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Field Service

How to strengthen on-site service management?

Usually field service management is a task-oriented transactional event. In a team with a large number of field service personnel, it is usually necessary to manage the creation, dispatch, execution, collaboration, and service resources of field service tasks. To enable it to be completed smoothly, it may also be associated with the company’s products, knowledge base, tool accessories and other information.

Field service and dispatch management, also known as service delivery chain management, refers to the allocation, dispatch, dispatch and management of service departments, personnel and related resources, and is responsible for the completion of efficient and economical service and support activities. Field service and task assignment have always had the function of providing close contact between the production department and the product service support department, and are an important part of customer service. Field service and task dispatch are shifting from a single back-office function to an enterprise system that tightly integrates back-office and front-office service systems. The application of field service and task assignment must be integrated with the creation of customer service requests, and to a certain extent integrated with sales and marketing systems. On-site service and task assignment systems are used to increase sales revenue, reduce labor and component costs, and improve labor productivity, as well as reduce labor consumption and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to improve on-site service information management level?

In large domestic manufacturing companies, CRM is generally used to manage customer after-sales service, but most of the CRM, ERP and other systems mainly serve the company’s sales, financial and other businesses, so they basically provide on-site services Generally, the management and control of the work order is over. As for the execution of the task, it is basically impossible to control, so if there is a higher requirement for the service, it needs to be expanded in the CRM-based after-sales service module.

In many foreign companies, in addition to CRM systems, in order to facilitate field service personnel, they generally use FieldServiceManagement software to help field personnel manage their own calendars, plans, tasks, and handle queries, Collaboration and other functions, so the efficiency of on-site personnel is generally higher than that of domestic personnel. Of course, this has an important relationship with the overall informatization degree of foreign countries and the higher comprehensive quality of service personnel.


The meaning of field service?

It is basically similar to the meaning of good customer service. Improve service quality through better service management and control, reduce service costs, pursue customer satisfaction, create service value, and promote the development of service and product resale markets.

Mobile field service

Because most field service personnel cannot use the computer at any time, all field service management software can basically be used on mobile phones or iPads and professional mobile devices Come visit.

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