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Richard Heinrich Afennon 1843 ~ 1896)


19th century German philosophers, Experience criticism founders. From November 19, 1843, he was born in Paris. He studied philosophy in the University of Zurich, Berlin University, Leipzi University.

received a Ph.D. in philosophy in 1875, and was hired as a philosophical lecturer; 1877: Professor Zurich University Philosophy until the death. He is one of the founders of the "Philosophical Society" of the University of Zurich, and the first editor of the conference. The main works are: "Philosophy, the Minimal Principle to the World" (1876), "Critical Criticism" (1888 ~ 1890), "Human World Concept" (1890 ~ ​​1891).


Afena Lisus proposed the same experience criticalism with Machism. He believes that materialism and idealism put themselves and non-me, the main body and the passenger body are placed in each other, distort the face of the natural world, his philosophy aims to overcome binaryism and restore a unified world picture. He believes that in nature there is no physical or psychological thing, there is only a "third thing" that is "pure experience", which is a non-core non-neutral elements thereof. The so-called self-and environment is just the performance of this pure experience, and they are indivisible "principles", and self is the "central item" of this series, and the environment is "opposite". This method of unifying substances and spiritually feels exceeded by materialism and idealism, it is essentially a subjective idealism.

Afenon is believed that the degree of relationship between the scientific theory is similar, and this description should follow the "Minimal Principles", that is, the most simple method to describe the relationship of experience; Contact, the entity principle is the form of labor, which should be canceled. He asserted that he did not reflect the subject's reflection of the object, think that the brain is not a residence of thinking. He made the reflection of distorting the body and the object, and then "embedded" embedded theory "in the brain. Lenin criticized this philosophy of "only my theory" in "materialism and experience criticalism".

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