Home Technique Chang Yuan (Social Systems Engineering Expert)

Chang Yuan (Social Systems Engineering Expert)

Personal profile

Chang Yuan (Yon CHUNG, 1964.02~), male, director and professor of China Aerospace Social System Engineering Laboratory (CALSSE), researcher of Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, Professor of the Institute of Resources and Environmental Information Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University, member and researcher of the Beijing Realizer Institute of Social Systems Engineering.

Field exploration

In the early 1980s, he began to follow Qian Xuesen in the field of legal system engineering, social system engineering, and human science; formerly served as the Northwest University of Political Science and Law (now Northwest University of Political Science and Law) "Discussion: Interdisciplinary Legal System Research Journal" Editor-in-Chief (Interdisciplinary Exploration Team), Director of the Institute of Law System Engineering of the Beijing Professor Lecture Group of the National Education Commission, Director of the Law System Engineering Center of the Central Academy of Political and Law Management, China Reform Industry Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Investment Consulting Department (first) general manager, and head of the Comprehensive Teaching Department of the School of Social Engineering, China University of Political Science and Law; 1993 was included in the roster of experts by the United Nations Interregional Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), and was awarded the "Judicial Ministry of Outstanding Youth" title.

Fields of expertise

Complex systems, the law of civilization evolution, social systems engineering [including political systems engineering (political civilization), cultural systems engineering (spiritual civilization), economic systems engineering (material civilization) ), environmental system engineering (ecological civilization), safety system engineering, etc.)], life system engineering/talent system engineering (human-centered civilization), governance excellence and research/modeling/simulation in the field of Eastern philosophy/religion/ Design/development/legislation/evaluation/consultant/planning/education.

Main ideas

◆ Proposes a generalized market observation control model system as the law of complex social system operations-"Model Architecture for Observing & Controlling the Generalized Market" (Model Architecture for Observing & Controlling the Generalized Market - 10 Laws of Inaction Pyramid).

◆ In the late 1980s, Deng Xiaoping’s global strategic thinking on “peace and development” was generalized into a pair of more general theoretical concepts: “Security and Development” (Security and Development, S&D), used to express the goals pursued by subjects of any size. The two-level goals of the social system or any subject can be roughly divided into security (lower goals) and development (upper goals):

(1) The security goals can be subdivided into two levels—the subject’s survival security ( Survival interest) and other security of the subject (not losing other existing interests based on the survival interest);

(2) Development can be understood as the subject gaining new benefits on the basis of safety .

Because the objective prerequisite for the subject to engage in any activity is the existence of the subject, the so-called "safety first" first emphasizes the subject's survival safety first.

◆ Based on the subject's "Security and Development" (Security and Development, S&D) two-tier architecture, it is proposed that environmental construction/environmental system engineering/ecological civilization construction should not be limited to the negative "environment From the perspective of “protection”, we should systematically understand the three levels of environmental construction/environmental system engineering/ecological civilization construction:

(1) We must try our best to restore the environment that has been destroyed;

(1) p>

(2) We must resolutely protect the environment that has not been destroyed;

(3) In addition, we must continue to carry out new environmental Continuous improvement, better and better.

Among them, the first two belong to the category of "Environment Security"; the latter belong to the category of "Environment Development". The broad concept of environment includes natural environment (such as natural resources, etc.) and artificial environment (such as human settlement environment, etc.).

◆ Human civilization is a people-oriented civilization (Man-oriented Civilization, People-oriented Civilization), with its scientific and internal system structure, and its core structure is based on people (social subject) The need-interest triadic structure (Triadic Structure) is composed of three major subsystems: material civilization, spiritual civilization, and political civilization. The material civilization subsystem aims to meet/realize the material needs/benefits, economic needs/benefits of the society, and provide sufficient material conditions for other civilization subsystems; the spiritual civilization subsystem aims to meet/realize the spiritual needs/benefits and culture of the society Needs/interests, and provide sufficient spiritual conditions for other civilization subsystems; the political civilization subsystem aims to satisfy/realize social political needs/interests through the use of public power, and provide sufficient political conditions for other civilization subsystems. Ecological civilization aims to coordinate the relationship between the social system and its environment (including the natural environment and the artificial environment), and meet/realize the environmental needs/benefits and ecological needs/benefits of the society.

