed is limited by mechanical movement. The output device of non-percussion technology can significantly increase the speed. There are mainly electrostatic printers that directly apply voltage to the dielectric-coated paper to obtain electrostatic latent images; laser electrostatic printers that form electrostatic latent images by laser scanning on the photoconductor drum ; Inkjet printers that use inkjet fog dots to be charged and deflected by electrodes to form characters. As a light output method, thermal printers that use the principle of thermal paper discoloration when heated are more popular. The output of man-machine dialogue is mostly terminal equipment that uses a picture tube for image and text display. Computer input and output technology is developing towards intelligence.

Assembly technology

Assembly technology is closely related to the reliability of the computer system, the convenience of maintenance and debugging, the production technology and the delay of information transmission. The reliability of computer electronic devices decreases with the increase of environmental temperature and humidity, and the accumulation of dust may cause short circuit or open circuit of the plug-in or bottom plate. Therefore, refrigeration and air conditioning are important issues that need to be solved in assembly technology. Commonly used methods are: direct cooling method of introducing liquid freon into the plug-in cooling fin; water cooling method of using freon to cool water and then introducing cold water into the plug-in cooling fin; using freon to cool the air, and then sending cold air into the machine The forced air-cooling method of the warehouse, etc. The first two process structures are more complicated, so air cooling is often used. Another problem that the assembly technology needs to solve is to increase the assembly density. After the computer device enters the sub-nanosecond level, the signal delay generated by a few centimeters of wires is enough to affect the normal operation of the machine, making the problem of assembly density more prominent. The transformation of computer electronic devices has a great impact on assembly technology. The advancement of assembly technology has always been coordinated with the replacement of computers, and has continued to develop towards miniaturization and miniaturization. In the period of electronic tubes, a "door" was a plug-in, which was made by brazing nails and wires. Transistors increase the assembly density by an order of magnitude. Each plug-in unit can contain several "gates", and single-sided or double-sided printed boards are used for assembly. The integrated circuit absorbs the past plug-ins into the device, and at the same time adopts the multi-layer printed plug-in board and the bottom plate, as well as the winding connection process, which greatly improves the assembly density. The application of large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuit gate arrays has enabled the miniaturization of assembly. The typical method is to solder the bare chip of the integrated circuit on more than 30 layers of ceramic chips to form a module, and then solder the module on more than ten layers On the printed board.

Development trend

On February 14, 1946, the first electronic computer in history was born at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. The name is Kenya K. This computer is for missiles. The ballistic calculation is designed. In the 1950s, due to the high cost of computers, the main service targets of computers were military departments, including missile calculations and military-related space calculations. With the gradual reduction of computer costs, in the 1960s and 1980s, in addition to the use of computers in military units, many government departments and large scientific research institutions, and even some relatively powerful corporate departments began to use computers for management. The birth of Intel's four-bit CPU microprocessor promoted the further development and promotion of computers. In 1982, the first personal computer was born. The development of personal computers has led to a rapid decline in the cost of the entire computer. Computers have also been transferred from a military department and powerful scientific research or enterprise department to ordinary small companies and households. Since the 1990s, many companies and households have also used computers. At the same time, computers are becoming polarized: on the one hand, they are developing toward micro, small, and cheap to enter the family; on the other, they are developing toward higher, difficult, and large, and they are still used in military, science and technology.

Computer technology is facing a series of new major changes. The simple hardware and specialized logic of the Neumann system can no longer adapt to the trend of increasingly complex software and increasingly complex and large subjects. It is required to create a new system that obeys the needs of software and the natural logic of the subject. Parallel, Lenovo, special-purpose functionalization, and the combination of hardware, firmware, and software are important implementation methods of the new system. Computers will transition from information processing and data processing to knowledge processing, and the knowledge base will replace the database. Human-computer conversations in natural language, patterns, images, handwriting, etc. will be the main forms of input and output, bringing the human-computer relationship to an advanced level. GaAs devices will replace silicon devices.


Before learning the computer, first eliminate the tension on the computer. In fact, it is very easy to learn the computer. The computer is not a mystery. It is just a tool. The internal workings of the computer The principle is very complicated, but you don’t need to understand those esoteric principles. Just know how to use it. The use of a computer is relatively simple. It is no different from using a TV or a video recorder. Use the remote control to select a TV channel. Appears on the TV screen. Similarly, as long as you give the computer some instructions, it will work as required. Secondly, don’t be intimidated by the computer’s "advanced" vocabulary, such as "Windows", "Mouse", "Control Panel" >&gt ;. They are just the names of some parts and files, and do not need to understand their meaning deeply.

