Home Technique High groove

High groove

Recipe Introduction

high trench bundle, is a special Jiangsu snack in Ganou Town, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, has more than 100 years of history. In the Qing Dynasty Daoguang New Year, the market is active, and the merchant intends frequently, and the Higou Town Smoking Master Zheng Yunfu brothers refined high trench straps in order to give guests. At that time, there were only four in the town to produce supplies. The main ingredients of Jiangsu snack bursts are fat pork hoofs, with dry pigs small

casings as designer, with cinnamon, clove, star anise, pepper, fennel, meat fruit, licorice , Orange peel, mandam, bean, fiery, rice wine, rock sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, onion ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce, etc., etc., carefully. From the beginning to the end, it is necessary to make Jiangsu snack high ditch bundle of Jiangsu snacks, the color sauce is red, fresh and delicious, salty and sweet, and when you eat slow product, the aftertaste is endless. It is called three meals, four more dishes.

Jiangsu snack high ditch bundled hoof, the process is generally washed with fresh hooves, cut into a long, and then equipped with a certain proportion and mash, withdrawing on the chopped meat , Stir evenly. Then, put it in the soy sauce, soak it, wrap it into a mesh shape with the cut dry squid, use the rope (the grass rope is the best), and then put it back to the original soup and cooked. Made. The bundle of Jiangsu snacks is about 400 ~ 500 grams of hoof, about L 8 ~ 20 cm, and 4 cm diameter.

Jiangsu snack high trench bundle food method is to use the fast knife to cut the strap to the sheet, buckle in the disk, as a cold plate. Or use other methods. Moreover, Jiangsu snack high trench strap also contains rich collagen and vitamins, muscle fibers, and has a nutritional status and metabolism of the human body. At the same time, there is also a function of benefiting, blood, moisturizing skin, gloss hair.

Basic information

Category: Su Cai, Ziyin recipe, spleen appetizer recipe

taste: this vegetable color sauce red, salty sweet, fresh and delicious , Food is not greasy, chew slow product, endless aftertaste.

Ingredients: Pork (fat and thin) 5000 grams

Accessories: clove 5 grams of gram 5 grams of meat cardamom 8 grams

Sea: Cinnami 7 grams of pepper 5 Gadware 5 grams of ginger 5 g flare 5 grams of yellow wine 120 grams of fragrant oil 15 grams of sauce 250 grams

cooking method


500 grams of front sandwich meat, 5 grams of ginger, 500 grams of net pigs, 5 grams of onion, 5 grams of lilac, 5 grams of cinnamon, 5 grams of sandstone, 5 grams of the pepper, 15 grams of MSG, 150 grams of Shu, 15 grams of sesame oil, 250 grams of soy sauce.


(1) Wash the pork, cut into 10 cm long, 2 cm, put it into the basin, add cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, sand Benevolence, pepper, onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, Shao wine, sesame oil and uniform, add soy sauce to mix well for 6 hours.

(2) Wrap 300 grams of heavy bundles with piglets, tighten the outer straw rope, put it into the pot, add the raw halide of pickled meat and water, cook with a small fire, take out Cooling, solving the grass rope, cut into thin slices, and makes it.

Features : color sauce red, savory is not greasy, the texture is getting striped, the aftertaste is endless, which is the specialty of Gogou Town, Lishui County, Jiangsu Province.

Nutrition value

Pork - how to identify sick pork: When buying pork, pull one or a number of pig hair, carefully look at the roots, if the root is red, it is ill Pig; if the burgeon is white, it is not a sick. Fresh pork has a gloss, and the muscles are all ...

Making suggestions

1. The casings are the transparent substances outside the pig's colon pigs.

2. When wrapped with small casings, be sure to close the meat, do not leave a gap, pay attention to wrap. Historical and Cultural This dish is a specialty of Gutou Town, Lishui County. Since ancient times, I have been circulating in the middle and autumn, and the high ditch tuned, and the purchase guest is like Yun Yong, and only the production is not available. The folk songs.

Nutrition analysis

Pork (fat and thin): Pork is one of the important animal foods on the table. Because the pork fibers are relatively soft, there are few connective tissues, and the muscle tissue contains more muscle fat, so the meat flavors are delicious after cooking. Pork provides high quality protein and essential fatty acids for humans. Pork can provide heme (organic iron) and a cysteine ​​that promotes iron absorption can improve iron deficiency anemia.

