Home Technique Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School

Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School

History History

Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School founded in August 1958, the initial school in the initial school is a general middle school, recruiting the first four classes, from the city 12, 19 Two four classes in the middle of the city, from the city 7 cities, 9 in the first three classes, officially started in September 1.

In May 1963, the school was identified as a provincial key middle school.

In May 1966, the "Cultural Revolution" began to make the image of the provincial key middle school were severely damaged.

In March 1968, the school has established the "Three Combination" Revolutionary Committee, and in the case of the primary school near the nearby, it will be enrolled from the primary and middle school.

In 1970, the leaders of the urban areas were renamed, renamed Harbin 106th Middle School.

in 1972, the attachment is also re-retransmitted.

In October 1976, the people of the whole party smashed Jiang Qing's anti-revolutionary group, especially after the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee, the teachers of the school carefully studied and implemented the route of the Third Plenary Session. And policies make the school's development into a new stage.

In 1978, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education re-confirmed that the school was the first batch of key middle schools in the province.

In January 1980, with the Harbin Teachers College, the Harbin Normal University was further renamed the Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School.

In June 1985, Comrade Wang Dianan, a master of Wang Dianan, and Comrade Wu Shaochun continued to serve as the party's party secretary, and officially implemented the principal's responsibility system in the attached.

In August 1994, in order to promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, the school decided to take the four words of "public, honesty, diligence" as school.

In September 1999, the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education, confirmed the school's national demonstration high school construction project, which was sponsored by Huaxia Foundation (one of the four countries).

From September 27 to 29, 2000, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education organized the assessment and acceptance of the school declare provincial demonstration high school, and met the first batch of high schools in Heilongjiang Province. .

Conditions of schooling

As of April 2011, the school covers an area of ​​90,000 square meters, with a building area of ​​60,000 square meters, 45 Class, nearly 3,000 students.

Teacher's Power

As of April 2011, the school is in the post teacher, including 12 special teachers, 110 senior teachers, excellent middle-aged teachers, have a master's degree There are 109 doctoral degrees, a doctoral degree, 77 municipal excellent middle-aged teaching teachers, 24 provincial backbone teachers, provincial teaching expert, 4 national key teachers, 10 provincial part-time education, 10 people, 9 part-time teaching researchers, 7 people took the lead in the city, 12 people, 12 masters, 11 masters, and 7 of the provincial academic professional committees.

Heilongjiang provincial special teacher (12 people): Barn, Song Yu, Liu Xinsheng, Ma Longquan, Liu Dawei, Zhang Shijie, Liu Ruizhen, Sha Hongze, author Jing Shu, He Yuzhang, Li Xi Fu, single Tao

Hardware facilities

As of April 2011, the school has a teaching building, experimental building, library, art education center, gymnasium, student canteen apartment, etc., has been fully enclosed Ring field (football field), 10 outdoor basketball courts, 4 outdoor volleyball stadiums, 2 tennis courts and outdoor single-bar combined equipment such as 11 standardization, chemical, life laboratories, 4 microcomputers Classroom, 4 multimedia voice classrooms, 2 general technology experiment classrooms, 5 large multi-function multimedia ladder classrooms, a bioely research base with nearly 300 kinds of animals, more than 100,000 libraries, more than 500 newspapers There are 3 large reading rooms, 400 people can be viewed at the same time, and the campus LAN is completed and connected to the telecom broadband network.

Foreign exchange

In February 2011, the invitation of San Diego, San Diego, USA, the delegation headed by the school, headed by the Master, for San Nino High schools have conducted friendly visit, this visit mainly exchanged the relevant content of East and Western politics, economic, cultural, education, friendship, cooperation.

In Oct 2014, under the guidance of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education, the five teachers in the Harmony, and the five teachers in Altai, Xinjiang were carried out, and the five teachers in the Altay region of Xinjiang were held for a month. The collective preparation teaching and research work of each corresponding discipline is discussed.

November 14, 2014, 40 people in Hunan Normal University, a row of 40 people by the Party Committee Deputy Secretary, Secretary, Deputy Director, Vice President Chen Dun, to the school exchange learning, two school mathematics preparation group And the competition trainer has conducted a deep exchange discussion, fully understanding the teaching model and characteristics of the other schools, and proposes targeted improvement measures for the teaching method of the school.

Student results

college entrance examination results

2017, more than 600 points of students, 234 students, the top 100 in the city, The teacher is 32, including 10 in the top 10 people, the top 20 seven people, the top 30, the key rate of science, the key rate of liberal arts is 97%

2012, this School Jiang classmates seized the Heilongjiang Province science, 23 people were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and 39 people have adopted the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong and other foreign universities to ensure 22 famous colleges and universities such as Qinghua North, and the key rate of science. 95.0%, the key rate of liberal arts is 90.8%, the key rate of Zhenhua University is 74.0%, and the focus rate of Zhenhua Welfare is 76.9%, and the city's key middle school division is listed.

In 2013, 39 students were admitted by American, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, etc., including Harvard University, Yale University, Newcastle University and other European and American famous universities. There are 23 people who have been promoted to Tsinghua, Peking University and other famous schools, and 136 students have received autonomous enrollment qualifications such as Peking University and Tsinghua.

