Home Technique D.520 fighter

D.520 fighter

Development Process

Development History

1931, Emir _ Dwatina returned to the motherland, and provides D.27 improved D.27 for the French Air Force. 37. The following year, Dwatna began designing the first modern lower fighter fighter - D.500 in France, which made the "C1" requirements of the modern single-wing fighter than the French Air Force! Since then, D.510 is also developed on the basis of D.500, and the flight speed exceeds 400km / h. The Chinese Air Force has introduced a D.510 fighter during the war.

In July 1936, Dwatna accepted the task of designing a new single-wing fighter in accordance with "C1" under Robert_Kastoro. At this time, the first MS.405 prototype has been trial, and the French authorities seem to have a unique clock on the old fighter design company - Morana _ Sony Egyles loves, all of which caused Dwatina and other design units. Heavy pressure. Dwatna originally equipped 900 horsepower "Spain _ Switzerland" engine, design speed is 500km / h, but the Air Force's power department - The Air Technology Service has rejected this design plan, proposed speed 520km / h Higher requirements.

Dwatna revised the original design, including replacing the new "Spain _ Switzerland" engine. The aircraft designed according to the new indicator is named D.520. But it is too late, the Air Technology Service Department has selected MS.406 as a standard new fighter. Dwatner firmly believes that his aircraft is the best, so he will continue to build two prototypes at your own expense. Soon, I finally came to run, a government contract finally issued DVTNA on April 3, 1938, approved the development of D.520.

After overcoming heavy difficulties, October 2, 1938, TVF Marsair_ 多 driving first D.520 prototype machine in Toulouse. The machine uses 900 horsepower engines and wooden propelles, and the flight speed has reached 483km / h. (The first prototype crashed on November 27 due to the failure of the operating error.) Due to the improper engine overheating, the speed is not performed. After improved design, the heat sink is moved from both sides to the abdomen. The exhaust device has also been redesigned, and "Spain _ Switzerland" 12Y29 engine (manufactured by 12Y45 engine).

January 28, 1939, after the improved design of the second prototype machine. The second D.520 has achieved a comprehensive success, and the flight speed of the official presided over 527km / h! On February 8, the same year, the same aircraft reached a torrent of 825km / h in the test flight! On March 15th, the third prototype machine was also next day.

1938, France has issued a large number of orders from MS.406 fighters. However, the aviation technology of countries in the same period is different. France believes that the best MS.406 Tong Ying, the latest fighters have been greatly lagging, and the overall number of new generation fighters is not enough. In 1938, France had only 478 single-wing fighters, which barely calculated that only 16 MS.405 / ms.406 of "modern". By the World War II, France has only 271 MS.406 fighters. In contrast, the UK already has more advanced "Hurricane" in the 16 squadrons and "firefighters" 9 squadrons, a total of 488. Compared with the large BF109 fighters owned by Germany, French fighters are even more disadvantageous.

Bulk production

It is aware that the Air Force equipment is difficult to meet modern warfare, and the French Air Force proposes orders from the purchase of new equipment. On April 17, 1939, the government ordered 200 D.520. When the war broke out, there were only three D.520 prototypes (one of them crashed), but the first production D.520 was completed on October 31! The number of orders from D.520 is constantly append, July 1939, January, April, April, May 5 times, additional order, the total number of orders reached 2200 (including 120 French Navy)!

But the production of D.520 is not a smooth sailing, and the D.520 itself is not complicated. It is also convenient for mass production, but the French military authorities have repeatedly proposed some irrelevant improvements, the progress of production There has been an impact. Moreover, the engine, etc., in particular, the manufacturing problem of the supporting weapon is seriously affected by the full development of D.520 production. By the French battle broke out, only 100 D.520 manufactures were completed, only 36 units were equipped.

In April 1940, a German's latest BF109E-3 fighter landed in France. The French Air Force conducted a direct contrast of D.520 and enemy's best fighters through test flights. In contrast, the flight speed of D.520 is slightly inferior, but the mobile is significantly stronger than the opponent. In all French fighters, only D.520 and the VG.33 that has not been produced can be able to match the BF109E. Moreover, D.520 has a strong firepower than the French MS.406 fighter.

At the beginning of the war, only the GCI / 3 flying group equipped with a small amount of D.520 fighter. GCI / 3, GCII / 7 and GCII / 3 and other flying groups are being replaced by MS.406 D.520. Toulouse's D.520 manufacturing plant opens horsepower production aircraft and send aircraft to a first-line troops as fast as possible. French pilots can only conduct short-term assault training, and rush to drive this plane and Nazi Air Force! However, D.520 creates excellent record with excellent performance and pilot's excellent quality!

May 13, the GCI / 3 fighter group opened a record, and one fell in three HS126 attack aircraft and 1 HE111 bomber, it did not lose. In another battle, the group hits four ME110, 2 ME109, 2 DO17 and 2 HE111. However, due to the airport of the airport, 7 aircraft lost in the ground. Since then, GCI / 3, GCII / 7 and GCII / 3 and other troops have also achieved a good result.

Italy declared war in France on June 10, and tried to fight, and started the bomber on the 12-13th to launch bombards, including the French important naval port Tutor. The GCII / 6 fighter group responsible for the southern air defense task is more than other troops. D.520 is replaced, but there is almost no training time, but it will hit the Italians in several air combats! In June 15th, the troops of the troops _ Le Gran driving D.520 shot down four Italian CR42 fighters and 1 BR.20 bomber!

