Home Technique Computer manufacturing

Computer manufacturing


Enterprises belonging to computer manufacturing have universal manufacturers, small machine manufacturers, microachine manufacturers (above three manufacturing plants are known as system manufacturers), external and Terminal equipment manufacturer, recording medium manufacturing plant, and manufacturers of dedicated applications. Some large companies have both a variety of manufacturing and service industries. Computer manufacturing is a provincial energy, provincial resources, and highly added knowledge and technical intensive industries. It can bring huge economic and social benefits to all aspects of the national economy and society. Its size and level have become an important sign for measuring national economic strength and military strength. Most countries in the world will list computer manufacturing as a strategic industry that focuses on national key development.


The characteristics of computer manufacturing are characterized in the following aspects.

1 Technology Progress significantly

Since the 1950s, an average of 5 to 7 years is updated once; and this cycle is shortened. The modified new model has emerged in the year, and the performance price of the processor has increased more than 100 times during the period from 1959 to 1979, and the price dropped by 15% to 30% per year. In order to shorten the period of product update, computer manufacturing is increasingly using computer as auxiliary tools in design, production and testing; these auxiliary tools must also be continuously updated. Therefore, computer manufacturing needs to invest more funds for research and development. According to UN Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) statistics, various manufacturing research and development costs account for 1.6%, and the computer manufacturing industry is up to 6.5%. In the late 1970s, its ratio has increased to more than 10%.

2 economies

Hardware production of computer manufacturing has the characteristics of scale economy, only to take a large number of organizational forms to reduce production costs, improve The performance ratio of the whole machine and equipment. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between the size and relative research development costs of computer manufacturers, and manufacturers with the

economy may continue to invest in large amounts of funds and maintain its competitiveness.

3 coordination Coordination

Computer manufacturing products and general industrial products, complete computer products are "composite products", including hardware, software And a variety of service support. Therefore, the computer manufacturing industry must coordinate development with the computer service industry, and most computer companies have both manufacturing and service. Hardware subsystems constructed by host, external devices, and terminals, but "incomplete products", in order to effectively function effectively, software subsystems (including system software and application software) are extremely important. Software support is extremely necessary from computer installation until the operation and use. Computer manufacturers must maintain close contact with users, and provide comprehensive services such as maintenance and consultation to play the use of composite products of the computer. Therefore, the computer manufacturing industry must put the interests of the user in an important position, in order to establish their own reputation and obtain their own development. Some representative computer manufacturers, directly facing the user's sales, maintenance, consulting and training, and 30% of all employees.

4 Product Permeability

The application of computer applications is very extensive, and the market in computer manufacturing is expanding. Computers, especially microcomputers have penetrated into various fields of socio-economic, have entered the office and family. The market in the computer manufacturing industry does not have saturation in the foreseeable future.

5 requires national protection and supporting

Since the 1960s, major industrial countries continue to formulate and improve the laws and policies of developing their computer manufacturing industry, Imported computers take restrictions. Some countries stipulate that state agencies and schools should use domestic computers. Since the development of computer manufacturing needs to continue to invest larger funds, the Governments of most countries provide a variety of measures such as direct investment, subsidies, low-interest loans and tax reduction taxes, and support the country's computer manufacturing.


In order to adapt to the demand for computers, the computer manufacturing will turn more human and funds to software and application system development, product structure will be integrated, system Development in the direction of specialization. To meet the needs of users, the computer manufacturing must provide a variety of products from giant computers until personal and home computers. Not only is the universal machine system, but also provides various types of special machines for end users. It is expected that by the early 1990s, the proportion of microcomputer sales in computer sales will rise from a few percent of the early 1980s to more than 30%. The multi-function workstation that is subject to the main body of the microcomputer will greatly increase. Due to the development of microelectronics technology, the integrated circuit manufacturer has gradually developed into a "single-chip computer" manufacturing plant, producing various single-piece application processing machines. Such manufacturers will enter the ranks of computer manufacturing. The development focus of computer manufacturing will gradually transfer to system technology, artificial intelligence technology, software technology, and improvement of human-machine interface technology. Computer manufacturing will continue to complicate with technology, and develop in the direction of product dedication. Manufacturing, standard modular products manufacturers will increase. The system manufacturer will use the foreign purchase module to design your own system. The industrial structure and product structure of the computer manufacturing will have a new look.

Development Process

in the early 1950s is the sprouting period of computer manufacturing. At that time, the performance price of computer products was low, the market was small, the computer manufacturing industry is a single structure, and only universal machine manufacturers. After entering the 1960s, some system manufacturers began to produce key components and devices they used to meet the needs of new component devices when developing new machines. Since the proportion of peripherals is gradually increased in the computer system, an independent peripheral manufacturer has occurred in the computer manufacturing industry. Small mechanism makes it grows rapidly. After entering the 1970s, the structure of the computer manufacturing industry continued to develop in various ways, and the microcirculation industry has emerged and provides specialized application system manufacturing applications for specific areas. With the increase in host speed and the popularity of small machines, various peripherals have developed into high performance, multi-variety and miniaturization, forming a huge independent external and terminal equipment manufacturing.

After entering the 1980s, the microcomputer technology developed rapidly, and performance prices were extremely fast. The microcomputer is small, cheap and easy to use, and the market has expanded. The annual growth rate of sales of 35% to 40% have become the fastest growing sector in computer manufacturing. The high-speed development of the microcomputer has changed the industrial structure and product structure centered on the previous computer manufacturing industry. Since the 1950s, the computer manufacturing has been maintained high-speed development. Although the cost of hardware cost is continuous, the average growth rate of the annual output value of the computer manufacturing industry in the industrial advanced countries has grown by 2 to 3 times the total output value of the national production.

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