In 2014, the number of college entrance examinations (excluding art special students), more than 600 points (including 600 points), total 456, accounting for 57.5% of the number of applicants in the school; Among them, 459 college entrance examination, the highest score of 695 points, 600 points and 323 people, accounting for 70.37% of the number of applicants; one of them is only 63, the number of people participating in the college entrance examination, the highest score 658 points, 600 points, 35 people, The number of applicants is 55.6%; in addition, 35 people were admitted to China's well-known universities such as China, and 189 were obtained from Tsinghua University, Peking University and other national colleges and university.

Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School

In 2015, Harbia Jiaonong actually participated in 787 college entrance examination, including more than 600 points above the science, more than 600 points of liberal arts, more than 600 points, accounts for more than 40%, for Harbin First .

2016, the school entrance examination 425 people signed up, the highest score of the college entrance examination is 687 points, more than 600 points more than 300 (accounting for more than 70%); 10 of them were admitted by Singapore University; 58 people have been eliminated by famous universities such as Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University and other famous universities (maximum), and 37 people were admitted to famous universities such as the United States, Canada.

Discipline Competition

Note: The above is some student discipline competition results

other competition

teacher achievement

In October 2011, Teacher Liu Zhijun won a prize in the national primary and secondary school theme class (group, team) meeting competition

in April 2012, the school's English group Xu Dan, Li Di The teacher won the first prize of the provincial courses. Teacher Li Di, who won the provincial classroom contest; in August, Han Yi, Geographic Group, was awarded the 3rd National Geographic Classroom Teaching Digital Course Resources.

In April 2013, the school's English group Shang Liping won the second year of Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province's new curriculum high school English excellent class preservation first prize (national level), Yue Yanyi, Gao Jianmin two Waiting for the first prize of the exclaimed video class (national level); the political group won the first year of the first Heilongjiang Teacher Quality Competition (provincial level). In May, the physical group Zhang Guodong said the first prize (provincial level) of the Course Competition (provincial). In June, the second year of the second year of Heilongjiang Province and the new curriculum of Jilin Province high school English excellent class preservation claims (national level). In June, Zhao Yuyao, Song Yuzhen, and Tang Dandan won the first prize of the seventh "Earth Little Dr." National Geographic Science and Technology Competition.

In May 2014, the school Guan Ying was "reading teaching strategy seminar" in the fourth academic activity of high-end forum in Northeast China, the national basic foreign language education research and training center, 2014. First prize.

Remarks: The above is a part of the teacher's results

School Honor

Source: Oct 2015 Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School Network

Cultural Tradition

School logo

school motto

public, honesty, diligent, Yi

public: pay attention to public morality, safeguarding public morality, love public property , Abide by the Convention

Cheng: I'm going to work, treat people with sincerity, in the case of sincerity, the country is since sincerity

Diligers: diligent, diligent, hard work, diligence

Yi: Yi Yilu, Yi, inspirational, Yi, Yili, Yi, Yi, Yicheng Event


Echo of Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School by Green Seedlings, Feiten Atom, Sky Blue Circle, Construction Time, White Square Base, symbolizing the deep helic, vigorous, and thrive, the students pursue modern science, civilization knowledge in the good environment of blue sky, also It reflects the holy and gravis of the school.


Harbia Jiaonong School song

Songhua River, swaying my mind

era spring breeze, bathe, I / P >

Vision, Zhi Zhiji [

We are a new generation of the new generation

shoulder after the attachment, tomorrow, I strive to enter

to create life, I am full of passion

Independent learning, look at the world

We are a new generation of new generation

of the attachen of attachment, the guidance of the life, and the whole development gives me success. Stage

Search for me to give me a high-flying wings, pursue first-class hero

youth plays a happy movement here, life is here to glow happy glory < / P>

We have a long sail here, we draw a new era

group activities

in May 2014, the school calligraphy community and Hari The joint calligraphy exhibition was held.

In September 2014, the classmates of the school commercial community went to Shenzhen to participate in Shenzhen to participate in the 4th Tie Future Business Simulation Challenge, the team YID, which is composed of four students. Yid. Product Design Award.

According to the official website of the Office in October 2015, there are 30 parties in the school.

School leaders

current leaders

long-term leaders

well-known alumni

Feng Jun: Zeng Yuguan Central Secretary Secretary, in May 1991, China was adjusted to the Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and the Minister of Organization.

Zhao Chengwen: Chief professor of China Criminal Police College, a master's degree in reconnaissance technology, famous Chinese criminal appearance expert, trace archaeologist, Chinese photographer, government government allowance, professional technology level police.

Ye Hongan: Graduated from the Optics of Optics of Harbin Institute of Technology, a Ph.D. academy, dean, professor, doctoral tutor of the Electronic Engineering University of Heilongjiang University, is the head of Heilongjiang Electronic Science and Technology, Province Director of the Key Laboratory Committee of the Education Department Electronic Engineering.

Zhang Jie: Established in China University of Science and Technology, after the US Massachusetts Institute of Technology, doctoral degree, geological scientists, is a US National Geological Technical Consultant, US GI Oil Company, US Myson - President Hainwei Information Communications Company.

Package: Professor of Mathematics Department, Michigan State University, USA, Ph.D. tutor, Professor of the Ministry of Education.

Zhao Xiaolong: Dr. Industrial Economics, Renmin University of China, Vice President of China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation.

Ju Xu: Liaoning TV moderator, won the fourth, Xia Xin Cup TV show host contest, China's first "Putzheng Cup" TV show host newcomer contest "most personal host "Award; the 6th Golden Torker; Baiyou Moderator.

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