During the French Campaign, the French pilots driving a D.520 fighter received 108 confirmation results, and there were 39 results that were unable to confirm, and only 26 were lost. It can be sure that if the French Air Force can make this aircraft equipment forces, or pilots can get more fully trained to play D.520, the results will be more excellent!

When the Action Agreement entered into force, Toulouse's military factory produced 437 D.520, 351 delivering the French Air Force, 52 delivering French Navy. During the battle, D.520 had a total of 106, of which ground losses and flight accidents accounted for most. France's defeat has made French air industries, including D.520, VG.33 and other excellent aircraft also stopped development. More unfortunately, D.520 initially introduced in 1940, the aircraft structural design also has a lot of potential to excavate, can continue to develop a stronger successive model like BF109 and "firefire". The French has plans to develop D.520Z, D.521, D.522, D.523, D.524, D.525, D.530, D.550 and other development models, installed "Spain-Switzerland" HS12Y51 (1000 horsepower), HS12YZ (1200 hp) engine, performance has a greater improvement, many trial models have been manufactured. The maximum design speed of D.520z reached 650km / h, and the performance of BF109G is not up to bottom, but unfortunately, it will end up with thoroughly.

After France surrendered, approximately 153 D.520 stayed in the French control area of ​​Vichi, 175 escape to the North African colonies, and 3 flew to the opposite of the British Channel. At that time, Germany allowed Vishi France to maintain a minimum air force. Despite this, the number of D.520 remaining in the French Air Force compilation in Vichi, has a lot of surviving aircraft in all France, is not being disintegrated, which is stored.

October 16, 1940, the D.520 fighter of the French Air Force GCI / 3 Flight Group fled to the United Kingdom, and then the free French army was added. After Germany, he was very angry and immediately asked to dissolve this unit, but GCI / 3 commander cleverly change the troops to GCIII / 3, thus deceived Germans.

Vishi French authorities decided to use D.520 as its air force standard equipment, hoping to restart the production line. In April 1941, the German Avente Committee was allowed to produce 550 D.520 for the French Air Force of Vish. In November 1942, 349 were manufactured in total.

Since then, the Vish French Air Force's D.520 fighter and past allies also launched many air combats, including Syrian battles in 1941 and the "Torch" battle in November 1942. The average flying pilot Pierre, who mentioned earlier _ Legeng has driven his D.520, took over 6 "Hurricanes" and 1 "Fighter" in the UK Royal Air Force.

After the Torch Batter, North Africa colony announced the addition of free France. This move has affected the French native, and the Germans immediately traveled to occupy the French control area of ​​Vish and seized 1876 aircraft. In this occupation, there are still 169 D.520 staying on the production line without completing the final assembly, while the Germans continue to assemble 129 D.520. The D.520 fighter seized by the Germans, some delivered to the German JG-103 and JG-105 troops, and other 60 delivery to Italy, as a first-line airplane equipment against the Allied bomber, in line 8, 13, 22, 24, 59, 60, 161 and 169 and other flight squadrons. The Bulgarian Air Force received 120 D.520 to fight against the bomber of the Ninth Airways.

In August 1944, with the liberation in the southern France, the French army seized a lot of original French aircraft falling in the hands of German. The D.520 fighter is mainly, a "multi" flying group (the name taken from the D.520 fighter Marsaier _ Mr.). These fighters have invested in the battle of German residual forces in November 1944. "Multi" Flights also absorbed the GCII / 8 flight group D.520 fighters to form a French Atlantic Air Force. This unit's D.520 is used to guard the A-24 attack machine, making the battle task of the Bombing of the Atlantic Coast. In February 1945, the residual D.520 fighter joined the GCBI / 18 flight group and was used to support and reconnaissance. At the end of the World War, there are only 10 D.520 in France to maintain flight capabilities.

Performance Data ​​h2>

After the war, some of the remaining and repair D.520 fighters were used for the French Air Force's training tasks, partially transformed into a double-seat (D.520DC). The last D.520 officially exited in September 1953, which ended the service of this French outstanding fighter.

D.520 fighter performance data ​​p>





Wings area


engine model

"Spain - Switzerland" H-S12Y45

12 cylinder V 935 horsepower

Fuel capacity


maximum takeoff weight


normal takeoff weight / p>


air weight


maximum flat speed

534km / hat5, 500m


4000m / 5.48 points

maximum range


weapon equipment

< P> Machine head 20mm "Spain - Switzerland" HS-404 machine gun

wing four-seat 7.5mmc34m39 machine gun


German Watina D.520 is the best fighter for the French Air Force during the French Battle in May 1940. During the French campaign, the French pilots driving a D.520 fighter received a total of 108 confirmed results, and there were 39 results that were unable to confirm, and only 26 were lost in the air battle.

However, the number of D.520 is too small. Only the GCI / 3 flight group just equipped with 36 D.520 during the game, and the training time is less than one month. During the war of two months, this kind of plane was immediately sent to the front line, and some of the troops were only trained for 3 days to put a cruel air battle. Just under this embarrassing situation, heroic French pilots have created a unbelievable record!

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