Home Technique Anyue Rock Carvings

Anyue Rock Carvings

Main attractions

The content of Anyue stone carvings are mainly Buddhist statues, with a small number of Taoist statues, as well as descriptions of social real life.

Another heyday of the Northern Song Dynasty cliff sculptures in Anyue Rock Carvings is represented by Pilu Cave, Yuanjue Cave, Huayan Cave, Mingshan Temple and other places.

The "Ten Refining Drawings of Liu Benzun" carved by Pilu Cave are well-preserved and well-preserved. The "Purple Bamboo Guanyin" statue in the Guanyin Hall is well-known at home and abroad, and is called "Oriental Venus" by the famous British writer Han Suyin. The "Three Sages of the West" statue on the north cliff of Yuanjue Cave is tall and graceful. The statues of the "Three Sages of Huayan" and the twelve disciples in Huayan Cave are well-preserved and exquisitely carved. The engraved Chinese statues of Shushili in Mingshan Temple's Moya Rock make full use of the principles of mechanics, which is amazing. The Five Dynasties Cliff Prestige statues are the most representative of the "Pharmacist Buddhist Scriptures in Disguised Form" carved in Cave No. 96 in the North Cliff of Qianfo Village. In addition, the Huayan Three Sages in Huayan Cave, Mingshan Temple's nearly 40 statues of 4 to 7 meters high, and Taoist statues in the Tang Dynasty with Xuanmiao View are also important works of Anyue Rock Carvings.

Reclining Buddha Temple

The Reclining Buddha Temple is a national key cultural relic protection unit. Located in the Reclining Buddha Valley, Bamiao Township, 25 kilometers north of the county seat, there are 139 large and small niches and more than 1,600 statues. The reclining Buddha is a Nirvana statue of Sakyamuni, 23 meters in length, 3 meters in head length, and 3.1 meters in shoulder width. , Lying on the left side on a cliff about 10 meters above the ground. Head east to west, slender body, thin clothes and close-fitting, with a serene expression. Engraved pictures behind him, more than 20 disciples, bodhisattvas, gods, statues of powerful men, etc., with different faces and expressions. The Buddha's waist sits with his back facing the audience as the disciple of the Buddha's pulse, and a powerful man stands in front of the Buddha's feet. Unique. The image was carved in the Zhenyuan year. For more than a thousand years, the figure is complete, like a huge "one", which occupies almost the entire rock waist. It can be called the finest product of my country's Tang Dynasty stone reclining Buddha.

The shape of the Reclining Buddha

The shape of the Reclining Buddha is unique, which is contrary to the scene described in the "Great Nirvana Sutra". The head of the Reclining Buddha is very exquisitely carved, with a small circle flower snail bun on the head, a square stone pillow on the headrest, and slightly closed eyes. The handsome face is kind and dignified, which accurately and naturally shows the calmness of Sajiamuni before his death. look. The disciple who sits in front of his waist is called Ananda, facing the head of the reclining Buddha, bowing his back slightly, in a posture of cutting the pulse, expressing the sadness of hearing the bad news.

The tall, powerful and powerful man standing by his feet clenched his fists with anger, a look of grief. Shown above the reclining Buddha is a scene where Sakyamuni, his disciples, and Tianlong Babu handed down his will. Below the left arm are the 33 incarnations and 32 incarnations of Guanyin Pumen Xingwang. There are also small statues of 30 cm in size, such as Vimalakirti and Medicine Buddha. The joy, anger, sorrow, and music of the entire sculpture are distinct and perfectly symmetrical, reflecting the highly developed sculpture culture of the Tang Dynasty, which is amazing.

Yuanjue Cave

The Yuanjue Cave, which is opposite to Qianfo Village, is located on Yunju Mountain 1 km east of the county seat. ), the size of the statue is 1933. The most wonderful statue of the Three Saints in the West is carved in the Song Dynasty, which was carved from Yuanfu to Daguan period. Mainly statues from the Late Tang, Five Dynasties and Northern Song Dynasties, totaling 1993 statues.

Yuanjue Cave is named after the twelve Yuanjue. The Buddhist so-called "enlightenment", that is, "aware of you, me, him, and a person who walks to perfection" means that everyone can awaken to Buddha regardless of who you are. There are three 7-meter-high stone statues of the "Three Sages of the West". The "Three Sages of the West" are the combination of the three highest status gods in the Western Paradise, namely Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Guanyin. In other places, the three sages in the West are combined into one niche, but here is a separate niche carving, which is the unique feature of Anyue stone carvings.

Here, the first thing that catches people’s eyes is the Guanyin leaning on the colorful Buddha light, stepping on the lotus stamens, holding the cleansing bottle, as if spilling the nectar in the bottle all over the world.