◆ It is believed that the excellent governance model in the era of globalization is the high integration of Security and Development (S&D), the high harmony of nature, people, and society, and the high integration of science, democratization, and standardization. And a social system engineering model that transcends ideological barriers.

◆ Social system engineering is a scientific method for coordinating the coordinated and sustainable development of human civilization/people-oriented civilization, material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization, and ecological civilization. Its implementation framework is "{[(1 +1)+1]+1}+1", that is, "{[(economic systems engineering+cultural systems engineering)+political systems engineering]+environmental systems engineering}+(talent system engineering/people’s livelihood system engineering)", or { [(Material civilization+spiritual civilization)+political civilization]+ecological civilization}+(human-oriented civilization/people-oriented civilization)”.

◆ As the name implies, “socialism” should mean “realizing the whole The doctrine of social interest"-the doctrine that all members of society can fairly, fully and continuously share security and development.

◆ Believe that "agriculture, whether advanced or backward, is essentially a biological industry. Agricultural products are actually biological products...The innovation of biotechnology will bring about the overall sublimation of human agricultural civilization, and the backward rural social system can evolve to an advanced stage of continuous development beyond the industrial-agricultural and urban-rural differences. . This is a golden opportunity for traditional agricultural countries and developed countries to completely change their own destiny on the same starting line for new industries. We are fortunate enough to be at the beginning of this huge historical transformation..."; proposed the "Project Shangri-la" (Project Shangri-la) and "post-villa era" concept of "this villa", thinking that urban residents seek "villas" (" "Villas elsewhere") actually means dissatisfaction, disappointment, and yearning for the natural environment for their urban living environment; for backward agricultural countries or rural areas that have not been urbanized or urbanized, their living environment construction should have a future vision , Can leap into the "local villa era".

Main activities

In the early 1990s, a number of rotation training courses for national prefectural/municipal law committee secretaries and judicial directors were held. "Social System Engineering Lecture Series"; invited from 1994 to 1995, as a member of the social system engineering expert group to participate in China's first social system engineering practice promotion activity (Hainan Wenchang), and achieved significant benefits. Participated in the "Theory of Comprehensive Management of Social Security in China" And Practice" project (a key project of the National Philosophy and Social Science "7·5" Planning undertaken by the Chinese Law Society), engaged in public security system engineering methods, public security goals and index systems, public security forecasts, public security measurement, social stability models, etc. Research and provide information technology support; at the end of the 1980s, engaged in the development and application of the "General Chinese Retrieval System GRS" in the field of legal information retrieval (the "863 Program" project undertaken by the National Information Center); during the 11th Asian Games in 1990, Participated in information system maintenance and computer virus prevention and was commended; in the early 1990s, co-hosted the Ministry of Justice "National Lawyer Management Information System Project (LMIS)" and "National Lawyers Qualification Examination Results Statistical Analysis and Admission Decision Support System (SASMLE)" , "Ministry of Justice Office Network System" and other projects, participated in the "Crime Prediction Research" project (funded by the former National Education Commission "Outstanding Young Teacher Fund"), engaged in research plan design, high-intelligence/high-tech crime, drug crime, etc. Research and provide information technology support; later participated in the overall design of "148 National Legal Service Telephone System Project"; in the mid-1990s, began to engage in research on new security/military concepts in the era of globalization; in early 2002, began to work with members of the social system engineering expert group Jiang Han, Kong Changsheng, Huo Xiandan, etc. co-founded the "Relevant Project (TSETE)" framework; since July 2002, as a member of the Social System Engineering Expert Group Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, representative of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference), engaged in the research of regional social system engineering in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. Co-host of the project of "Promoting Scientific Development and Promoting Social Harmony" Social System Engineering in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province (Major Science and Technology Plan Project in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province); Participated in the "New Century Network Course Construction Project" of the Ministry of Education from 2002 to 2003 (for 21st Century Course Textbook) "Xing "Internet Courses on Lawsuit Law" (; from 2005 to 2006, he participated in the "Guangdong Province Juvenile Crime Prevention Regulations (Draft)" legislative system project; in 2007, he participated in the "Government Administration Systematic Analysis and Prevention and Control Models of Illegal Acts——Also on the Procuratorial Supervision of Government Administrative Illegal Acts" (Procuratorial Theory Research Project of the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province 2006~2007); Hosted the National Judicial Examination by the Judicial Examination College of China University of Political Science and Law in 2007 Test-oriented training system engineering/"TSETE-SJE Ⅱ" (TSETE-SJE Ⅱ)" project; participated in the "Guangdong Youth Protection Regulations (Revised Draft)" Legislation System Project in 2008; May 2008 ~ April 2009, Presided over the sub-project of "Science and Technology Supporting System Architecture for Forensic Expertise" of the major policy research project of China Association for Science and Technology: "Science and Technology Supporting Role and Access Mechanism in Forensic Expertise".

