Home Technique Chekenkov effect

Chekenkov effect

Physics Interpretation

Although according to the narrow relativity, the motion speed of the static mass is not possible to exceed the speed of the light speed c in the vacuum, but the light is in the medium The propagation speed (phase speed) is smaller than c , for example, in water (refractive index n ≈1.33) is only 0.75 c phase speed In proposing, the object can be accelerated to the light phase speed exceeding the dielectric, and the source of acceleration can be a nuclear reaction or a particle accelerator. When the charged particles pass through the medium in the medium in the medium, Trunet radiation will be issued.

Chekenkov effect

Further, the light speed to be exceeded by the particles is the phase speed of the light rather than group speed. Through the method of using a periodic medium, the phase speed of the light can be greatly changed, and even the Radikov radiation does not have a minimum particle speed - this phenomenon is called the Smith - Bysel effect. In a more complex periodic medium, such as photonic crystals, a wide variety of Chekenkov effects, such as reverse propagation radiation (in the usual checkered radiation, radiation and particle speed have an acute angle) .

The geometric relationship of Rirlenkov radiation

When a charged ultra-photometer is insulator, an photonic shock wave is generated.

Figure 1, c is a vacuum light speed, n is a refractive index of the medium, V is a particle speed (red Arrow), β is V / C . The blue arrow is a glow. In the geometry, the angle of this two direction is:


Chekenkov effect in high energy physics There is a wide range of uses with electrical particles and measure their speed. The chephino detector designed in accordance with the principle of the Turonkov effect is an example of its application. Such instruments can be used to determine the presence of high speed with electricity - atomic particles (such as protons) and their energy, in some cases, can also be used to identify charge particles of different quality. In 1955, it was found to rely on this kind of instrument. In addition, the cosmic ray counter can also be made according to the principle of the Chelnkov effect.


Chekenkov professor is discovered and explained, in 1958 with the Soviet physicist Tamm, Yili Ya Frank shares the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1946, he won the Made a bonus in the probe method of inventing high-speed charged particles. His three times awarded the Soviet national bonus, two of the Lenin Medal, two Working Red Flag Medal, and all other souvenirs. From 1964 to 1970, Chekenkov served academicians in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, raised to Academician of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in 1970.

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