The middle niche is Amitabha, the leader of the Western Paradise. He is luminous, his eyes are affectionate but dignified, his mouth is smiling but not toothy, he stands tall, looking down at you kindly. The Bodhisattva in the right niche wears a densely pasted golden flower crown with a small Buddha statue embedded in the crown. It is decorated with ornaments on the chest. The elbows are hanging around the waist. The feet are on the lotus platform. The smiling face is beautiful and solemn; she Intersecting the hands, holding the lotus bud in the right hand, it is a little bit of the tendency of transcending the suffering of sentient beings. The flower buds weigh a hundred catties and do not fall for thousands of years. This is because the sculptor has skillfully transferred gravity to the cassock.

Pilu Cave

The stone carvings of Pilu Cave were announced by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government in 1956 as a provincial cultural relics protection unit.

Pilu Cave is located on the Tazi Mountain of Youping Village, Chiyun District, Shiyang Town, southeast of Anyue County, 45 kilometers away from the county seat. The road from Anyue to Dazu crosses the foot of Mount Tazi. Here, the mountains are piled green and the rocks stand steeply, and the Pilu Cave is hewn among these elegant stones. Pilu Cave is actually the general name of Pilu Cave, Youju Cave, Thousand Buddha Caves and Guanyintang. There are 465 carved stone statues on the cliffs and 32 inscriptions.

According to the inscriptions in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the stone sculptures of Pilu Cave were created in the Five Dynasties Houshu, and they have been repaired and re-engraved in the subsequent dynasties. It used to be one of the main dojos of Sichuan Buddhism Tantra from the Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty. In particular, the "Water Moon Guanyin" carved in the Guanyin Hall was called "Purple Bamboo Guanyin" by the masses. The British Chinese writer Han Suying called her the "Venus of the Orient". It is a rare stone carving art treasure of the Northern Song Dynasty in the country. This Zizhu Guanyin is 3 meters high and sits in the protruding rock cave. She leaned against the embossed purple bamboo and willow twig net bottle, and wore a magnificent golden corolla on her head; her eyebrows were upright, her phoenix eyes drooped, her straight nose was slightly protruding, and her vermilion lips were slightly closed; her upper body was wearing short sleeves and thin boogies, topless and bare elbows. , Arms wear bladder loops, the golden waterfall that Yingluo elephant cascades with him, the net falls on the chest and abdomen; the long skirt of the lower body is as thin as a cicada's wings, close to the waist and legs, the dress is elegant and dynamic. She sits on a 3-meter-long curved lotus leaf, slightly to the left of her upper body; her left hand supports the leaf surface, her right hand is placed on her knees, and her five fingers are naturally drooping; a pair of beautiful bare feet, her left foot hanging on the lotus platform, gently stepping on The flower stamen, the right leg is bent and upturned, and the foot is on the lotus leaf, so people also commonly call her "Avalokitesvara". Zizhu Guanyin seems to be a graceful, gentle and unrestrained young girl. She has the charm of a girl and the appearance of a goddess. She has a very strong secular flavor. People also love her as "The Merry Goddess of Mercy". Seeing Zizhu Guanyin, one has to be impressed by the superb and ingenious skills of the masters of the Song Dynasty.

In addition, the statues of the fifth generation of Tantric patriarch Liu Honzo carved in Pilu Cave and Youju Cave are also unique. Especially in the Pilu Cave, which is 6.6 meters high, 14 meters wide, and 4.5 meters deep, the carved figures of the "Ten Cultivation Practices" of Liu Benzun are rigorous in composition, vivid and easy to understand, which can be called a fine product. It mainly promotes Tantric religious meanings through ten harsh practices such as finger practice, snow erection, ankle practice, eye gouging, ear cutting, crown practice, arm relief, yin practice, and knee practice. On both sides are engraved with a majestic axe and sword guarding diamond. When you come to the cave, you will feel a lot of chills, which will make you stand in awe of the sacredness of the Dharma, or look in awe. The "Ten Refining Diagrams" of Pilu Cave are like a series of comic strips of lecturing and saying, they are valuable physical materials for studying Sichuan Tantric Buddhism and verifying the life of Liu Benzun.

The stone carvings of Pilu Cave are like the crystallization of Buddhist art in Song Dynasty, which has high historical research value and sightseeing value. In July 2001, the State Council announced as the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units.


Qianfozhai is located on Dayun Mountain 2.5 kilometers west of Anyue County. Because the cliffs of the rock village formed around the top of the mountain are carved with large and small Buddha statues3 Named for more than a thousand respects. The Sichuan Provincial People's Government declared Qianfo Village as a provincial cultural relic protection unit in 1956.

