Home Technique Clarksa Festival

Clarksa Festival

Basic introduction

Clarksa is one of the traditional festivals of Mexicans, the last Monday, July, and people in Wahaka gathered in Vati Hill. Foot sang dance and celebrate the "Clarksa" section. This is a non-religious folk traditional festival.

Clarksa Festival

It is said that in ancient Mexico, the Asterke will hold a ceremony every day, and the small products they make to the earth are also wished to have a harvest of the coming year. Later, this sacrifice ceremony evolved into a "Clarks" section.

Related customs and activities

The festival is early in the morning, and a pleasant bell is sounded in the altar. Then a folk small band walked up the streets, bounced the "Clarkes" festival in the "Clarkes" festival with a hexic guitar. The men and women dressed in festivals gathered from all directions to the feet of Vati Mountain, and danced with the cheerful music. People sings and jump, and frequently dissemising their homemade small gifts frequently around the audience. In the evening, the celebration enters the climax, people in a gorgeous clothes, and dancing.

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