Home Technique Andre Masacena

Andre Masacena


Andre Massel, Duke of Rivoli, Prince Eslin (1758--1817, Napoleon's outstanding military home, is the first after 1804 Napoleon One of the 18 Law of the Imperial Marshal. Napoleon praised him to be the most well in the empire. Many military historians believe that during the French revolutionary war and Napoleon war, there is no one in addition to Napoleon. The commander can be more outstanding than him. In addition to the war, the French Marshal has been commanded by Marcena, which is a fresh in Europe.

Andre Massena is born in Nice In the descendants of Italy, the father is a small trader. In 1764, Massena's father died, the mother was returned, he was sent to the relatives to fill. Thirteen years old, he got a merchant ship as a waiter, on the ship I have lived for four years.

1775, he accepted the advice of uncle, joined the French King's Italian Corps. At this time he began to learn French. Because his performance is excellent, it is gradually promoted to the sacrifice. This is the highest military course that the civilians can be achieved in the army. In 1789, he left the army as a private guest. In 1791, he received the hiring of the Town Parliament, and he served as an instructor in the National Guard. It was promoted in 1792 The head of the colonell. In 1793, Massena raised to a Major General, continued to the Italian Legion. In 1799, the Swiss Legion Commander and the Danube Legion commander began three Campaign. After the mysterious, Macena returned to the Italian Legion Command.

1804 was awarded the French Marshal, in 1808, due to the creditism in the Battle of Rivoli was sealed as the Duke of Rivoli, one eye was taken by Napoleon in one eye. On April 17, 1810, Massena served as commander of the Portuguese Legion, occupied Rodrigo, in July, due to the Block of the British General Wellington, in 1811, forcing Marcena to withdraw from Portugal. In the 1815, the 100-day Dynasty He has served as commander of the Masai Military Region. Date in 1817.


Youth Period

1758 May 6, Andre Massena is born in Nice His father is the descendants of Italy. In 1771, the 13-year-old Massena went to the sea and went to the sea. In the boat, he was born. In 1775, he joined the Royal Italian group and started a long 14-year military career. In 1789, Macena After a surgical doctor, he retired with the army. After retiring, it was smuggled. In 1791, under the Seminar of the Revolution, Massena will join the army again. Because of its familiarity of the Italian customs, it is appointed for the Italian Legion captain Officials, soon they were elected as heads of the National Defense Team in February 1793, because their origin should be dismissed, but it was left due to its rich local geographic knowledge.

For the first time I am first successful

September 7th - December 19th - December 19th Battle of Toulon. Because your own battle and the large number of super-level officers have been cleaned and fled, December 1793, Massar raised to Major General, continue to the Italian Legion. On April 6, 1794, a brother of 1,6200 feet of Take the Austrian Austria - Sardin Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of 6200 feet, cut off the enemy's retreat, so that the Italian Legion won the victory of the April offensive. In the winter battle of November 1795, one of the three divisions of the Italian Legion. On November 25, winning in the famous Leon's battle, thereby recovering most of the predecessor of the Former Legion, who lost most of June. But it did not praise the military commander Sherra.

St. Mark Chapel Fight

In April 1796, after Napoleon served as the commander of the Legion, Massena was defeated by 19,000 commanders. His division has become a crucial power of a dazzling 1796 Italian Battle, in Montenold (4.12), Diego (4.14), Lodi (5.10), Castrien (8.5), Barcelona Novol (9.8), Callan (11.12), Akole (11.15-11.17), Walvoli (1797.1.14-1.15) and other battles won. Thus, you will get the nickname of "the darling of victory". Among them, the San Marc Church Fight in the Battle of Rivoli in the command of the talents:

On January 14th, the Austrian army continued to use the new troops to counterattack, the French army The division is on the verge of collapse, and Macena is in a rush from Verona to reinforce, but the Austrian army is married from the edge of Baro, along the narrow canyon, and launched a sudden attack. This group is panicked, and the wave of the collapse is going to affect another group that is lost. At this time, Masacea, who has already arrived at the battlefield, and heard him and other officers were gallbladder and tarnished the honor of France, and used the Poly Sword to hit them; then, he fully speed Ma Chi to the two panicked. Group, order them to block enemies. These warriors who were in a hundred war suddenly calm down, and the bayonet will retreat to the enemy of the sneak attack. In time, Masadan Master launched against the battlefield, so that the French army has made a decisive victory, a total of 15,000 enemies, of which 7,000 were captured, and almost all cannons were seized.

