Home Technique Bill Castle

Bill Castle

historical development

Pa Johnson family previously very involved in science, photography, steam power and electricity. In 1845, the third generation Ross (Rosse) Earl William Parsons built here a diameter 1.8 meters, weighs 10 tons telescope (The Great Telescope). Newton's time, the telescope lens is small, only see the moon, the sun and some of the planet, while the Earl of Ross telescope, the lens diameter of 1.8288 foot wide, became the world's largest telescope highest magnification and using this telescope, Earl Parsons saw a shape the beautiful spiral nebula, was later confirmed to be human for the first time observed a spiral galaxy.

since 1620 has lived by the Johnson family for generations Birr Castle Pa (Birr Castle) it shows the owner's family dynasties wisdom and imagination. 17th century, where tree planting square fence Guinness Book of Records is the world's highest hedge; the 18th century, the beautiful artificial lake formed; the 19th century, the drawbridge and the completion of the winter garden; Formal Garden, Terrace Garden and River Gardens are a model called the garden boutique. In fact, the garden is full of Birr Castle in Ireland's largest garden, where 50 trees also known as "the British Isles champion trees."

In addition to the above honor, William Earl and Countess Mary's son Charles invention is famous: a steam turbine engine. This engine has worked on the Mauretania and Queen Elizabeth ship.

Birr Castle (5)


Irish history Science Center will be located in a converted horse farm buildings Countess Mary in the 19th century designed .

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