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Chinese Computer History


In March 1956, a delegation composed of Professor Min Nai University, Professor Hu Shihua, Professor Xu Xianyu, Professor Zhang Xiaoxiang, Associate Research Fellow Wu Jikang, and party and government personnel from Peking University, Participated in the International Conference on "The Development Path of Computing Technology" hosted in Moscow. The participation in this conference can be said to be a trip to the former Soviet Union to "learn from experience" and make technical preparations for the computer part of my country's 12-year plan. Subsequently, in the 12-year plan formulated, it was determined that China would develop computers and approved the Chinese Academy of Sciences to establish four institutes of computing technology, semiconductors, electronics and automation. At that time, the Preparatory Office of the Institute of Computing Technology was jointly established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Third Department of the General Staff, the Fifth Academy of National Defense (Seventh Machine Department), and the Second Machine Department and Tenth Bureau (Fourth Machine Department). Peking University and Tsinghua University were also established accordingly. Computational mathematics and computer science. In order to quickly train computer professionals, these three areas jointly held the first computer and the first computational mathematics training class. The students of the computational mathematics training class were fortunate enough to hear the lectures given by Professor Qian Xuesen, an international cybernetic authority who has just returned to China, and Professor Dong Tiebao, who has 3-4 years of programming experience in the United States (he was the only domestic scholar who has really been in direct contact with computers for many years).

With the help of experts from the former Soviet Union, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led by senior engineer Zhang Zichang of the Seventh Machine Department, developed China’s first digital electronic computer 103 (fixed point 32 binary bits, 2500 per second) Second) It was delivered to use in 1958, and the backbones were young people such as Dong Zhanqiu and Wang Xinggang. Subsequently, China’s first large-scale digital electronic computer 104 (floating point 40 binary digits, 10,000 times per second) developed by the General Staff Professor Zhang Xiaoxiang was also delivered in 1959. The backbones were Jin Yilian, Su Dongzhuang, Liu Xigang, and Yao Xishan. , Zhou Xiling and so on. Among them, the magnetic core memory was completed by Fan Xinbi, an associate researcher of the Institute of Computing Technology, and Huang Yuheng, a senior engineer from the Seventh Machine Department. The first self-designed compilation system in China, built on the 104 machine and led by Zhong Cuihao and Dong Yunmei, was successfully tested in 1961.


Development of the first-generation electron tube computer


my country started in 1957 at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Developed a general-purpose digital electronic computer. On August 1, 1958, the machine could perform short program operation, marking the birth of my country's first electronic digital computer. The machine started small-scale production at the 738 factory and was named Type 103 computer (namely DJS-1 type). In May 1958, my country started the development of the first large-scale general-purpose electronic digital computer (104 machine). While developing the 104 machine, the scientific research team led by Academician Xia Peisu designed and successfully developed a small general-purpose electronic digital computer 107 machine for the first time in April 1960. In 1964, my country's first self-designed large-scale universal digital electronic tube computer 119 machine was successfully developed.

Development of the second-generation transistor computer


In 1965, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed my country’s first large-scale transistor computer: 109 Machine B: The 109 B machine was improved, and the 109 C machine was launched two years later. It played an important role in the trial production of the two bombs in my country and was praised by users as a "meritorious machine." The North China Institute of Computing Technology has successfully developed 108 machines, 108 B machines (DJS-6), 121 machines (DJS-21) and 320 machines (DJS-8), which were produced in five factories including the 738 factory. From 1965 to 1975, the 738 Factory produced more than 380 second-generation products including 320 machines. Harbin Military Industry (predecessor of National University of Defense Technology) successfully launched the 441B transistor computer in February 1965 and produced more than 40 units in small batches.

