Home Technique Government portal

Government portal


In accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development of Government" (National Office [2017] No. 47), the government website is divided into government portal and department website. .

Government portal

Open agency

government portal. The people's governments at all levels above county levels and the State Council department must open government portals. Township and streets do not open government portals, conduct government affairs through the on-level government portal, providing government affairs. Some townships and street websites should integrate the content as soon as possible to the superior government portal. There are also special needs of townships, streets, and refer to the government portal to open the process, reserves or open the website.

Open the process

Provincial Government and the State Department Department intend to open a portal, reported to this region, this department is mainly responsible for comrades, from the region, this department's office (room) According to the process, the relevant matters and reported to the General Office of the State Council. The city-level, the county-level people's government plans to open a government portal. After the main government is mainly responsible for comrades, the government office (room) will apply to the upper level government office (room) to the upper level government office (room), level-by-step review, and Probe into the Office of the People's Government of the Provincial (District, Municipal).

Name Specification

Government portal and department website should be named in the region, this department agency name. If the name does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to adjust as soon as possible, or the name of the existing name is displayed. The government website must have a significant display website in the head identification area.

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