Home Technique Advertising strategy planning

Advertising strategy planning


Advertising strategic planning is the center of advertising planning is the key to determining the success or failure of advertising activities.

On the one hand, the advertising strategy is an embodiment of enterprise marketing strategy in advertising activities;

On the other hand, advertising strategy is the program of advertising planning activities. It has the role and guiding significance for advertising propulsion procedures, advertising media planning, advertising creativity, etc.


1, global

Advertising strategy planning is the planning of the overall guiding ideology and overall plan for the entire advertising activity, of course, it has obvious Globalism. It is reflected in:

(1) Services to the enterprise marketing strategy

Advertising strategy is part of the company's marketing strategy, it must reflect the strategic intention of the overall concept of enterprise marketing, and obey In the business marketing strategy, and creatively serve the business marketing strategy.

(2) Focus on the entire session of the advertising activities

advertising strategy as an overall planning and overall design of advertising activities, it is a systematic project. It studies what attitude should be held overall, insist on what principles, grasp what the direction, and consolidate all aspects of the advertising activities. Therefore, the planning of advertising strategies must focus on all of the advertising activities.

2, guidance

During the advertising process, advertising promotion procedures planning, advertising media planning, all operability, highly practical links, and advertising strategic planning Solving the guiding ideology and guidelines for overall advertising planning, which provides macro guidance on the practical links of advertising planning, which enables the advertising activities to be targeted, and there is a chapter.

3, confrontation

advertising is the product of commodity economy. One of the significant features of the commodity economy is competition. Therefore, advertising strategic planning must consider competitive factors, and make targeted countermeasures for major competitors. The so-called "knowing yourself knowing each other", it is confrontational.

4, the target

advertising activities always have a clear goal. Advertising Strategic Planning To resolve the main contradictions in advertising activities to ensure the achievement of advertising goals. Therefore, advertising strategic plan cannot be separated from the center of advertising targets.

5, stability

Advertising Strategy Based on the market survey, after analyzing research, the guiding effect of the whole advertising activity has a whole body, in certain Relatively stability during the period, there is no sufficient reason and the cause of the cause, cannot be changed.


Advertising strategic planning procedures generally include:

(1) Determining Advertising Strategic Thoughts

Advertising Strategic Thoughts is Advertising guide.

For example, Matsushita Electric Company in the Chinese market, its advertising goals are to expand the share of Matsushita Electric in China, in order to achieve this strategic objectives, they use "long-term penetration" concept To determine the advertising strategic thinking. For more than ten years, I don't hesitate to pay for a long-term and effective advertisement, and the brand image of Matsushita Electric is finally established in the hearts of Chinese consumers. It has 21% of China's market share in China, ranking first in the Japanese electrical industry. This is not related to the long-term penetration concepts in the minds of Panasonic advertising strategy.

According to different situations, the idea of ​​different advertising strategies can be different from the impact of advertising strategies. Common ideas that affect advertising strategies are:

1, the concept of active progress

Generally, advertising planners who have active progress have attached great importance to advertising, this Most of the ideological enterprises have not yet occupying the leadership in the market, but they are in the second and third-flow positions, but it has strong competitive strength, so they hope to initiate attacks on the leadership competitors through active advertising. Expand your own influence and actively capture the status of market leaders. In addition, the idea of ​​enterprising is also more in the process of promoting new products and development of new markets.

2 With centralized advertising investment and large-scale advertising, form an absolute advertising competition advantage in a certain market or in a certain period of time, in order to concentrate in the short term.

Enterprises that hold this concept, generally have strong economic strength, can achieve centralized investment, timely effective purposes.

In addition, some product life cycles are short, and the company must support the strategic thinking of efficient concentration.

The risk of advertising in high-efficiency concentration is a big idea, so the quality requirements for advertising strategic planning are higher.

3, long-term penetration concept

Advertising planners holding long-term penetration concept pay attention to the long-term effects of advertising, emphasizing "perseverance, subtle, gradual infiltration" in advertising strategies, holding Long-term permeability concepts generally faced the market competition is fierce, the product's life cycle is long, and the company has to work in time in advertising, and it takes a long time to pay a high cost. Therefore, companies often take long-term penetration strategy, and gradually establish competitive advantage in the corporate target market.

4, the concept of steady and heavy weight

Advertising strategic planners holding a steady and heavy concept pay more attention to advertising, but it is reflected in thought and behavior, it is generally not It is easy to change your strategic approach. It is mainly based on the main goal of maintaining the existing market status and the stakeholders of the company, and has rarely expanded the requirements. Its strategic attitude is often defensive, mainly against competitors.

Enterprises who have stabilized heavy concepts generally have two: one is already in the market leadership, because of the confidence of the traditional technique that has successfully succeeded. The other is the subject, objective factors constraint, and it is not necessary to carry out active competition for a while.

Advertising strategy planning

5, negative conservative concepts

Advertising strategic planners who have a negative conservative concept do not pay attention to advertising. The main goal of negative, passive and advertising activities in thought and actions lies in selling products. Once the sales open, stop advertising.

