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Banqing archaeological site

World Cultural Heritage

Basic Information

Heritage Name: Banqing Archaeological Site

Ban Chiang Archaeology Site

Selection time: 1992

Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (III)

Geographic Location: N17 24 27.979 E103 14 15.32

Heritage Number: 575

Heritage Description

The class clearance site is located in the Uron area of ​​Thailand, and has been discovered in the tomb of the prehistoric site of the class, and there is a large number of bronzes, with the class The continuous in-depth, Sanqing is regarded as the most important historic place in Southeast Asia, is the center of human culture, society, and scientific and technological progress.

In 1992, according to the Cultural Heritage Selection Based on the Cultural Heritage, the Banqing Archaese was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee as a "World Heritage List" as cultural heritage.

Evaluation of the World Heritage Committee

Banqing is deemed to date in Southeast Asia found in Southeast Asia found in the most important prehistoric residential land, its discovery reveals human culture, society and technology development A very important phase in the process. The ruins have been discovered by the site that the region has had agricultural farming, manufacturing and using metal activities, and the earliest proven to date.

Heritage Introduction

Banqing archaeological site coverage coverage of more than 49,000 square kilometers, is considered to date the most important prehistoric gadget found in Southeast Asia, and its discovery reveals people. A very important phase in the process of human culture, society, and technology development. The ruins have been discovered by the site that the region has had agricultural farming, manufacturing and using metal activities, and the earliest proven to date. The Class Qing archaeological site reflects the situation in agricultural farming, metal manufacturing and use. In the process of archaeological, Sanqing was found to have a distinctive six cultural layers. The bottom layer dted back to 3,600 BC, and founded the class cleaning, kernels and ankle bracelets. Residents have already understood the use of bronze utensils in 2000 in BC, compared to the Western Mesopoamian Civilization and China's summer business era, therefore, some people think that class cleaning civilization is the source of world bronze culture.

Banqing archaeological site

Banqing Archaeological Discovery

Sanqing, is a small town on the Nakaha Plateau in the northeast of Thailand, how many years have been fresh, and even its neighbors don't know it. exist. However, since people discovered a prehistoric cemetery, a large number of bronze utensils and prehistoric human remains, the past silent town suddenly caused the world's attention and became an important page in Thailand.

Since the ancestors, although the villagers of Sanqing have quite familiar with the pottery fragments that can be seen everywhere in the village, this did not attract their attention until 1957, a villager discovered a complete pottery.

Things began in the 1970s. In 1966, a Americans have discovered new pottery in this again. Later, by the determination of it, people were surprised to find that these pottery has a history of thousands of years. In 1974, a group of archaeologists came to the village located in Northeast Thailand. No one thought that the first "cultural relics" excavated from the ground made all the archaeologists smiled. It turned out that they dig out is a 20th century potty. But when they continued to dig down to 5 meters deep, they found a distinctive six cultural layers. It can be seen that the ancestors of thousands of years have lived in this site, and the deceased is buried here. Each newly settled villager, the pile of its home is just a tomb of the past, the deepest layer can be traced back to around BC, the shallower can be traced back to 250 BC.

In 1975, in another place in Banqing, they also found a tombs, the body inside is covered by several types of pottery debris.

In the excavation site, the Director of the Joint Exploration Team at the time, the American archaeologist Chester. Gordman found that there was something in the bottom of Fangkeng, and when he moved this little thing softly, he found that this is not a pin, but a spearhead with a jack, spearhead The tip is specially bent. Later analysis showed that this spearhead was cast, and then cooled and annealed.

The researchers have found the claws and a large amount of branched clay in the formation of the procurement of the pottery and a large amount of clay. By the end of 1975, a total of 18 tons of pottery, stone and metal products were excavated, including red pottery, bronze and gold and silver products.

class cleaning - the source of the world bronze culture?

A large number of excavations indicate that the most striking of Banqing culture is bronze products. It has been found that the change in the metallurgical technology has been gradually progressing for thousands of years. With the development of the times, the class cleans have constantly innovation in the production technology.