Main works

"Science and Technology Concepts-New Technological Revolution and Criminal Investigation" (1984),

"Win the hearts of the people-the optimization of open system trial decision-making Discussion" (1985),

"Legal System Engineering Teaching Outline (Central Political and Law Management Cadre Academy Textbook)" (1985),

"Computer Technology and Its Application in the Field of Rule of Law ( Central Political and Law Management Cadre Academy Textbook)" (1985),

"Public Security System Engineering Teaching Outline (Central Political and Law Management Cadre Academy Textbook)" (1985),

"The Only Way—On Establishing a New System of Environmental Management System Engineering Guaranteed by the Legal System" (1986),

"Relational Analysis of Grey System-Introducing New Methods of Quantitative Law" (1985),

"Gray System ——A New Method of Quantitative Research in Law" (1986),

"Facing the Future-A Bird's-eye View of Legal Science from a Systematic View" (1987),

"Legal System Engineering Course Setting up the problem" (1988),

"Welcome the great evolution of mankind itself-"Human potential and future society" Substitution Preface" (1988.05),

"Unrest Model-Mutation The Application of Theory in Prison Administration (1988),

The Objectives and Index System of Comprehensive Management of Social Security (1989),

A Course on System Engineering of the Rule of Law and Modernization of the Rule of Law (Textbook)" (1989),

"Law System Engineering Education Review and Prospect of the Central Academy of Political Science and Law" (1990),

"Review and Forecast of Computer Crime" (1991) ),

"National Lawyers Qualification Examination Results Statistical Analysis and Admission Decision Support System Overview" (1992),

"Social System Engineering Outline (National Prefectural/Municipal Legal Committee Secretary and Judicial "Lecture Notes for the Rotation Training Course for Directors" (1993),

"Outline of Decision-making System Engineering (Handouts for the Rotation Training Course for Directors of the Prefectural/Municipal Legal Committee and Judicial Directors)" (1993),

Introduction to System Science and System Engineering (Lecture Notes for the Rotation Training Course for the Secretary of the National Prefectural/Municipal Law Committee and Judicial Director)" (1993),

"Adopting measures to local conditions, using modern scientific methods to explore the road to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics— —Some Basic Ideas for Promoting Social System Engineering in Wenchang County, Hainan Province" (1994),

"Adapt to the needs of the socialist market economy for legal talents, reform the in-service education system of political and legal institutions, concentrate expenditures, and optimize the structure , Proposals for the Establishment of "National Judicial Academy" and Local Judicial Academy-System Engineering Perspectives" (1994),

"Lawyers and "System Engineering Case Handling Law" (1994),

"Talking about Social System Engineering" (1995),

"Systematic View of the Socialist Share Legal System" (2000),

"The Rule of Law System Project: A Scientific Way to Realize the Strategy of Governing the Country According to Law-Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Qian Xuesen’s Creation of the Rule of Law System Project" (2000),

Systematic Thinking and "Three Represents" Thoughts of Three Generations of Leadership" (2001),

