Home Technique China Science and Technology Information Society

China Science and Technology Information Society

Organizational activities

Since its establishment, China Science and Technology Information Society has organized a large number of academic activities and consult, seminars and science activities for economic construction and scientific and technological progress. More than 100 academic activities at home and abroad have been held, including the four Beijing International Computer Information Management Symposium; exhibitions show products and technology at home and abroad; 9 delegations, more than 100 people Participate in the American Intelligence Society Annual Meeting, the FID Conference, the Asia Pacific Information Conference and the Visiting Academic Exchange Activities Cross-Straits; , Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, India and other countries and in my country, Taiwan and Hong Kong, have established extensive contacts with scientific and technological information experts from all over the world.

Construction purpose

Adhere to the scientific attitude and good style, unite organizing the majority of scientific and technological information workers, fully promote democracy, carry out academic research and exchange, promoting the popularization and information of scientific knowledge The development and utilization of resources, promoting scientific and technical information, for the society, economy, facing technology, for the prosperity and development services for the socialist market economy.

Main functions

1. Organizing academic exchange activities in intelligence science theory and practice;

2. Popularization of scientific and technical information knowledge, communication advanced technology, promotion Scientific and technological achievements;

3. Carry out consultation services, accept questions research, project development, market research, exhibition training and other entrusted tasks;

4. Communicate central and local science and technology information institutions and industries Inter-contact, closely domestic and foreign, friendly interaction between information groups and information workers at home and abroad, open up cooperative channels, strengthen international cooperation and exchange activities;

5. Recommended, reward outstanding papers, popular science works and doing Members who have greatly contributed;

6. Publishing academic books and science accessories;

China Science and Technology Information Society

7. Building a scientific and technological information worker.

Organizational Structure

Academic Committee

Organization Working Committee

Popular Working Committee

Strait of Science and Technology Information Exchange Commission

Cooperative Exchange Committee

Professional Committee:

Information Technology Professional Committee

Information Resources Professional Committee

Information Research and Consulting Professional Committee

Intelligence Theory and Education Training Professional Committee

Technology Publishing and Academy Professional Committee

Organization Publications

"情 月 刊))

" China Information Guide "(monthly magazine)

" public software "(half monthly magazine)

" Society Work " (Unsual)

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