Again, one should understand a little about the composition and development of computer knowledge. Computer knowledge is divided into hardware knowledge and software knowledge, and hardware knowledge, such as computer composition principles, hardware assembly, electrical engineering and electronics. Etc., the knowledge of the software part, such as the use of operating system (win-dows), the use of language programs, the use of office software, general non-computer professional users only need to master the knowledge of the software part first, and they should be familiar with this knowledge After that, you will naturally be able to grasp other knowledge of computers from the outside to the inside.

Common knowledge

1. Basic computer knowledge: able to use the keyboard and touch Chinese and English characters proficiently;

2, Windows; proficient in using the operating system Knowledge;

3. Office software applications: proficiently handle daily work, tabulation, data processing and output;

4, database applications: use database language for daily work on data Programming is completed by the computer in batches;

5. Graphics and image processing: software for graphics and image processing;

6. Installation, debugging and maintenance: Assemble the computer and understand the functions of each part .

Learning method

The development and updating of software knowledge is very fast. For example, the operating system software has been updated in multiple versions from DOS2.0 in 1988 to Windows10. In fact, the update of computer knowledge is not a complete change. It is only the expansion and improvement of the original functions, so that the computer is developed to be intelligent, closer to people, mastered the software and mastered the updated software, and used the newly expanded functions. , I will know more about computers. I have already learned a little about computers before learning about computers. It’s time to let go of my nervousness about computers and talk about computer learning methods in a relaxed mood.

Traditional method, step by step

According to the classification of computer knowledge just now, learn the basics of computer step by step, learn the elementary and intermediate level, and then learn Other branches of the computer. This kind of learning may not be effective at the beginning, but later you will feel that you have a more comprehensive understanding of computers and it will be easier to learn other computer software. That is to say, through the accumulation of knowledge, the understanding of computer knowledge is strengthened. After learning to a certain extent, when you have an understanding of all aspects of computer knowledge, you will feel that computers are nothing more than that.

Learn what you need

If you need a certain aspect of computer knowledge for your work, you can start to learn this aspect of computer knowledge, don’t worry about not knowing computers Other aspects of knowledge, through careful study of the required computer knowledge, you can also learn the computer well, directly apply it to work, assist in work, and make better results. This is how computer knowledge can be learned separately. When you are familiar with this aspect of knowledge, you can learn another aspect of computer knowledge, that is, learn from one to the other, and you can also master computers completely and thoroughly. The computer is a tool that assists work and life. Learn what you need. This is enough.

Get on the computer more and get more hands-on

The key to learning a computer well is to "get on the computer". Only when the acquired computer knowledge is applied, will I have a better understanding of the various temperaments of computers. Generally speaking, the best time ratio between computer and study is 3:1. You study for one hour and three hours on the computer. The effect is completely different from studying for one hour without using the computer. Many problems will be found in the process of getting on the machine, and you can improve it yourself. The importance of getting on the computer is also reflected in the fact that you need to use it when you are learning a computer, even if you don’t know anything about the computer. Just turn it on and follow the instructions on the book to directly operate it. You can master it and use it in a few minutes. Up.

In short, choose a learning method according to your needs. If you operate the computer frequently, you will learn the computer quickly, and the computer will become a good helper.

Training goals

This major cultivates the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, and physical fitness, has basic theoretical knowledge of computer application technology, has the maintenance and repair of computers and related equipment, industry application software, High-level technical applied talents with application ability and operational ability such as plane image processing, advertising design and production, animation production, computer network and website construction and management, database management and maintenance.

Main courses

Computer application foundation, computer assembly and maintenance, Visual Basic language, professional English, computer graphic and animation design, computer network foundation and local area network construction and management, database Development and application, advertising design and production, website construction and web design, multimedia design and production.

Employment direction

Graduates are mainly for banks, securities, transportation system units, transportation information and e-government construction and application departments, various computer specialized companies, and advertising design and production Companies, automotive marketing and technical services, etc. are engaged in IT industry work.

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