From January to April 1797, he rate the departure of Vienna, but due to the shameless accusation of the accused of the occupied city, he retracerated back to Paris. In February 1798, returned to the Italian Legion, but his army had changed in the army, and he drove him away. In November, he was transferred to the Swiss Legion.

Three Zurich Campaign

On March 25, 1799, after being defeated in the Legion, he took the commander of the Swiss Legion. In May, Ren Xin established Danube Legion commander, and then launched a famous Zurich battle with the coalition forces:

First, June 4, 1799, Olympic will Hao Ce, Charlie Dagong led 55,000 people Attack Zurich, Massena commanded 45,000 law to retire the Austrian army, but due to the advantage of the Austrian force, plus the Swiss is loyal, he led the department to take the initiative to give up Zurich, withdraw the Ali River. Second, on August 14, Massena defeated the champion of Charligu, and took a chase, preparing to receive recovery Li Shi, but failed to break through the Austrian army. Third, due to Charlie Dagong officially went to the Netherlands to reunion, the Russian-Uedded army of the Duke of York, his troops left the vacant left by the Russian Marshal Sumovoli, the Russian Marshal Survolf, who was fighting Italy. Massena seized the fighter, and sent 12,000 people to the Laikulip. The Santhard Hill, the Russian army was blocked in Rui-Italian border; September 25th, Massena personally led 33,500 Actors defeated the Russian Russia who left Zurich to lead Kosakov, 8,000 people in casualties, lost 100 cannons, and the French army lost 1/2. After the war, the coalition was rushed through the Rhine.

The Italian Legion Command

After the "fog month" after the "Mistan Category" on November 22, 1799, Massena served as commander of the Italian Legion. This is a difficult position:

His troops have only 36,000, and it is distributed on the 180-mile Alpine line, but it is necessary to deal with 95,000 main force in the Austrian army. Napoleon's plan requires Marcena to kill the mains of the Austrian army in the Piedmont area as much as possible so that the elite preparatory army of the French army can surround them from behind the Alps. Massena is destined to play a fat sheep who uses a tiger to attract tiger, he can make this tiger more easily into the hunter - Napoleon's hand.

In April 1800, the Marshal Scholars of the Austrian army suddenly attacked 60,000 people. From April 3-10, Massena led the French army to block the enemy in Liguel Mountain, but after the Austrian army was returned, the French army was forced to retreat. On April 6-20, the French army conducted a hard battle, but the disparity of strength made all efforts to fail. On April 24th, Massena and about 12,000 laws were surrounded by Genoa. On April 29, Massena sent the last letter to the first ruling: "Please see the god of God to save me! Lu Hai is blocked ... I only have 30 days of ration. "The situation is really very severe: there are twice as yours in yourself, and there is a British branch of Kiss Lord. Therefore, although Marcena launched a string of resolute anti-impact, it is still unable to break through the tight blockade of the coalition. The Austrian force map quickly forced Marcena to surrender, so that the army of the army, entered the southern part of the French French, the root of the King Party's trend, to the south of the French Republic.

When the Austrian army has discovered it difficult to break the city, he stepped up blockade, and the food in the city was tense one day. From May 27, people began to search for dogs, cats, and mice used to be hunger. Whenever the defenders attacked, there was a large number of hunger people followed, cut some wild vegetables, and the leaves went back to eat. There are signs that the city's residents have prepared to rebel. Only because of the Massena orders, if there are more than 4 people gathered together, they can shoot and kill, which is from accident. Finally, Masacea, who helped food, had to send people with the coalition, and said that they would like to let the French military withdraw. At this time, the French army has appeared behind the Austrian (because the news is broken, Massena doesn't know), Merras is responsible for the tolerance of the Otte of Genoa, giving up the surrounding, but Ott reluctant to give up In order to get Genoa as soon as possible, he agreed to the french conditions. The evacuation date of the two parties is June 4th. On this day, Massather, which attached great importance to the honor of Masashere, he just notified Otte, saying that his army will leave Genoa, if there is blocking, they will use a bayonet to kill A blood road. So, 8,000 hungry French troops, playing the army, with the battle line, through the Austrian army, retreat the Walhe. Massena traces the main force of the Austrian army in Genoa, ensuring the success of the French army's main force to surround the strategy, so he was received by Napoleon.