Enterprises that have a negative conservative concept either lack marketing awareness, do not understand advertising strategic effects; or is missing in the market or due to market environment (such as planned economic conditions) External competitive pressure.

(2) Clarify Advertising Strategic Objectives: Solve "Why Propaganda" issues,

This is the most important part of the entire advertisement plan.

Advertising objectives refer to the expected purpose of advertising activities, which specifies the general task of advertising activities, which determines the development direction of advertising activities. As for how to develop advertising targets, the second section will explain.

(3) Analysis of internal and external environment:

1, internal environmental analysis:

is mainly analyzed for products and companies.

a, analysis of product analysis: product itself, product supply and demand relationship, product plan.

b, analyzing business: enterprise scale, corporate concept, corporate culture.

2, external environment analysis

(1) Analysis Market Environment

mainly includes market segmentation, market competition, production materials and consumer goods can be supplied, The composition of consumer purchasing power, the basic expectations and requirements of consumers on the market.

Provides a reliable basis for the development of a successful advertising strategy by analyzing the market environment.

(2) Analysis of consumers

Mainly analyzed consumers 'customs, lifestyle, different types of consumers' gender, age, occupation, income level, purchase capacity, and Awareness attitude towards product, trademarks and advertisements.

(3) Analysis Competitor

is mainly analyzing the number, reputation, advantages, disadvantages and product conditions of competitors. To find the most threatened competitor in many competitors, compare the advantages and disadvantages of major competitors, avoiding their long, and attacking them. It is also necessary to make an advertising strategy to determine the design of the advertising strategy to make the advertising strategy for the quality, characteristics, quantity, variety, specifications, packaging, and price.

Through the analysis of external environments, we can find out the problems and opportunities to use advantageous factors, overcome unfavorable factors, and develop the correct advertising strategy.

(4) Determining Advertising Strategic Tasks

is to specifically clarify the content, advertising audience, advertising effects of advertising.

a, determine the advertisement content

in a certain period of time (ie, solve the "propaganda" issue, to choose the content of the advertisement, identify the main content. For example, is the propaganda company, or is mainly propaganda products. If the promotional product is mainly, it is necessary to further confirm that the promotional brand is mainly, the quality of publicity is dominated, or the promotional function is mainly.

In addition, in the advertising activities within a certain period, the advertisement is not from beginning to end. Different advertising content can be determined according to different development phases. For example, when the product is just listed, it can be dominated by the propaganda brand; after the product has been known, it can be changed to propaganda function; when the market is competitive, it should be dominated by promotional quality or service.

b, determine the target audience: "Who is propaganda" problem

advertising target audience is the main recipient of advertising. Advertising recipients, advertisements, although "widely reported" behavior, but for companies, the effects of advertising do not reflect everyone in society, but is only reflected in the same audience related to their products. On the body, the advertising planner only clarifies the target audience of advertising, in order to use advertising strategies in accordance with the social psychological characteristics of the target audience, to maximize the needs of consumers, improve the actual effect of advertising .

c, determining the advertising effect: "How to solve the" How to promote the effect "

has clarified the main goal of advertising in advertising strategic thinking, but that is abstract, In the development of advertising macro strategy, this goal should be embodied as a series of quantization indicators for measuring advertising effects, such as the percentage of sales growth, increased market share, the measurement of corporate image, etc., there is such quantization indicators The system may evaluate the strategic effect of the advertisement to implement the advertising strategy into the implementation.

(5) Determine the advertising policy

a, advertising strategy: is the operation and planning of the specific links in the advertising process, and is a measures and means of achieving advertising strategies.

b, advertising strategy Features:

a, diversity - In advertising activities, there is only one type of advertising strategy; the advertising strategy is a variety of advertising activities. Each link contains a corresponding advertising strategy.

b, targeted - advertising strategy to plan for different products, different consumers, different media, different advertising activities, have strong targeted.

c, flexibility - Advertising planner reference background conditions, different media differences can be flexibly selected different advertising strategies, while it can also be adjusted according to changes in changes to ensure The implementation of the advertising strategy.

d, the specific - advertising strategy is a means of implementing advertising strategies, and focusing on the specific links of advertising activities, therefore has specificity.

3, the determination of the advertising strategy is not only based on the advertising strategy, but also must combine the specific situation of marketing.

(1) Time Condition: Advertising Time Strategy, Advert Timing Strategy, Advertising Frequency Strategy;

(2) Geographical Conditions: Global Market Strategy, Regional Market Strategy, Target Market Strategy

(3) Product Condition: Life Cycle Advertising Strategy, Product Series Advertising Strategy, Product Benefits Advertising Strategy;

(4) Market Conditions: Target Market Advertising Strategy, Market Permeation Advertising Strategy , Market development advertising strategy, no differential market advertising strategy, differential market advertising strategy, intensive market advertising strategy.

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