"Exam-oriented Training System Engineering ("Relevant Project", TSETE) Descriptor Indexing Specification"", "Exam-oriented Training System Engineering ("Relevant Project", TSETE) Courseware Coding Specification", "Examination Training System Engineering ("Relevant Project", TSETE) Test Question Coding Specification", "Examination Training System Engineering ("Relevant Project", TSETE) Courseware Decomposition and Integration Specification" """, "Examination-oriented Training System Engineering ("Relevant Project", TSETE) Test Bank Construction Specification" and other "Relevant Project" (TSETE) technical documents ("Globalized Era of Excellence in Governance and Social System Engineering" Research Plan · Talent System Engineering Technical Documents ), Social System Engineering Expert Group·Beijing Realizer Social System Engineering Research Institute Talent System Engineering Center, 2002~2003),

Reading Notes of "Report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" (" Reference materials for the International Research Program of "System Thinking for Chinese Leadership", Social Systems Engineering Expert Group·Beijing Realizer Institute of Social Systems Engineering, November 2002),

"Yulin City, Shaanxi Province" promotes scientific development, Promoting Social Harmony "The Basic Framework of Social System Engineering" (2003~2007, in cooperation with the Yulin Municipal Committee of Shaanxi Province of the Communist Party of China),

"Safety Issues and Safety System Engineering in the Era of Globalization—Concurrently Discussing Scientific Safety and Development View (Part I) (Part II)", collated and revised version of speeches made at the "Safety Construction" seminar in some urban areas across the country (Ningbo·September 17-19, 2004), serialized in "Chinese Journal of Prisons", 2005 Issues 4 and 6 of the year; the abstract is published in the Haishu District Committee of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, Haishu District People's Government, and Ningbo Municipal Law Committee of the Communist Party of China Zhejiang Province: "Proceedings of the Seminar on "Safety Construction" in Some Urban Areas in the Country", 2004 September 2009, pages 9-10, "Experts Forum".

"The Systematic Semantics of "Scientific Development View" and "Harmonious Society"-A Scientific Interpretation of Contemporary Chinese Leadership System Thinking", "Chinese Leadership System Thinking International Research Project" research report.

"The Basic Framework of Talent System Engineering—The Integrated and Integrated Approach to Excellent Talent Management in the Era of Globalization" (2005),

The Important Role of Realizing Excellent Governance in the Field of Authentication and Evidence" (Invited speech at the "Forensic Expertise Rules and Regulations Legislation Seminar" on March 30, 2006),

"Public Security System Engineering-China in Frontier Exploration in the Field of Crime Prevention and Control" (2006),

"Systematic Analysis and Prevention and Control Models of Government Administrative Illegal Acts——Also on the Procuratorial Supervision of Government Administrative Illegal Acts" (Guangdong Provincial People’s Procuratorate 2006 ~2007 Procuratorial Theory Research Project),

"The Illustrated Edition of the "Report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China"" ("Chinese Leadership System Thinking" International Research Project Reference Materials, Social System Engineering Expert Group·Beijing Realizer Social Systems Engineering Research Institute, October 2007);

"National Judicial Examination Examination Training System Engineering (TSETE-SJE) Implementation Framework" (2007), etc.

Main course

◆ The system structure of civilization and the law of civilization evolution;

◆ Social System Engineering (SSE) and Governace Excellence );

◆ The system thinking of the Chinese leadership;

◆ Mao Zedong’s system thinking (including the systematic interpretation of the theory of contradiction, epistemology, and practice);

◆ Introduction to System Science and System Engineering;

◆ Computer Fundamentals and Applications;

◆ Computer technology and its applications in the social field;

◆ System thinking ( Systems Thinking);

◆ International standards related to systems engineering (including ISO/IEC 15288, ISO/IEC 15504, ISO9000 family standards, excellent performance evaluation criteria, European excellence model, common evaluation framework, CMMI, UML Etc.);

◆ System engineering case handling method;

◆ Decision system engineering;

◆ Complex social system evolution (including human subject and non-human subject Generalized social system; evolution includes evolution and degradation);

◆ Interests-driven Mechanism for Promotion and Restriction in complex social systems;

◆ Generalized market control Model Architecture for Observing & Controlling the Generalized Market-"10 Laws of Inaction Pyramid" for complex social system operations;

◆ "Project Shangri-la (Project Shangri-la) )"——The way of transcendence of traditional agricultural countries in unprecedented challenges and unprecedented opportunities in the era of globalization;

◆ (Generalized) Principles of Safety System Engineering;

◆ "Bhagavad Gita" And Eastern System Thinking;

◆ "Tao De Jing" and Eastern System Thinking;

◆ "36 Strategies" and Eastern System Thinking;

◆ Life System Engineering ;

◆ Social system engineering practice, etc.