Thousand Buddha Village was named "Qiyan Temple" in Tang Dynasty, and it was renamed "Qianfo Temple" during Kangxi period of Qing Dynasty. Thousand Buddha Temple's original five-story temple, thousands of years of vicissitudes, has been up and down several times, until 1974, a mentally ill patient burned the only remaining Daxiong Hall. There is no temple here, only the thousands of statues on the cliff are left, so the masses also call it Qianfozhai.

The stone sculptures of Qianfozhai are magnificent and magnificent. There are 105 niches and 3061 large and small Buddha statues distributed in the north and south rocks. The entire sculpture area is 705 meters long. According to the "An Yue County Chronicles", the Qianfozhai cliff sculptures began in the 13th year of Kaihuang in the Sui Dynasty (AD 593). Judging from the stone inscriptions, there are "Kaiyuan" and "Tianbao". The latest inscription is the first year of Qingyuan in the Southern Song Dynasty. (1195), which lasted more than 600 years. The main statues are mostly works in the heyday of Tang Dynasty, and there are still a small number of works in Ming and Qing Dynasties. In addition to the Buddha statues in the two rocks in the north and south, there are 7 cliff floating pictures, 3 Tang steles, and 26 inscriptions in the past dynasties. The highest is 4.6 meters and the smallest is 0.8 meters; the largest niche is 6.4 meters wide, 6 meters high, and 3.3 meters deep.

There are 14 cliff statues with a height of 3-6 meters and 250 statues with a height of 1-2 meters. Among them, the largest Buddha Shakyamuni is 6.2 meters high. Nanyan is mostly statues of the Tang Dynasty, with plump faces, high nose drop ears, bare breasts, sparse lines, smooth lines, simple and bright, simple and elegant. In particular, the Jingping Guanyin in No. 56 niche is more typical of the prosperous Tang Dynasty stone carvings. In addition, the Liuli Buddha statue of Tantric Buddhism in the prosperous Tang Dynasty is also a rare stone carving art treasure. There is a niche in Beiyan, which is well-preserved "The Pharmacist Scriptures in Disguise". The Buddha of Pharmacist is the subject of Tantric statues in the Tang Dynasty. The Medicine Buddha sits on the throne of a round lotus with a waist. There is a canopy on the top of the head, and a bodhi tree on the side. The eight bodhisattvas and the nine horizontal deaths are carved on the left and right. The twelve great wishes are also carved with sickness, death by the king, and death by the tiger. Scenes such as the death of a leopard, a snake, and others are rare treasures among other stone sculptures. Thousand Buddha Village is also engraved with numerous statues of Bodhisattvas, Arhats, King Kong, Powers, Dharma protectors, flying to the sky, offering people, and various "Jingbian" stories, which fully express the joys and sorrows of heaven, earth, and hell. The content is very rich. , Exquisite carving skills.

Qianfozhai has steep cliffs, verdant trees, winding vines, and the road turns with the mountains. In the newly built temple between the two peaks, the long bells rang out in Dayun Mountain. A chant of confession, lingering in the ears of the travellers. Around the temple, there are strange flowers and plants, buds and branches, striving for beauty and beauty, and Fangfei is intoxicating. The beautiful natural scenery and the ancient stone carving art create an interesting contrast, so that visitors are excited and happy to forget.

Huayan Cave

It is only about 2 kilometers away from Pilu Cave. The cave is 7 meters high, 11 meters wide and 11 meters deep. It is spacious and bright. There are 159 stone statues in it, mainly from the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty. It is also more than a thousand years ago. A seated statue of the Three Saints of Huayan is carved into the front wall of Huayan Cave. In the middle is Sakyamuni sitting in meditation. On the left is Manjusri riding a green lion, and on the right is Samantabhadra riding a white elephant. The Huayan three holy elephants are about 5.2 meters high. They are leaning against a car with a spoke-shaped colored Buddha light. They wear a crown of flowers and a hollow crown. Inside the crown, a small statue of Buddha sits in meditation.

There are ten disciples on both sides of the hole. They sit in a very unique posture, either sitting cross-legged with their feet apart, or sitting cross-legged with their legs bent to one side to cover the sitting platform. On the upper part of the seated disciple, there is a Buddhist pattern of "Elysium", which is 20 meters long. It is composed of 10 groups of relief sculptures such as "All Wonderful Fragrant Country" and "Clearing Clouds and Patching Clothes", which are then embossed into Qionglou Yuge and Wonderful Flowers. The exotic grass, the nectar river, the misty clouds, etc., set off the blissful scene of "the kingdom of bliss has no day and night, and the flowers bloom together with the dawn".

Mingshan Temple

National cultural relics protection unit. Located at the top of Hutou Mountain in Minle Village, Dingxin Township, Anyue County, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province. 63 kilometers away from Anyue County. The temple was named after "Tang Dao Buddhism Bone Zen Buddhism is more popular in famous mountains". The temple was founded in the Tang Yuanhe period and flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is a mountain-type scenic tourist area that integrates rock carving culture, mountain climbing, and knowledge seeking.

