Home Technique Bin - Einstein Condensation Status

Bin - Einstein Condensation Status


All of the quantum states of all atoms are gathered in a single quantum state, referred to as glass cohesion or glass - Einstein aggregation. In 1920, Satan de la Nat Bide and Albert Einstein predicted this state based on the statistical mechanics research on photons.

July 22, 2005, the University of Utrecht University, Rodi Brodo, found 1924 Einstein handwritten in Paul Ellenfust's profile. The draft of the original text. The results of the studies of Bags and Einstein are the glass gases of Blass - Einstein statistics. Blass - Einstein Statistics is the theory of statistical distribution of bicycles. Bolt, including atoms such as photons and helium-4, you can share the same quantum. Einstein speculates that after cooling the glass, they will "fall into" ("aggregation") to the lowest possible quantum state, resulting in a new phase.


1938, Peter Cather, John Allen and Winter McGona, the helium-4 will become a temperature drop to 2.2 k. A new liquid state called super fluid. Overflow helium has many very unusual features, such as zero viscosity, whose vortex is quantified. Soon people recognize the cause of the ultra-liquid is the basin - Einstein aggregation. In fact, Cornell and Wimman's gaseous glass-Einstein aggregate present many superfluid properties.

"Real" Bolt - Einstein is the first to be manufactured by Cornell and Wimman and his assistant in the Tianzhi Physical Laboratory Joint Institute to be manufactured from June 5, 1995. They use laser cooling and evaporation of evaporation in the magnetic trap to reduce the temperature of about 2,000 thin gaseous 铷 -87 atoms to 170 NK, and obtain a glass-Einstein aggregation. Four months later, Wolfgang Kteler, the MITS, used sodium-23 to independently acquired BAC - Einstein aggregation. Ktil's conjugate compacted with Cornell and Wimman contains about 100 times of atoms so that he can use his condensation to achieve some very important results, such as he can observe quantum diffraction between two different aggregates. In 2001, Cornell, Wimman and Kitler share the Nobel Physics Award for their research.

Cornell, Wimman and Kitler have caused many test items. For example, November 2003 Inland University of Rudolf Grem, University of Colorado, Colorado, Colorado Gold and Kitler, made the first molecule composition, Einstein aggregation .

Compared to other phases that general people encounter, the glass-Einstein condense is very unstable. Blass - Einstein agglomeration and the world's extremely tiny interaction is enough to heat them over the critical temperature, broken down into a single atom, so there is no chance to appear practical applications in the short term.

On May 17, 2016, the research team from the University of New South Wales and Australian University of Australia has used artificial intelligence to create a glass - Einstein aggregation. The role of artificial intelligence in this experiment is to adjust the laser beam of demanding temperatures and prevent atom escape.

We know that gas atoms at room temperature are like billiards, between the atoms and the mutual collision between the walls, their interaction complies with classic mechanics law; low temperature atomic movement, its interaction Compliance with quantum mechanics, it describes its movement by Debro omy, the debron wavelength λdb is smaller than the distance d between atoms, and its movement is determined by the number of quantum attributes. We know that the number of spins is the particles of the integer as a bicycle, and the number of spins is a half integer particle for Fermiz.

The glass is an overall characteristic, collectively collecting the same quantum (normality) at low temperatures; the Fermons have mutually exclusive characteristics, and they cannot occupy the same quantity, so other Fermons It has to occupy a high energy, and the electron in the atom is a typical Fermi.

As early as 1924, there is another substance state in 1924, there is another material state - glass Einstein cold gear, that is, the temperature is low enough, the atomic movement speed is sufficient Said, they will collect the minimum energy of energy. At this time, all atoms have the same physical properties like an atom.

According to Deblozo relationship in quantum mechanics, λdb = h / p. The slower the motion speed of the particles (the lower the temperature), the longer the wavelength of the material wave. When the temperature is sufficiently low, the distance between the atom's Deblo wavelength and the atom is in the same stage. At this time, the material wave is fully identical, and its properties are a wave function of one atom. It will be described; when the temperature is absolute, the thermal movement disappears, and the atom is in an ideal glass Einstein cold condenser. Since the quantum mechanics book "See the micro-knowledge"

for reducing the light speed

Although the glass - Einstein is difficult to understand, it is also very interesting. Features. For example, they can have an abnormal high optical density. In general, the refractive index of agglomeration is very small because its density is much smaller than the usual solid. However, the use of lasers can change the atomic state of the glass-Einstein, which increases its factor of a certain frequency. Such a speed at which the speed of the radius is plummeted, even down to millimeter.

Indicated glass - Einstein aggregation can be used as a black hole model, and the incident light does not escape. The agglomeration can also be used to "freeze" light so that the light of "frozen" will be released at the time of aggregation decomposition.


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