Academic lectures

Mainly include "Chinese leadership systems thinking and social systems engineering", "Social systems engineering and excellent governance", "Civilization evolution law", "Complex social system view "Control Law", "Life System Engineering", "Introduction to System Science and System Engineering" and other lecture tours:

◆ "Technology Concepts-New Technological Revolution and Criminal Investigation" (Discussion Editor, Northwest University of Political Science and Law Ministry"·1984);

◆ "Win the hearts of the people-Discussion on the optimization of open system trial decision-making" (paper presented at the First China Law System Engineering Symposium Conference, Beijing·1985.04);

< p>◆ "The System Engineering of the Rule of Law and the Modernization of the Rule of Law" (academic report in the third national political and law leadership training class of the Central Academy of Political Science and Law, Beijing·1985.09);

◆ "Gray System Association Analysis" ——Introducing the New Method of Quantitative Law" (Thesis presented at the 2nd National Grey System Theory Conference, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan·1986);

◆ "Human Body Science and the Rule of Law" (in the Central Government Academic report at the 2nd National Politics and Law Leaders Training Class of the School of Management, Beijing, 1986);

◆ "Qian Xuesen's Proposals for Promoting the Rule of Law System Project", this article is based on Qian Xuesen's 1985-1990 Sorting out some letters of Yuan Yuan (former director of the Law System Engineering Center of the Central Academy of Political Science and Law); published in Beijing: "Journal of the Central Academy of Political Science and Law", 1992 Issue 2 (Total Issue 2); also included in Xi'an: "Politics and Law Education Research" (Northwest University of Political Science and Law), Issue 2, 1992.

◆ "Adjust measures to local conditions and use modern scientific methods to explore the road to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics-some basic ideas for the promotion of social system engineering in Wenchang County, Hainan Province" (Comprehensive Management of Social Security in Wenchang County, Hainan Province Speech at the plenary meeting of the Committee 1994);

◆ "Let the light of system thinking illuminate the road of life operations, devote yourself to the vast world, and create the Oriental Shangri-La in the era of globalization-a speech at the end of the century at China Agricultural University "(2000.12.18, the anniversary of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China);

◆ "Using system thinking, grasping the evolution of civilization, advancing with the times, making unremitting innovations, and being a representative of green civilization in the era of globalization And Realizers——Science Speech in Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of Academician Qian Xuesen’s Birth" (China Agricultural University·12.11, 2000);

◆ "The system thinking of the Central Leadership of the Communist Party of China and the "Three Represents" ideological system and "Government Strategies for Combination of Germany and Law" (Academic report on the "Law/Legal System Engineering Review and Prospect Symposium" jointly organized by China System Engineering Society, Beijing System Engineering Society, and China University of Political Science and Law, 2001.04.14).

◆ "Era of Knowledge and Globalization Full of Complexity: Relentlessly Creating Oneself Between "Hell and Heaven", and Becoming a Continuous Understanding and Realizer of the Value of Life" (School of Social Engineering, China University of Political Science and Law ·2001.09.04~06).