Become a French Marshal

October 18, 1804, becoming one of the 18 yuan handshals of the French Empire, 46 years old. In September 1805, Massena, who has already retired, was invited back to Napoleon, and the Italian Legion, who was 65,000 people participated in the Second French War, and assumed the arduous tasks of the Barri Gllagia advantage (95,000 people) in the Bohe Valley. It is guaranteed that Napoleon is more than 60,000 people in Ulm. Carllar Profess on October 28 launched an attack to the Italian Legion in the Rushan Range, 6,000 people in the two sides, and no wins. When Car Grande heard the news of Urm, he immediately saved Vienna, but it was too late. And under Massena, he did not catch up with the Austitz battle. From July - December 1806, the rebellion of the King Party in Calabria. In 1808, due to the credit of the Battle of Rivoli, it was sealed as the Duculus of Rivolley, but in a hunting accident, one eye was bombarded. On February 21, 1809, the fourth army, including four infantry divisions and a light ghost teacher, a total of 35,000, 68 cannons. After the Battle of Regensburg on April 20, the command was commanded as a Pioneer, and the army of the Austrian Austrian Feng-Schler's troops was pursued, and it was tapped by the shortcut to Vienna, the south of Danube. On May 2, when Massena was fighting the Trune, he was stubbornly resistant to Schiller. The two sides launched a bloody battle. The Austrian military's casualties were more than 6,000 people. They were forced to give up the position, and the French army was nearly 5,000 people. After breaking the troops, Massena has accomplished in the universality of Massena, occupying the capital of Austria on May 13 - Vienna. On May 22, in the Battle of Aspene Eslin, Massna served as a stubborn to prevent the Austrian drain. Since his army put into battle, it has been a whole day, and the soldiers are tired. In order to inspire, this heroic master shouts out of time: "As long as there is a little bright, I will not withdraw, otherwise, these Austria have no arrogance." Masena passed the toughness and finally covered the last A group of French troops withdrew from the battlefield. In the battle of Wagram on July 5-16, the battle was commanded on a carriage because he had hurt and caught up. He directed the left-wing to stand the attack and guarantee the main force to smash the Left Wing and the Chinese army of Carl University, which determines the ending of the third French war. In January 1810, due to the battle of Eslin in Aspaxy-Eslin's battle. On April 17, 1810, Massena's commander of the Portuguese Legion, Napoleon I made 65,000 people from Spain's 300,000 Military Army by him, and the mission was to drive the British army from Portugal, but the emperor ignored the expeditionary troops rear Security. On May 28th, Massena rushed to Salamanca in Spain, and his part of the Second Army of Reyni, the sixth army of Juni, and Juno. At the beginning of June, Massena was the rate department invaded Portugal, first attacking the West Portuguese border to Town Rodrigo.

Difficult World War

On July 10, the French army attacked more than 5,400 people in the West Army. On August 27, Almeta defended, the French army drifted straight. The British General of the Commander, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom, Tudu, Turns to prevent Massena from entering: First, all destroyed the Food for the region of the region. Second, tenacious resistance is carried out in Eastern Posa, to ensure the safety retreat of the unit. In this regard, Massena considers the owed week, he tried to overcome the method of directly impact, the result lost 4,500 people, and the British army lost 1300 people, and the main reached Torrish Wadera since the 1809 winter. Shi defense lines (located in the capital of Portugal). This defense is crossing the mountain peninsula between the Tago River and the coast, just as the barrier of Lisbon. On October 14, it was 4 months after the war, and the French army only advanced about 320 kilometers. When Massena came to the defense line, he couldn't help but surprise: This wild warfare is composed of three huge buildings, stretching 48 kilometers, configuring 600 cannons, 34,000 British Army, 30000 Salajun, 6400 military. Massena learned the lessons of the Battle of Bussa, no longer rash, and turned to the position. Afterwards, Wellington wandered this decision, think that the French Marshal is not only brave, but also is quite intelligent, making him use the defense line to consume the French army's plan failed. However, the French tricks did not have a good time. Because the guerrilla cuts off the supply line, the French army's non-fighting sales is extremely serious, and in Suttham, Victor in Spain, there is no help to provide any help in trouble in trouble.

February 19, 1811, Massena has no longer supported the French army that is in a half-hungry state, has to retrace 50 kilometers, and retreat to the St. Tarren on the Tagua. But he did not die, but a thousand bass attempt to attract the English attack, but Willi

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