Home Technique China National Party First National Congress

China National Party First National Congress

The First National Congress of the Chinese Kuomintang held from January 20 to 30, 1924. This meeting was held in the context of reorganizing the Kuomintang and promoting the country's cooperation. In accordance with the three major decisions of the CCP, more than 20 people and other more than 20 people, Tan Pingshan, Mao Zedong, Lin Zuhan, Zhang Guozhen, Li Li San, Qu Qiutebai participated in the meeting. Li Dazhao was assigned to the President of the General Assembly by Sun Yat-sen. Sun Yat-sen hosted the opening ceremony and committing a meeting. Tan Pingshan was a member of the Communist Party Group and on behalf of the Temporary Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang attended the work. The General Assembly considered and passed the draft "Declaration of the First National Congress of the Chinese National Party". The draft has made a new interpretation of Three People'sisings, including new content and new revolutionary spirit, identified the three major policies of UN, Joint, and supporting farm lading, called the new three-person-sized. The new Sanminist's political account is the basic principles of the Democratic Revolution of the Communist Party of China, and thus become a common program of cooperation between the country. The delegates have had a fierce argument on whether the Communist Party members participate in the Nationalist Party. When discussing the draft "China National Party Articles", some representatives have proposed the provisions of the "Party Membership of the Party" in the charter. The purpose is to oppose the "cross-party" of the Communist Party "crossword", which has been resolutely refuted by Li Dazhao and other representatives. Finally, the meeting adopted the "China National Party Constitution" and confirmed that the Communist Party members joined the principles of the Kuomintang in individuals. The declaration and charter adopted by the General Assembly is the political foundation of the country's cooperation. Due to the insistence of Sun Yat-sen, the Kuomintang right is in orally, but it is not willing to implement it. Whether to implement the declaration of the General Assembly, it is actually a core issue of the Later Communist Party and the Kuomintang left faction. The election has produced the Executive Committee of the Chinese Nationalist Party Central Committee. Communist Li Dazhao, Tan Pingshan, Yu Shu, Mao Zedong, Lin Zuhan, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Guozhen, Yu Ark, Han Lin, Shen Dingyi is selected as the central executive committee or the central candidate executive, accounting for a quarter of the total number of members. Then, the National Confucian Plenary Session, in the election of Liao Zhongkai, Tan Pingshan, and Dai Ji Tao as the Central Standing Committee. And decided to set up the central party. Communist Party members of the Ministry of Organization, Minister of Organization, Minister of Organization, Tan Pingshan, Minister of Petrong, Feng Ju, Department of Workers, Secretary of the Peasant, Peng Yu, and the secretary of the Organization Department Yang Yu'an. The National Congress of the China National Configue, marked the formal formal formal formation of the Kuomintang reorganization and the formal formation of the first national cooperation. The cooperation of the implementation of the country is the common needs of the country and the two parties to oppose imperialism and feudalvers, and it is also the needs of the respective development of the two parties.

China National Party First National Congress

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