◆ "The Systematic Structure of the "Three Represents" Thought——Also on the Scientific Thinking, Systematic Thinking and Innovative Thinking of the Central Leadership of the Communist Party of China in the Era of Globalization" (Party Committee of the School of Social Engineering, China University of Political Science and Law The center group studied Jiang Zemin's "Speech at the Commemoration Meeting to Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" conference·2001.09.14);

◆ "From the framework of the Chinese leadership system thinking about the "three represents" ideological system Theoretical Structure and Practice Mechanism" (All the teachers of the School of Social Engineering of China University of Political Science and Law studied Jiang Zemin's "Speech at the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" Conference·2001.09.18);

◆ "Based on Need- The Ternary Structure of Human Civilization of Interests——The Systematic Thinking of the Chinese Leadership to Scientifically Grasp the Evolution of Civilization in the Era of Globalization", edited by Ye Tao based on the author’s speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (London) on the afternoon of November 19, 2002 (;

◆ The Triad Structure of Human Civilization Based on Demands-Interests: The Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership for Grasping the Civilization Evolution Scientifically in Worldization Times, This article is according to the audiotape of a talk by the writer at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA, London, UK) on November 19th, 2002. ( ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=545)

◆ "The Systematic Thinking of Contemporary Chinese Leaders to Grasp the Evolution of Civilization" (an academic lecture given by the Chinese Lawyers Association·2002.04.18);

◆ "Scientific Thinking Mode in the Era of Globalization——System Thinking·System Science·System Engineering Introduction" ("Social System Engineering and Excellent Governance" Lecture Tour, China University of Political Science and Law·2002.04.04);

◆ "Using System Thinking, Grasping Future Life, and Being the Continuous Comprehension and Realizer of the Value of Life in the Age of Globalization-A Talk on Life System Engineering" ("Life System Engineering" "Lecture Tour, China University of Political Science and Law·2002.04.11);

◆ "From the framework of social system engineering, the Chinese Communist Party’s systematic thinking and exploration practice in grasping the evolution of civilization in the era of globalization" ("Chinese leadership system "Thinking and Social System Engineering" lecture tour, China University of Political Science and Law·2002.04.18);

◆ "Enterprise System Engineering in the Era of Globalization——Also on the Law of Civilization Evolution, System Thinking of Chinese Leadership and Enterprise Development "(The Auditorium of the Management Committee of China’s Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone·2002.05.15);

◆ "The Communist Party of China in the Era of Globalization Grasp the Systematic Thinking of the Evolution of Civilization" The 81st Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China·Meeting the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Academic Lecture on Engineering and Social Systems Engineering" (to the law students of the School of Applied Arts and Sciences, Peking University·2002.11.06);

◆ "The Communist Party of China in the Era of Globalization Grasp the Systematic Thinking of the Evolution of Civilization" (in Beijing Speech at the 15th Party Knowledge Training Class of the University Party School·2002.11.11);

◆ "Viewing Life and Society with System Thinking——Also on the Rural Development Research Association of China Agricultural University" (China Agriculture University Rural Development Research Association·2004);

◆ "Social System Engineering and System Thinking of Chinese Leadership" (Academic Lecture at the Institute of Resources and Environmental Information Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University·2005.10.05) ;

◆ "Promote regional leaping and sustainable development with system thinking-and discuss the system thinking of contemporary Chinese leadership" (Speech at the Shihezi National Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee·2005.10.07);

◆ "System Thinking and Life Systems Engineering in the Era of Globalization" (Academic Lecture at Sun Yat-Sen University Law School·2006.01.10);

◆"System Engineering and Related International The Important Role of Sexual Standards in the Realization of Excellent Governance in the Field of Forensic Expertise and Evidence" (Invited speech at the "Forensic Expertise Rules and Regulations Legislation Seminar" on March 30, 2006);

◆ "Social System Engineering and Law Research" (Academic lecture in the IP graduate class of China University of Political Science and Law·2006.03.15);

◆ "Social System Engineering, Life System Engineering and its Harmonious Unity" (in Northwestern Polytechnical University The academic lecture of the Institute of Information Engineering of Resources and Environment·2006.06.25);

◆ "The Way of Playing-Leading the Trend of "Playing Things" in the unprecedented challenges and opportunities of the global age "(Haitian International Manager Liuzhou Club·2006.11.03);

◆ "The System of Chinese Leadership Thinking and Building a Harmonious Society" ("Chinese Leadership System Thinking and Social System Engineering" lecture tour, to Liuzhou City Propaganda and Cultural System Leaders, Liuzhou City Press Center·2006.11.04);

◆ "A Brief Discussion on Environmental System Engineering and Ecological Civilization" (Academic Lecture at the Beijing Base of the Institute of Resources and Environmental Information Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University·2007.06.25);

◆ "System Thinking and the Chinese Leadership Scientific Outlook on Development" (academic report on the "Science Development Club" activity of the Party School of Yulin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shaanxi Province·2007.08.02); Spiritual Social System Engineering Framework" (Academic lecture at the Beijing Base of the Institute of Resources and Environmental Information Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University·2007.11.07);

◆ "From the Chinese leadership system thinking and social system engineering The framework looks at the leapfrog development of labor and social security." (Report for the leaders of the labor and social security system in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, Executive Conference Room of the People's Government of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province · November 16, 2007).