Computer development of the third generation of small and medium-sized integrated circuits

(1973-early 1980s)

In 1973, Peking University cooperated with Beijing Cable Power Plant and other units Successfully developed a large-scale general-purpose computer with a computing speed of 1 million operations per second. In 1974, Tsinghua University and other units jointly designed the DJS-130 minicomputer, and later introduced the DJS-140 minicomputer to form the 100 series of products. At the same time, with the North China Computing Institute as the main base, 57 units across the country are organized to jointly design the DJS-200 series of computers, and also design and develop the DJS-180 series of super minicomputers. In the late 1970s, the 32 Institute of the Ministry of Electronics and the National University of Defense Technology successfully developed the 655 and 151 respectively, with speeds in the million sub-levels. In the 1980s, my country's high-speed computers, especially vector computers, had new developments.

The fourth-generation VLSI computer development

Like foreign countries, the fourth-generation computer development in my country also started with a microcomputer. At the beginning of 1980, many units in my country also began to use Z80, X86 and 6502 chips to develop microcomputers. In 1983, the Sixth Institute of the 12th Electronic Department successfully developed the DJS-0520 microcomputer compatible with the IBM PC. Over the past 10 years, my country's microcomputer industry has gone through an extraordinary path. Domestic microcomputers represented by Lenovo microcomputers have occupied more than half of the domestic market.

Main Achievements

In 1958, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed my country's first small electronic tube general-purpose computer 103 (type Bayi), marking the birth of my country's first electronic computer .

In 1965, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed the first large transistor computer 109B, and then launched the 109C machine, which played an important role in the two bomb tests;

1974 In 1984, Tsinghua University and other units jointly designed and successfully developed a DJS-130 minicomputer using integrated circuits, with a calculation speed of 1 million times per second;

In 1983, the National University of Defense Technology successfully developed a calculation speed of 1 million times per second. The billion-time Galaxy-I supercomputer is an important milestone in the development of high-speed computers in China;

In 1985, the Computer Management Bureau of the Ministry of Electronics Industry successfully developed the Great Wall 0520CH microcomputer compatible with IBM PCs.

In 1992, the National University of Defense Technology developed the Galaxy-II general-purpose parallel supercomputer with a peak speed of 400 million floating point operations per second (equivalent to 1 billion basic operations per second). The four-processor vector machine of the memory, and its vector central processor is self-designed using small and medium-sized integrated circuits, and has generally reached the international advanced level in the middle and late 1980s. It is mainly used for medium-term weather forecasting;

In 1993, the National Intelligent Computer Research and Development Center (later the establishment of Beijing Shuguang Computer Company) successfully developed the Shuguang-1 fully symmetrical shared storage multiprocessor, which was the first time in China A parallel computer designed and developed based on a VLSI-based general-purpose microprocessor chip and a standard UNIX operating system;

In 1995, Sugon launched the country’s first large-scale parallel processor (MPP). ) Structured parallel machine Dawn 1000 (including 36 processors), with a peak speed of 2.5 billion floating-point operations per second, and the actual operating speed has reached the high-performance level of 1 billion floating-point operations per second. Dawning 1000 is similar to the massively parallel computer architecture and implementation technology introduced by Intel Corporation in the United States in 1990, and the gap with foreign countries has narrowed to about 5 years.

In 1997, the National University of Defense Technology successfully developed the Galaxy-III tens of billions of parallel supercomputer systems, using a scalable distributed shared storage parallel processing architecture, composed of more than 130 processing nodes, and peak performance per second 13 billion floating-point operations, and the system's comprehensive technology reached the international advanced level in the mid-1990s.

From 1997 to 1999, Sugon Corporation successively launched the Sugon 1000A, Sugon 2000-I, Sugon 2000-II super servers with cluster structure on the market. The peak computing speed has exceeded 100 billion per second. For sub-floating point operations, the scale of the machine has exceeded 160 processors.

In 1999, the Shenwei I computer developed by the National Parallel Computer Engineering Technology Research Center passed the national acceptance and was put into operation at the National Meteorological Center. The system has 384 arithmetic processing units with a peak computing speed of 384 billion operations per second.

In 2000, Sugon launched the Sugon 3000 super server with 300 billion floating-point operations per second.

In 2001, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed China’s first general-purpose CPU-the "Longson" chip

In 2002, Sugon launched the "Longteng" server with completely independent intellectual property rights. The Longteng server uses the "Longson-1" CPU, the dedicated server motherboard jointly developed by Sugon and the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Sugon LINUX operating system. This server is the first domestic product to fully realize its own property rights. Security and other departments will play a major role.

