Home Technique Eagle Town

Eagle Town

Historical Level

The Republic of China (1915) is a special administrative region of Xinglong.

The Republic of China (1930), Xinglong County,

Republic of China (1935), is a second area of ​​Xinglong County.

The Republic of China (1946) was a government station in the Jiu District of Xinglong County.

in 1949, it is a resident of the four districts of Xinglong County.

July 1955, it was a male handyman.

in May 1956, set up an eagle tobacity hometown; in November of the same year, he was marked in Chengde City, which was an eagle handcorting area.

In July 1958, it was built in Xinglong County; in September of the same year, it was an eagle handcorting steel community.

In July 1960, with the Xinglong County Eagle Hand Yingzi District Office, Xinglong Coal Mine merged, Jianying Hawk Hand Camp City Commune.

In July 1961, the urban commune was revoked and established an eagle hand camp.

February 1965, it is divided into Chengde City.

In 1984, the commune was revoked, and the eagle was revoked, and it was a hicky homes.

Administrative divisions

2011, Eagle Hand Yingzi Town jurisdiction, Railway North, Bridge West, Dongfeng 4 communities, babies, Hebei, Lamagou, Lord Temple, Ditch, old factory 6 administrative villages; set up 25 resident groups, 32 villager groups.

As of June 2020, the Hawkhable Town has 6 administrative villages under the Town of Hague. Town People's Government is located at No. 63 Yingcheng Street.

statistical area code Eagle Town

Urban-Rural Category Code




Eagle handbanking village



Hebei Village



Hempian village



Lama Village



Trip Village



Old plant village

Geographical Environment


Eagle Hand Yingzi Town is located in the middle of the eagle master mining area, East and Wangjiazhuang Town adjacent, South and Xinglong County Da Shuiquan Township is adjacent to Xi and Xinglong County Beiying House, Eagle Camp Mine North Horse Circle The town is connected, the northern and Xinglong County is bordered, the area is 32.83 square kilometers.

Eagle Camp Town

Topographical Landform

Eagle Handsha Town is low in northwest, the highest peak lama beam, located in Lamagou, 1300 meters above; Minimum points Lama Liang Springs, located at the lama beam, 300 meters above sea level.


At the end of 2011, there were 28,887 people in the Habigang Town area, including 26,673 people in urban residents and 92.38% of urbanization rates, and there were 19,71 flowers. Among the total population, 14,490 men, accounting for 50.19%; 14,382 females, accounting for 49.81%. Among the total population, the Han nationality is mainly 2,5130, accounting for 87.04%; there are 9 minorities including Mongolia, and returned, 3,742 people, accounting for 12.96%; more than 100 people are full, Mongolia, back 3 minorities The Manchu is 2292, accounting for 61.3% of the population of minority; 357 Mongolia, accounting for 284 people; Hui people account for 7.6%; in 2011, the population birth rate is 5.24 ‰, the population mortality is 6.37 ‰, the population mortality is 6.37 ‰, the population natural growth rate 1.13 ‰.

In 2017, the eagle is 7896 people living in the town.

As of 2018, the Hawk is 7206 household registration population.



In 2011, the fiscal revenue of Eagle Handying Town was 0.5 billion yuan, an increase of 4% over the previous year. Among them, local public fiscal budget income is 010 million yuan. Per capita fiscal revenue is 1676.78 yuan. Peasant per capita net income of 4,786 yuan.


Eagle Hand Yingzi Town has an agricultural cultivated area area of ​​0.6 million; it can be used in the grass area of ​​0.3 million mu, and the forest area is 51,000 mu. In 2011, the total output value of agriculture was 0.31 billion, an increase of 21.1% over the previous year; food crops were mainly corn, sorghum, and valley. In 2011, 723 tons of grain were produced, including 546 tons of corn, 38 tons of sorghum, 26 tons of Valley. Vegetable planting area of ​​0.3 million mu, produced 110,000 tons, main varieties of cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, white radish, cabbage, celery, spinach, etc., of which is 1,000 tons of cabbage, 557 tons of cucumber, 247 tons of cherry, 165 tons of white radish, cabbage 155 tons, 131 tons of celery, 121 tons of spinach.

