Home Technique American Science Promotion Association

American Science Promotion Association

Establishment and Development


Although there is a certain scientific study in the early United States, there is less scientific personnel, and it is very dispersed in the region. Advanced technology at the time was mainly from Europe. In 1848, the US science will be established, which marks a national scientific group in the United States. The former body of the Becunication was established in the US Geology Association in 1840, which is renamed the American Geologist and Naturalist Association in 1842. Members of this association reached a consistent opinion in 1848, ending the activities of the Geologist and Natural Association, and established a new organization of the US Bank on the basis. This is the first permanent organization that is developed from scientific and engineering development from the national level, representing various subjects and categories. The representatives of participating in the Scuba Conference are many famous celebrities, and there are many reports on these conferences. Sometimes it also publishes the conferences of the conference, and has formed a certain impact in society.

After the establishment of the promotion, its own development also witnessed the development of American science.

The promotion of many well-known activities is from some projects beginning in the 1970s. With the support of certain foundations and federal governments, the Science Promotion will launch many pioneering projects, including raising a few groups of scientific participation, supporting the scientific progress of developing countries, exploring the relationship between science, morality and law, and analyzing , Assess and track the federal research and development investment, and help scientists and engineers from Congress and federal administrative agencies. The Science Promotion is also committed to promoting academic exchanges, scientific education, and scientific and technological human resources and infrastructure construction, and actively providing scientific and technological policy consulting to the US government. Historically, the introduction of many of the US government's scientific and technological policies has passed the full argument and consultation of the meeting. Its "2061 Program" has borked the difficult task of reforming the United States from kindergarten to 12th grade.

The promotion will be an open organization open to all public, and 262 subordinates have learned and have 120,000 people and collective members, serving more than 10 million scientists. In addition to organizing their members, the "Science" magazine, scientific and express newspapers and books are also published, and leading to projects designed to improve scientific literacy globally. Its "Science" magazine is the top issue of the issuance of the issuance of a comprehensive scientiva magazine in the world, and the number of readers is estimated to be around 1 million.

The purpose of the organization

The purpose of the promotion is "promoting science, service society", specifically, through the promotion of science and innovation in a global scale.

Organizational Structure

The US Society is headquartered in Washington, the capital, nearly 300 employees, including: Office, Finance and Administration, Personnel Department, Development Department, International Project Department , Education and Human Resources Project Department, Meeting, Member, "2061 Program", Public Project Office and other departments and "Science" magazine editorial department. The Bo will have an office in Cambridge in the British Cambridge.

Main activities

The activities of the promotion will mainly include the following four parts:

science and policy item

in science and policies The activities under the project are:

American Science Promotion Association

· Technology and Congress: Founded in July 1994, the purpose is to provide timely and objective information to Congress on current scientific and technological issues, and help science Understand the work of the Congress and learn how to do congress;

· Dialogue on science, morality and religion;

· R & D budget analysis: The promotion will every year Federal R & D budget made detailed analysis and announced its analysis to the public;

funding for scientists and engineers: this funding purpose is to establish and support the relationship between government decision makers and scientists, through communication Scientific knowledge to improve the development of public policies to facilitate the formation and implementation of national and global beneficial public policies;

· Scientific freedom, responsibility and law: The focus of this project is to carry out Research on moral, legal and social issues related to scientific research and scientific and technological progress;

· Research competitiveness;

· Science and human rights;

· Science and Technology and Security Policy Center: It is designed to encourage the combination of science and public policies to promote national and international security. ·

International project

The construction and activities under international projects are:

(1) Sustainable development: science, innovation and The Sustainable Development Center, the goal has three:

· to carry out international science cooperation;

and cultivation of capacity building and scientific research team;

· Promote sustainable development.

(2) International Project Consortium: This is a wide range of networks of science and engineering associations, which is a consortium of such associations in the world.

(3) Female Scientist's cooperation: International Female Scientist Cooperation Project is a project jointly initiated by the Science Foundation (NSF), with the aim of increasing the participation of female scientists on international science projects. This plan encourages female scientists in the United States to design new cooperation content with colleagues in Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, CIS, Near East, Middle East, Africa, America, Asia and Pacific, and proposes a complete project advice on this basis. And apply to the National Science Foundation to apply for funding.

(4) Scientists and engineers' research funding.

(5) competitiveness in research.

(6) Science and human rights.

Education and Human Resources

The US Becunication will promote the main way of public understanding of science is to promote scientific education in different fields through its publications, especially "Science" magazines. This kind of science education not only affects the United States, but also affects the world. In addition, the latest developments of academic conferences to disseminate technology are also a very important aspect of the US Bank Promotion Association to Promote Scientificism. The Becunication will also encourage young people to choose scientific research, especially basic scientific research as a cause of future engaged.

"2061 Plan"

In 1985, the US science will put forward and began implementing the "2061 Program" for the issues in American science education, in order to make all the United States in the middle of the 21st century. The scientific literacy of citizens can adapt to the needs of US national development strategies. This is a long-term plan to comprehensively improve the literacy of American citizens to scientific, mathematics and technology. Its content not only involves the principle of science and technology, but also includes scientific research processes and methods, scientific development history, and the relationship between science and technology and society. The main report of

"2061 Program" is "science for all Americans". This report is also the program of the program. "2061 Program" has a group consisting of scientists, mathematicians and technicians, which are determined by this group to determine the next generation, what should be understood in science, mathematics, and technology, and what work can be done. The group puts forward scientific education reform targets for five independent science and technology. These five areas are: physics and information science and engineering; biological and health sciences: society and behavioral science; mathematics; The group's recommendation is expressed in a generous language and is included in the report of "the science of all Americans".
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