Home Technique Conductive glass

Conductive glass


Conductive glass, is a small resistance, a glass that can conduct electrically conductive. The conductive glass is divided into two types of volumetric conductive glass and surface conductive layer glass. The component of the volumetric conductive glass contains an alkaline oxide, silicon oxide, and titanium oxide. The surface conductive layer glass is vapor-deposited on the surface of the transparent glass (such as gold, platinum, etc., thickness of less than 10 nm), or sprayed metal oxide conductive films on the surface of the heated glass (such as tin, indium, etc. ), Etc.

The conductive glass has high mechanical strength and anti-corrosion performance. Vegetable glass can be used as aircraft, in plasma display, silicon solar cell, tuning indicator, etc., a glass electrode can be made widely in terms of metal electrolytic cells, electric thermal equipment, etc..

Purpose of conductive glass

The conductive glass applied in the building is transparent. Application of transparent conductive film glass can be produced in a variety of building glass, such as liquid crystal glass, solar panel, electric heating glass, anti-theft glass, and electromagnetic shielding glass.

The transparent conductive film glass has a higher light transmittance, and the transmittance of the film layer can reach 90%, which uses it as a basic requirement of the color of the building. Due to its conductive properties, there are many products around this function in application development, and there are many potential applications. The transparent conductive film can be manufactured in a variety of methods. It is currently widely used in the magnetron vacuum sputtering process. Further, there is a process for vacuum evaporation plating, chemical vapor deposition, radio frequency sputtering coating. The most common conductive film system is an indium tin oxide film layer, commonly referred to as an ITO transparent conductive film.

ITO film is an N-type degenerative semiconductor from tin and oxygen empty as a donor. It has good conductivity at normal temperature, and its intrinsic absorption is in ultraviolet region, and has little effect on visible light transmittance. . Previously, the transparent conductive film was mainly used in electronic glass and military purposes. As production technological advances and cost reduction, it has begun to gradually be used in construction projects. The large-area solar cell roof produced by transparent conductive glass is made in Figure 1, which all energy consumption from the building is from the roof. This ecological environmental experimental building has been successfully run for several years.

The development of my country's conductive glass

Since my country is still TN, STN-LCD important production base, IT0 conductive glass has developed into an independent industry category. At present, there are about 40 ITO conductive glass production lines in mainland China. The main manufacturers include foreign-owned enterprises - Suzhou board nitrogen, imported large-scale production line enterprises - Shenzhen Nanbang, Shenzhen Laibao, etc., domestic production line enterprises - Anhui 蚌埠 China Yi, Shenzhen South Asia, Anhui Wuhu Changxin, Jiangsu Jintan Kamdak, Shenzhen Hao Wei, etc. According to incomplete statistics, my country's actual production in 2005 has exceeded 10 million m2. Not only can you basically meet domestic demand, but the export ratio has reached a certain level. At the same time, the level of technology and product quality are greatly improved.

With the quietly increasingly increasing input electronic products such as smartphones, PDAs, e-books, the corresponding coating conductive materials also come into business. Due to the particularity of the working principle of the touch screen, the ITO film thereof is mostly carried out on the flexible material, and the deposition temperature of the film cannot be too high (less than 120 ° C), and the ITO film layer is required to be thin, and the block resistance is high and uniform. This puts more stringent requirements for the equipment and processes of ITO films. This makes my country's ITO Glass (Thin Film) industry.

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