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Dark era


Homeric era (before 1100 until about 800 years ago) refers to the destruction of Greek history from the Dorians invaded and Mycenaean civilization twelfth century BC until the rise of the Greek city-states during the first nine century BC. 8th century BC, Homer is recorded in this period of history, the most famous of which is "Troy."

decline of the Mycenaean civilization in time corresponding to the number of the decline of the empire in the Near East, in particular the decline of the Hittite Empire and the Egyptian New Kingdom, which may be caused by iron weapons and equipment for a "sea nation "invasion. When the Dorians south of Greece, they are also equipped with more advanced iron weapons, they can easily destroy the already weakened Mycenaeans. This is the historical period after the ancient Greek poet Homer was later recorded in his collection of poems "The Iliad" and "Odyssey", it it is referred to as "Homer."

Archeology shows the Greek world in this period of the decline of civilization, Mycenaean majestic palaces were destroyed or abandoned, Greek cease to be written. Pottery Homeric only simple geometric decoration, the lack of the device during the Mycenaean civilization exhibited by rich designs. Sparse settlements Greek Homeric number, and a small scale, may indicate that depopulation. We did not find the goods produced abroad, may indicate a loss of international trade. At the same time, contact with other civilizations have disappeared, leading to overall social and cultural retrogression.

social system


Homeric Dorians did not establish the country, is still in the period of military democracy, the Dorians tribes of this period there council, the people's Assembly, the military chief three kinds of institutions.

Dark era

council of tribal chiefs of each composition, later became the plenary aristocratic clan, the major issues are the subject of this debate then, finally submitted to the People's Assembly vote; the People's Assembly is a tribe or tribal alliance adult men formed, it is the highest authority of tribal principle; and military leaders (ancient Greek known as "basileus") Assembly elected by the people out of the military leaders, priests and presided over the proceedings, wartime expedition.

With the continuous economic development and later Dorians, the council and military leaders continue to become hereditary tools and authority, clan system marks the Homeric gradually disintegrated.


Victoria Homeric tribe began to develop the productive forces, there was iron in the agriculture, agricultural tools and complex Baruah has emerged plow and use; three farming law and began widespread use of natural fertilizers; various types of livestock have also been reared by hand. Handicraft and agriculture began to separate, there have been potters, carpenters and other division of labor. Also the beginning commercial exchange, barter mainly exchanged with copper, iron, livestock or leather.


Homer, due to the disintegration of the clan of the tribe, a symbol of rural communes began to build a civilization of degraded areas in ancient Greece.

Next, the commune of land began to be divided into small allotments, the aristocratic clan occupy huge land and livestock, while ordinary rural commune members were hired even reduced to beggars. Slavery at this time began to appear, mainly prisoners of war, slaves were grazing male, female slaves performed housework, there is no personal freedom.


Dorians tribal economic development, making the Doria tribes began to disintegrate, the state began to form. After entering the 8th century BC, is widely used in iron, increase productivity Greek society caused an increase in population, making the ancient Greeks began to colonize Asia Minor, the Aegean, the Mediterranean region.

During this period, traders appeared, various regions began to form urban and commercial center, with the differentiation of social classes, began to form.

to the 8th century BC to the 6th century, the country had more than 200 Greek city-states, the Homeric era to an end. Due to the prosperity of this period resemble the Mycenaean civilization and Crete during the period of civilization, it is also historians called "archaic era."

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