In 2003, Dawning 4000L, a mega-data processing super server, passed the national inspection and acceptance, which once again refreshed the historical record of domestically-made super-servers, bringing the domestically-made high-performance industry to a new level.

On April 9, 2003, it was launched by Suzhou National Core, Nanjing Panda, SMIC, Shanghai Hongli, Shanghai Belling, Hangzhou Silan, Beijing National Integrated Circuit Industrialization Base, Peking University, Tsinghua University The "C*Core (China Core) Industry Alliance" formed by 61 integrated circuit enterprises and institutions was announced in Nanjing, seeking to work together to build a complete industrial chain of China's integrated circuits.

The "Shenteng 6800" supercomputer, the main node of the National Grid undertaken by Lenovo, was officially developed on December 9, 2003. Its actual calculation speed reached 4.183 trillion operations per second, ranking 14th in the world. The operating efficiency is 78.5%.

On December 28, 2003, the "China Core Project" achievement report meeting was held in the Great Hall of the People. my country's "Starlight China Core" project developed and designed the 5th generation of digital multimedia chips. % Of the market share occupies the world's number one computer image input chip.

On March 24, 2004, at the executive meeting of the State Council, the "Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft)" was passed in principle, which marked that my country's electronic business has gradually entered the legal track.

On June 21, 2004, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy announced the latest global top 500 computer list. The supercomputer "Dawning 4000A" developed by Sugon Computer Corporation ranked tenth, with a computing speed of 8.061 Trillion times.

On April 1, 2005, the Electronic Signature Law was formally implemented. The "Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China" was officially implemented. Since then, electronic signatures have the same legal effect as traditional handwritten signatures and seals, and will promote and regulate the development of electronic transactions in China.

On April 18, 2005, "Loongson II" was officially unveiled. China’s first general-purpose high-performance CPU "Loongson II" with independent intellectual property rights developed by the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was officially unveiled.

On May 1, 2005, Lenovo completed the acquisition of IBM PC . Lenovo officially announced the completion of the acquisition of IBM's global PC business. Lenovo has become the world's third largest PC manufacturer with annual revenue of approximately US$13 billion after the merger and annual sales of approximately 14 million personal computers.

On August 5, 2005, the listing of Baidu Nasdaq skyrocketed. The stock of Baidu, the largest domestic search engine, was listed for trading on the Nasdaq market in the United States. The share price rose by 354% within one day, setting a record for the first-day increase of newly listed companies in the U.S. stock market in the past five years. As a result, Baidu became the Chinese company with the highest share price and raised To 109 million U.S. dollars, 40% more than the company's initial estimate.

On August 11, 2005, Alibaba acquired Yahoo China. Alibaba and Yahoo also announced that Alibaba will acquire all of Yahoo China’s assets and at the same time receive a $1 billion investment from Yahoo to build China’s most powerful Internet search platform. This is the largest merger and acquisition in the history of China’s Internet.

The main founder

When it comes to Chinese computers, you have to mention Professor Hua Luogeng, who is the founder and one of the most important pioneers of computing technology in our country. Hua Luogeng and China’s computer industry As early as 1947 to 1948, when Hua Luogeng was a visiting researcher at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study in the United States, he interacted with J. Von Neumann, HHGoldstion and others. Very dense. Hua Luogeng's attainments and achievements in mathematics were highly appreciated by von Neumann and others. At that time, von Neumann was designing the world's first general-purpose electronic digital computer with stored programs. Feng Ranghua and Luogeng visited the laboratory and often discussed academic issues with him. At this time, Hua Luogeng had already begun to outline the blueprint of China's computer industry.

Professor Hua Luogeng returned to China in 1950, and when he was reorganized in the National University Department in 1952, he sought out Min Naida, Xia Peisu and Wang Chuanying from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University to serve in the Chinese Academy of Sciences where he was the director. The first electronic computer research group in China was established in the institute. In 1956, when the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was established, Professor Hua Luogeng served as the director of the preparatory committee.

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