◆ "System Thinking, System Engineering, Civilized Architecture and Social System Engineering" (academic lecture at the Beijing Base of the Institute of Resources and Environmental Information Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University·2008.06.14).

◆ "Exploring the Mysteries of Life-Viewing the Way of Life from System Engineering" (2008-28 Issue of Academic Lectures of Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University (Issue 58), also a graduate student of Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University "Legal Frontiers" course · 2008.09.25).

◆ "Evidence System Engineering-Laying the Foundation of Reality for a Harmonious World" (on behalf of Huo Xiandan, Yang Jianguang, Chang Yuan, Hua Wei, Xue Huifeng, Zhang Xixian at the "Forensic Expertise Forum-and the First National University Judicial Expertise "Theory and Practice Symposium" (Huangshan, China), the conference speech on the paper of the same name, 2008.09.27).

◆ "Systematic Thinking and Social System Engineering of Chinese Leadership-Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening-up and the 97th Birthday of Mr. Qian Xuesen" (Northwestern Polytechnical University "Hundred Celebrities" Report and "Postgraduate Education Report", 2008 (December 19, 2016 at the Chang'an Campus of Northwestern Polytechnical University).

◆ "Civilizational System Architecture and Social System Engineering-Also on the System Thinking of Chinese Leadership and the "Shangri-La Project"" ["The 2nd China Ecological Well-off Forum" (Theme: Ecological Civilization and Scientific Development )" Keynote Speech, Luoyang, China·2009.06.27].

◆ "Ten Laws of the Pyramid of Inaction"-The Essentials of Operational Research for Complex Social Systems Based on the Generalized Market Control Model System (1~3)" [Lecture series given on Buddhism Online, 2009.07.02, 2009.07.09, 2009.07.16, Beijing].

◆ "Life System Engineering-Talking about the "10 Laws of the Pyramid of Inaction" (Northwest Industry University Resource and Environmental Information Engineering Institute 2009 Ph.D\Master Graduate Entrance Training Report·2009.07.04 PM).

◆ "Social System Engineering—Concurrently Talking about the Architecture of Civilization and the Systematic Thinking of Chinese Leadership And "Shangri-La Project" (2009 PhD\Master's Entrance Training Report of the Institute of Resource and Environmental Information Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University·2009.07.04 night).

◆ "Systematic Methodology of Investigation and Research"[ The academic report made in the "National Court Research Cadre Training Course", Beijing: National Judges Academy·2009.07.22].

◆ "Evidence System Engineering-Laying the Foundation of Truth for a Harmonious World" [On behalf of Huo Xiandan , Chang Yuan, Yang Jianguang, Hua Wei, Xue Huifeng, Zhang Xixian at the "The 2nd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science" (The 2nd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science) gave an academic speech on the paper of the same name·2009.07.25] .

With the poet Haizi

Chang Yuan is a friend of the poet Haizi (Cha Haisheng). Haizi is very interested in Chang Yuan’s human science research, and has repeatedly communicated with Chang Yuan. Yuan Yuan, Sun Ge, Hua Wei, Ma Shen and others discussed human science, "The Tao Te Ching", the ancient Indian classic "Bhagavad Gita" and Tibetan Buddhism. However, they wrote Chang Yuan and Sun in several suicide notes before committing suicide in 1989. Ge is listed as a persecutor who exerts mental control on him. There is a more detailed analysis of this in Liaoyuan’s "Haizi Critic Biography" (Revised Edition, Changchun: Times Literature and Art Publishing House, 2006 1st Edition).

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