Research shows that the class cleaning culture is undoubtedly the earliest bronze culture in Southeast Asia, and is also one of the world's earliest bronze culture. Therefore, some Thai historians have been inferred, and maybe the class is the source of the world of bronze culture.

However, this view is not the consensus of other scholars in the world. Some people pointed out that in the same time or later in class, many other places in the world have also appeared in the bronze culture, and these regions have very far from the class, and the middle is still in the desert, the plateau, mountains or oceans. If Sanqing is the source of the world's bronze culture, how is the bronze culture of these places? Is they all passed from a source? If further questions, the bronze culture in the ancient era is a source of happening or multi-source?

Someone asked: Although the bronze culture time of Sanqing is long, from the discovery, there seems to have not found the initial bronze smelting process. So, how does the classes of class get bronze smelting and processing technology? What are the original people of this technology or from others?

Because these issues are not only related to class, but also involve the origin of human bronze culture, it is important. If you don't dare to conclusion, these questions have not been resolved.

Bronze Smelting Technology

People have found that in 2000, the residents in Banqing have mastered bronze smelting technology in 2000. It is the prosperity of class clean culture in 1000 BC. During this time, the class cleared a variety of exquisite bronze bracelets, necklaces, rings, and long handle spoon. Carved a variety of lifelike animals on a spoon of a long handle. In the late bronze products, archaeologists have unearthed with cervical circles with bronze-containing amounts of bronze-containing volumes. Because the amount of tin is very easy to break, it is necessary to take a multi-strand again twisted when making it. It can be proved that the class cleared people have mastered bronze smelting and production techniques.

After the Bronze Age, the class cleared the iron era. Archaeologists found the iron bracelets and iron-based spearheads made in the first 1000 BC, unearthed, have few iron, with iron bracelets, iron bracelets and double metal (iron bag copper) spearheads, ax, etc. . These ferries exhibit casting techniques different from bronze utensils. What is inexprireless is analyzed that the iron from Sanqing is smelting from a special ore.

Pottery production

Banqing ancient residents in the level of pottery, including colorful and multi-style style, also left a deep impression on modern scholars. There is a variety of pottery in the class cleaning site, and the dark red pattern is painted on the backspace of the yellow yellow. These patterns are some of the ancient artists who want to do their best, some are well-thoughtful and careful drawn geometries, like patterns on the ashes of the ancient Greece. From the formation, some is a very fine high vase of the neck, which requires high production skills; some is a short large cylinder, but there is a very exquisite pattern, which is a bit less coordinated. In addition, some portraits of ivory and bone engraving, a glorious beads made with glass and secondary gems.

In 1982, the American archaeologist Joyz. White explored the production and use of pottery from the eagle of the octopus in the class:

In the early stage (around 1000 BC), swaying embossed, silk logo, and engraving patterns are generally used decoration techniques. To the early ventricular leaves, hand-drawn simple line pattern is increasingly popular. Some of the spherical pottery has a beautiful short floral side, some have a characteristic wire sign in the lower part, and some have a red painting and engraving pattern in the shoulder, which appear in the end of the early stage.

Mid-term (approximately 300 years ago to 300 BC) is a larger pottery capacity and smaller ceramic thickness, silk logo and engraving have become more fine. Different types of kente pottery in the Sanqing medium-term funerary, some pottery have a pattern of engraving and coloring, and some pottery has a white keel, and some keel vessels are inlaid with a thick red side.

Earthen utensils in the late stage (300 years from 300 years to AD 200) are common with red dragonfly on yellow, with red pottery and red polishing pottery, these pottery have distinctive manual design features. Mainly with roll shaped, scroll, S roll, concentric circular, etc. Simple, polished, pottery that does not draw patterns is also prepared in the late stage, with pottery with sacrifice is a well-drawn red yellow harburized pottery.

In the later archaeological excavation, with more and more bronze and pottery, archaeologists focus on the prehistoric nationalities of the class, and more and more questions.

Joyce White once wrote: From the bronze, it is the most prosperous period, "must be a regional center, but what kind of center is What? "He painted a huge question mark here.

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