Home Technique Construction period quota

Construction period quota


Construction period refers to the time elapsed from the start of construction of a construction project or an independent single project to the time it is completed and put into production or delivered to use. Work stoppage caused by irresistible natural disasters or major design changes can be extended after obtaining a visa.

The construction period refers to the number of days from the official start to the completion of all the construction content required by the design and reaching the national acceptance standard. The construction period is a part of the construction period.

Construction and Construction

Construction period refers to the total amount of time spent in the construction process of a construction project or an independent single project. Generally expressed in months or days. It starts from the beginning of construction and stops when it is fully completed and put into production or put into use. But it does not include the time delay due to the decision-making error and the suspension (delay) of the construction.

Construction period generally refers to the time from start to completion of a single project or unit project. The construction period is part of the construction period. For example, the construction period of a unit project refers to the total number of effective days from the official start of construction to the completion of all the design content of the contracted project and reaching the national acceptance standard.


Construction period is an important indicator for evaluating investment effects, which directly marks the speed of construction. In the construction period quota, the influence of seasonal construction factors on the construction period, the influence of regional characteristics on the construction period, the influence of the structure and scale of the project on the construction period, the influence of the project usage on the construction period, and the influence of construction technology and management level on the construction period have been considered . Therefore, the construction period quota is a reliable basis for evaluating the construction speed of the project, preparing the construction plan, signing the contract, and evaluating the excellent project. It can be seen that it is very positive to formulate and improve the construction period quota.

The construction and installation project duration quota is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the National Construction Engineering Quality Inspection and Evaluation Standard Construction and Acceptance Code, combined with various construction conditions, based on the principle of average, economical and reasonable, and the construction duration quota is prepared for construction The basis for organizing the design, arranging the construction plan and evaluating the construction period is an important basis for the preparation of the bidding base, the bidding document and the signing of the construction and installation contract.

The construction period quota is the basis for evaluating the construction speed of the project, preparing the construction plan, signing the contract, and evaluating the excellent project.

Construction duration is divided into calendar duration and effective duration. The difference between the two is that the former does not deduct statutory holidays and rest days while the latter deducts.

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