The eagle is home to the animal husbandry of the eagle, the pig, sheep, cattle, and poultry. In 2011, the pig feed was 8106, 2541 years old; 2,966 sheep feed, 1777 in the end of the year; the cattle feed is 441, the end of the year is 210; the poultry feeding is 0.9 million feather, listed, poultry 0.16 million feather; production 542 tons of meat, including 541 tons of pork, 2 tons of beef, 3 tons of mutton; 14 tons of poultry eggs, 35 tons of fresh milk; the total output value of animal husbandry is 10 million yuan.

As of the end of 2011, the Eagle Camp Town accumulates 10,000 mu, including 0.28,000 mu of economic forests, 420,000 trees of peasant residential, forest coverage rate of 65.2%, live wooden accumulation 723,000 cubic meters . In 2011, the fruit trees have a planting area of ​​0.45 million mu, 429 tons of production, and the main varieties have a rock, apple, chestnut, apricot, pear, peach, etc., including 25 tons of apples, 25 tons of apples, 15 tons of apricot, pear 10 tons , Peach 8 tons.


In 2011, the total output value of the Haguai Town is 780 million yuan, a decrease of 12% over the previous year. In 2011, three industrial enterprises above the scale, the average number of employees was 0.31 million, and the industrial added value was 100 million yuan, down 34% over the previous year. Among them, there were 2 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, and the average number of employees was 0.28,000, and the industrial added value was 0.8 billion, an increase of 17% over the previous year. Sales revenue reached 1 business in 200 million.

In 2018, there are 5 industrial enterprises in Hawn.


In 2011, the total retail sales of eagle homes and town has a total of 120 million yuan, and urban and rural areas trade turnover is 0.2 billion.

In 2018, there are 2 integrated stores or supermarkets with more than 50 square meters of integrated houses.

Social undertakings

Stylistic career

There is a cultural station in the end of the Eagle, the building area is 50 square meters; the farm book house is 6, the building area is 90 square meters, 10,000 books; culture Industrial practitioners 4 people.

At the end of 2011, 100% of urban communities and villages in Eagle Hand Camp Town have installed fitness equipment, and people who often participate in sports activities account for 58% of their resident populations.

Science and technology career

2011, the eagle is more than 2048 scientific and technological talents, including 114 professional and technical personnel, 567 management talents, 333 skill talents, 38 people in rural practical talents.

Medical and health

2011, Eagle Hand Yingzi has 7 healthcare institutions at all levels, including 1 health institute, 6 health seals; public health institution bed 30 sheets, with a medical bed, a total value of 1.3 million yuan. There are 24 professional health staff, including 4 practitioners, 5 practitioners, 11 registered nurses, with a average of 0.8 health technicians, 0.3 people practitioners (assistant) physicians, 0.4 registered nurses. In 2011, medical institutions completed 13,400 diagnosis and treatment, 16 hospitalization surgery, and 0.7 million patients discharged.

In 2011, the penetration rate of rural safety drinking water in Eagle Handying Town is 72%, and the penetration rate of rural health toilets is 80%. The number of new rural cooperative medical participants is 0.7 million, and the participation rate is 87.5%; maternal death The rate of mortality under 0 or 5 years old, baby mortality, and neonatal mortality are 0.

Social security

In 2011, there were 1877 urban minimum living security households in the eagle. The number of people was 4,036, and the expenditure was 188.03 million, monthly per capita 183 yuan, compared to The year increased by 27.7%; 1469 medical rescue, the civil affairs department funded 518 people in cooperative medical care, with a total of 177,000 yuan. Rural minimum living households 872, 919 people, accounting of 721,300 yuan, monthly per capita increased by 43.5% over the previous year; five guarantees concentrated 46, spending 10,600 yuan; five guaranteed distribution 46, spending 1252 million; 155 medical assistance, the civil affairs department funded 522 cooperative medical care, with a total of 93,000 yuan.

In 2011, 7,310 disastrous population of natural disasters in Haguhai Town, 545 emergency metastasis, 50 hectares of cropped area, direct economic loss of 4.65 million yuan, disaster relief expenditure 130,000 yuan, compared to the previous year Growth 75%. National pension, subsidized 183 people, 670,000 yuan for pension business fees. 4 community service facilities, including 2 community service centers, 2 other community service facilities. Participate in 7,395 basic medical insurance.


Eagle is convenient, there is Jingcheng Railway, 112 National Highway.

Historical Culture

  • The name is from

is named by the central town of the eagle camp mining area.

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