Home Technique Glorger Friedrich

Glorger Friedrich

Character life

Georg Friedriki Prince is not coming to Mei and Oldenburg, later in the Grandmond College in Scotland (Glenalmond College) good grade. After two years of military service, the Commercial University of Vergurg, South Gerber, and the Freiburg University of Technology. In 1994, the prince of Grandfather Lao Louis Feidinan died, he became the leader of the Prussian throne, Hohen Solun royal family, called Prayer.

Georg Friedrich lives in Berlin, and has about 15 million euro property and Hohen Solon castle ownership.

Family Status

January 2011 Grandg Friedrich Prince Announces the third daughter of the prince Francs Alexander Sophie Johnna Maria, is born on March 7, 1978. On August 25, the same year, two were married, there were two sons, and they were twin brothers:

Changzi Carl Friedrich, born on January 20, 2013;

times Ziwu Ferdinan, born on January 20, 2013.

His uncle Prussian Christian-Simmond Prince is his assumption heir.

In addition, Glorger Friedrich Prince is still the 212nd step of the United Kingdom.

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