Home Technique Flexographic printing

Flexographic printing



The name of the flexographic print is because it is used to print a very uneven corrugated cardboard for printing surface, which requires a plate surface with cardboard Keep contact, therefore should have good flexibility. Moreover, the high point of the cardboard is not printing is not printed on the plate on the printing of the ink, which requires the printing version to have sufficient depth to achieve this requirement.

Development History

The original flexographic printing is very poor. The improvement of the printing plate and the method of printing plate making are greatly improved - usually photographically exposed and chemically corroded, using laser directly engraving. The printing of a full color image has also become possible.

Flexographic printing initially referred to as aniline printing, originating in the United States in the early 1920s, because the aniline dye ink used is toxic, but has not been developed, after which the ink manufacturer begins to use everyone And the colorant drug can be accepted, in 1952, in the 14th Packaging Seminar in the United States, Flexographic Process was also translated in Taiwan. After the mid-1970s, due to the advancement of the material industry, especially the introduction of polymer resin sheets and metal ceramic rolls, the development of flexographic printing has been promoted. It has become the fastest growing method of growth in the world, especially in the United States, has been fully developed, whether it is a printing machine manufacturing technology or a flexible application technology represents the highest level of flexographic printing. Most of the product packaging seen in the US domestic market is almost all flexographic printing products. According to statistics, the market share of domestic flexographic printing in the United States accounts for 70% in the soft package printing area; 85% of the label printing areas; 98% in the corrugated printing area; 25% in the carton printing area. It also accounted for 60%, 35%, 85% and 2%, respectively in Europe. Even 20% of newspapers in the United States are also printing with flexographic version. These numbers are sufficient to prove the vitality of flexographic printing.


1) The ink is a low viscosity volatile drying ink with alcohol, water as the main solvent, fast drying speed, adapting to the flexographic high-speed multi-color print. Non-polluting, dry and fast water inks, which is extremely advantageous to environmental protection.

2) Flexographic version is a photoinsette rubber or resin type plate with flexible and flexible characteristics. Shore hardness is typically 25-60, which is good to pass the ink, especially for alcohol solvent printing. This is a lead version of Shore hardness over 75, and the plastic version cannot be compared.

3) prints with light printing.

4) The printing material for the finished printing is very wide.

5) Good printing quality. Due to the high-quality resin plate, ceramic roller and other materials, the printing accuracy has reached 175 lines / in, and has a full range of ink layer, enriches the product hierarchical, bright color, especially suitable for packaging printing requirements, The eye-catching color effect is often a lithographic officer that cannot be reached. It has clear, clarified printing, soft, graved ink, thick and high gloss.

Flexographic printing

6) High production efficiency. Flexographic printing equipment typically uses a reel type material that can be completed from double-sided multi-color printing to supernight, film, hot stamping, die cutting, waste, winding, or divided. It is often done in three or four processes to use more people and multiple devices in the lithographic printing. Therefore, flexographic printing can greatly reduce printing cycles, reduce costs, occupying advantages in a fierce market in competition.

7) Operation and maintenance. The printing machine uses a mexic roll ink system, which saves the complex ink mechanism compared to the offset press and the printer, thereby making the operation and maintenance of the printing machine greatly simplified, and the ink control and reaction is more rapid. In addition, the printing machine is generally equipped with a platelet that can accommodate a plate drum that can accommodate different printed repetition lengths, and is particularly adaptable to a packaging printed product that is often changed.

8) High printing speed. The printing speed is generally 1.5 to 2 times that of the offset press and the gravure, and high-speed multi-color printing is realized.

9) Less investment, high income. The modern flexographic printing machine has short ink route, with less ink parts, plus flexographic printing press printing pressure is extremely advantages such that the flexographic printing machine is simple, and the materials used in the processing are monitored. So the machine's investment is much lower than the colored group offset, but also 30% to 50% of the same color group gravure printing machine.