The Hutou Mountain Range is adorned by layers of green, and the mountains are lined with arches, and the Hutou Mountain stands alone, resembling a fierce tiger looking at the peaks. Ancient roads stand on the mountain, surrounded by forests of Buddha statues. There are 63 cliff statues of Tang and Song dynasties in the temple, of which 34 are single statues, and more than 50 statues of 1 to 4 meters are carved on the top cliff. They are majestic and exquisite in art. They are extremely valuable and exquisite stone carvings.

Mingshan Temple Statues

The main themes of the statues are Vairocana, Guanyin, Da Shizhi, Manjusri, Vairocana and Dongyue the Great Emperor's Cave, Twelve Guardians of Dharma and so on. The statues are so kind and eye-catching, with serene expressions and crown decorations. They are all the same; the King Kong and the strong man are more grinning and murderous. The inscription in the forty-sixth year of Qianlong said: "Alchemy pills, repair relics, do not depart from husband's benevolence and righteousness. The East Green Bull, the West White Horse, the principle is originally in Zhicheng. The so-called self-made and self-sufficient, the knowledge is the most connotative." Can explain the "three religions in one" style in this area.

Buddhist statues

Guanyin Bodhisattva, Da Shizhi Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva are 5 to 8 meters high. The Guanyin Bodhisattva stretched his left hand forward and flattened the veil; the Bodhisattva at the great momentum placed his left hand inwardly on his chest, with his five fingers together and flattened the thick scroll. Manjushri Bodhisattva, with his left hand holding the book extended for 1.5 meters, the weight of the book and hand is over a thousand catties, only supported by a 2.2-meter-high hanging robes, which will not be destroyed for thousands of years. It is a masterpiece of ancient craftsmen who used mechanics ingeniously, reflecting ancient China The perfect combination of sculpture art and science and technology. The statues in the guardian shrine on the back rock wall are semicircular. The twelve guardian gods with a height of 1.8 meters are collectively sculptured. They are all clearly armored. Their hands may hold nine swords or hold a pestle; their heads may be high and fierce. Call, or anger and twist their necks; some open their stomachs to see their hearts, some squeeze their fists to calm their minds, stare at them, be fierce and fierce, sincerely look for the field of practice, and defend the Buddhist priests sincerely. There is a Zhuan Falun Tower on the south hill of Mingshan Temple. Four squares and five floors. Each floor has round niches with Buddha statues, and the first floor is carved with curly hair images on all sides. There is an inscription "Buddha gains glory day by day, Falun often turns, the weather is smooth and rainy, and the country is peaceful."

Peacock Cave

The Peacock Cave adjacent to Mingshan Temple has deep ditch and dangerous rocks and green trees. Yin is a well-known summer resort. Monk Chongzhi built a monastery here in the fourth year of Longqing (1750) in the Ming Dynasty. Because the ancestors engraved the King of Peacock Ming, it was named Peacock Temple. The hole is drilled against the rock, 4.7 meters high, 4.3 meters wide, and 2.7 meters deep. A three-dimensional golden peacock is engraved in the cave, which is 2.3 meters high. It has a vivid shape, exquisite carving art, and a lifelike image. The peacock is hunched with eight-leaf lotus on its back. The most striking thing is the best surviving "Peacock King" statue. The Peacock King Bodhisattva sits down on a white lotus flower. The statue is beautiful and generous. He wears a crown of Buddha on his head and embellished with Ying Luo on his chest. He wears a double-collar drooping coat and holds his left hand. Lian Lei holds a flat peach in the lower left hand, holds the bird feather in the right hand, and holds the Bei Ye Jing in the lower right hand. The hole is unique in conception and has a wonderful shape, which has a high aesthetic value. On the top of the mountain behind the Kongque Cave, there is a high platform stone tower of the Tang Dynasty, 15 meters high, 8 squares and 3 floors, and 24 small relief statues of Buddha. The tower is simple and beautiful, and is well-protected. It is rare among the stone towers in Sichuan Province.

Xuanmiao Temple

Initiated in the Tang Dynasty, it is a scenic tourist area integrating agricultural ecological landscape and cultural relic protection.

Xuanmiao Temple is a place of Taoist statues in our country. The cliff statues are distributed around a mushroom-shaped flat-topped boulder. The four sides of the wall are chiseled into statue niches, 79 large and small niches, and 1293 stone statues, all of which are exquisite carvings of the Tang Dynasty. The main statues include the old monarch Shakya sitting side by side, the real person, the twelve-time god, the vajra warrior, the nine-headed bird, the Guanyin, and the Shizhi.

Xuanmiao Temple is composed of Taoist statues, with a huge scale.

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