Home Technique Dike park

Dike park


Desi Park in the past 10 years, the total investment investment has nearly 32 million yuan, the whole park is divided into cultural browsing areas, the jungle, the jungle, the entertainment district Scenic.

Dike park

The park covers an area of ​​more than 20 hectares (308 acres), including 3.2 hectares in the surface area, accounting for 16% of the total area. The greenery rate is about 85% in the garden.


Cultural browsing area has an artificial lake, a perspective, a lotus pool. Leisure Entertainment District

Desi Park (5)

Construction of Linshui Long Gallery, stream, children's paradise, banana square, wind bamboo garden, bamboo collection wall and other attractions.

The Jungle Explorer is built with Wuhan · Chinese Garden, Wen Feng Pavilion, Attractions, Yuemeng, etc. The whole park is based on the rustic buildings of Jiangnan gardens, the large variety of onion, and the exquisite flowers, exquisite and elegant photo walls and charm are always characteristic.

The embankment park flower is a cherry blossom, a total of more than 700 places. The flower period is mainly in March and April.


The dike park is a seedling field in Wuhan. In 1956, it was opened as a nursery. In 1999, it began to improving the park, named the embankment park in April 2001, September 19, 2004, in 2004, National Day officially opened.


No. 2058 Jiefang Avenue, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei Province
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