Home Technique Chongqing Nursing Vocational College

Chongqing Nursing Vocational College

Historical Level

In April 2016, the Chongqing Nursing Vocational College was officially established by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government. Its school is in Daishan District, Chongqing. The limited number of higher education resources in Chongqing cultivated medical care talents, only three general colleges and universities such as Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing Medicine College, Chongqing Three Gorges Medicine Colleges and Universities can recruit clinical medicine, nursing and other majors. The establishment of Chongqing Nursing Vocational College and the establishment of Chongqing citizens to do higher education forces.

School conditions

Department of colleges

college full-time student's scale is 5,000, open nursing, midwifery, rehabilitation treatment technology, elderly Health and management, 5 majors in community rehabilitation, in 2016, the first enrollment.

Teacher's power

The college has more than 260 colleges, more than 15 of the "double division" quality teachers, more than 40 professors, associate professors, etc., have a master's degree. More than 80 teachers with the above degree, including 6 doctoral degrees. The college hires a large number of experts who have rich industry experience and higher practice skills to serve as part-time teachers. Have a member of the Humanities Takes of the Chinese Life Care Association, a member of the Educational Branch of the Chinese Elderly Medical Association, Chongqing Nursing Association, Chongqing Nursing Society, Chongqing Health Promotion and Health Education Nutrition Nutrition Committee, Chongqing Hospital Association Nursing Management Professional Committee of the Third Committee, the national pension care standard production expert, Chongqing Top Ten Almighty School Doctors, Chongqing May 1 Labor Medal, etc. Represented by Excellent Teachers. The college serves as the editor-in-chief of the national textbook, seven people, edited by the deputy editor, and 16 people.

Teaching construction

24 of all types of research and teaching research projects at all levels, 13 of the project topics of the teaching reform of higher education and education, education and education, deepening the comprehensive reform pilot in the field of education Project 2, 4 Municipal Education Commission's humanities and social science research projects, 4 Municipal Education and Technology Research Projects, 1 teaching research project of Chongqing Pharmaceutical Vocational Education Group. Teachers published 26 papers, with 8 utility model patents.

Campus Environment

College is located in Fuku Street, Daishan District, Chongqing, adjacent to Heavy Medicine to attach a hospital Qing Bar Old Near Rights Center, covering an area of ​​300 acres, a first-year building area of ​​more than 100,000 Square meters, campus back to Yunyun Mountain, fresh air, beautiful, education teaching and living service facilities, complete function; standard student apartment with complete bathroom facilities, network facilities and air conditioning, etc., the standard track and field sports field, basketball Field, Row Stadium and Indoor Integrated Sports Hall.

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