Features of the flexographic version: In the plate, the flexographic version is short, easy to transport, and the cost is much lower than the gravure. Although the plate version is higher than the printing PS version, it can be compensated on the printing rate, because the flexible version of the post-printing rate is 500,000 yuan to millions of printed (offset printing rate is 10 ~ 300,000) .

Printing characteristics

1) Compared to gravure printing and offset printing, the flexographic density curve is unstable, and the change in the printing plate thickness has a great influence on the quality of printing. Flexographic version of the colorful set of printing.

2) Flexographic printing adopts a roller ink, the plate cable must match the number of the roller, otherwise it will cause a small point in the high-gloss to fall into the ink hole, while The four-color version of the NEM cannot use 45 °, otherwise it is easy to produce a tapping.

3) The outlet is more serious because the flexographic hardness is low, and the graphic is easily deformed after being extruded, and the network points in the printing process are more severe. The general increase range is from 16% to 30%, and the maximum mid-range can be up to 50%, with 2% -3% of the outlets to 15% or even higher. Therefore, the order-tuning level of the print is difficult to guarantee, causing the entire version level to high-profile development, the palm part is turned into the ground, and the outlets have hollow, not smooth. The network point changes will cause the image to be seriously biased, and the entire screen looks unclear, unclear, and the fine layer is difficult to manifest, and the three-dimensional feelings are not strong. Under the influence of the network, the highlight of the highlight of the image is less than 10% of the highlight of the image, and more than 85% is easy to become field.

4) Because the pressure of the flexographic printing is small, the pressure is slightly changed, and the printing quality changes significantly, and the control of the imprint is very important.

5) Reset the different color parameters and cannot be moved or gravure. Most of my country's introduction is a machine group's soft printing equipment, and the unit generally has 6-8, plus the packaging industry uses spot color, so the flexographic printing should be considered multi-color color separation to make up for the printing Point performance.

6) Design reasonable post-order. There are more soft printing and plus, plus online multi-channel processing, which puts higher requirements for the printing, so how to simultaneously design after the printing ceremony is a difficult point.

7) The flexographic network is increased in non-linear changes, ie this change is not proportional to the network area. The offset printing network is equal, and the smaller the flexographic printing plate, the more severe the horizontal deformation of the stress in the printing of the stress area, the larger the lateral deformation is increased. This is just the opposite of the demand for the flexograph to pull the color and step. The soft printing network has the following change trend: in the outlet of the outlet, either Jie Net (the printing version is caused); either to 15% or even larger outlets (printing). In the secret part, the outlets are easy to become field (printing and printing).

8) Flexographic Purpiera Edition Deformation and Compensation Ways. The most obvious feature of flexographic version is flexible, a very perfect flexible plate, and after it is mounted to the cylindrical drum, the plate is curved along the surface of the roller material, which will involve The graphic to the plate surface makes the printed graphic and the original size of the original. For prints with high quality requirements, it may not be considered, but for printed products with high quality requirements, measures must be taken to compensate for this size, and the compensation pathways have the following:

a) When the original design, the corresponding value is subtracted from the elongated dimension according to the printing plate.

b) When shooting the printing plate, shooting, shot, shorten the change in dimensions.

c) Adoption of computer plates, just give a single zoom command before the design is completed.

d) The drum type release method is used, that is, the sun plate drum is the same as the plate drum size.


Successful application

With the improvement of people's living standards, the use of color corrugated boxes in product packaging is increasingly wide. People require packaging cartons not only beautiful, but also more environmentally friendly. From the perspective of development trends, the premium of corrugated boxes will be available, and more than 700 corrugated board production lines will be introduced throughout the country. There are 400 large-scale lines of foreign countries. The required amount is increasing.

Production difference

Production efficiency is high; color carton can get high quality ink print; large-scale multi-color color printing; more suitable for large-scale long version; production Corrugated cartons have a high strength.

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