Lilac: Diwa bud contains tanque oil, its main component is Eugenol and Caryophylene. Wild cloves also contain eugenne and esterin. There is a temperature, stomach, distant vomiting and antibacterial effect.

Sumren: Yangchun Sandren contains volatile oil, its ingredient is very complicated, mainly strandene (LINALOOL), tantyl acetate (Bornyl acetate). In addition to the strong fragrance and strong spicy, there is also an inhibitory effect on the intestines. Chemical wet spleen, ride and stomach, and eat the effect. Nutmeg: nutmeg is the ripening of nutmegic barten. Contains a variety of volatile oils, the main ingredient in oil, also contains fatty oil, and there is a large amount of myristic.

Suitable for the crowd

Pork (fat and thin) suitable for people: the average person can be edited;

Wet heat 滞 内 内 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 内 内 内 内Hypertension should not eat too much or avoid it; exogenous patients do not eat.

Lilac is suitable for people: spleen and stomach deficiency, vomiting, fever and yin deficiency inside the heat

Food treatment

Pork (fat and thin) diet:

pork flavor is sweet and salty, genus, spleen, stomach, kidney;

kettle and kidney, nourishing yin and moistening;

Indications of heat injury, thirst, thin, kidney is weak, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, complement, nourishing yin, moist Dry, nourish the liver, moisturizing skin, lodging and thirst.

Pork Boiled soup can be urgent due to the irritability, dry cough, constipation and difficulty in the insufficient liquid liquid.

Thinwa diet: lilac sin, tempered; belonging to the spleen, stomach, kidney; aromatic decline;

has temperature inversion, dispelling cold pain, warm and kidney help The efficacy of the yang;

Indications stomach cold, vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, kidney deficiency, cold and cold, waist and knee, gloom, and bad breath.

Among the therapy effect:

taste, warm temperature. Retorted spleen, stomach, kidney. The aromatic spread, there is a rise in fall.

1. The abdominal pain caused by spleen and stomach stagnation, do not think about diet, more with tangerine, and wooden fragrance.

2. Wet and vomiting. Diagnosis and vomiting of spleen and stomach wetness.

3. Antiper. For pregnancy vomiting, fetal movement is uneasy, mostly with qi and blood, kidney drugs.

Sabinxin is warming, fragrant and wet, mainly in the spleen and stomach, is a wet and disappointment, and the merits of the tire. Where the moisture resistance is stagnant, and the fetal movement is uneasy, and it is common product.


Pork (fat and thin) practice guidance:

1. Pork should be slopp, pork's meat is fine, random, such as cross, After the stir fry, become messy, such as behind, you can make it not broken, eat and don't want tooth; pork should not have a long time to foam;

2. When you have fat, you can first Take the fat on the cold water, then put it on the board, cut the cold water while cutting it, so effort, fat, fat, it is not easy to stick;

3. Pork before cooking Clean with hot water, it contains a substance of a muscle soluble in pork, it is easy to dissolve in water above 15 degrees Celsius. If it is soaked in hot water, there will be a lot of nutrients, and the taste is not good;

4. Pork should be cooked because there will be parasites in pork. If raw eating or conditioning is incomplete, it may be parasitic in the liver or brain.

Dingliang practice guidance:

1. The lilac is mainly used for meat, pastries, pickled food, sautéed condiments, preserves, and beverages.

2. Stomach cold hiccup, pulse, can be with persimmon, ginseng, ginger.

3. Long-term heart-catching cold pain, can be related to cinnamon, dry ginger, etc.

4. Kidney yang deficiency, impotence, cold and infertility, waist and knee pain, can match cinnamon, aponia, antlers.

5. Less abdominal cold abdominal pain can be combined with Chuanxiong, Aconite, cumin, and the like.

Cooking use: Make the taste, flavorful flavor. Commonly used in making halogen, it is also used in cakes and beverages. It is also one of the raw materials of "five fragrance" and "curry powder".

Sandren practice guidance:

Where the spleen and stomach hike is abbreviated, not a diet, vomiting diarrhea, more use with wood, and Other drugs of the syndrome; if the evil resistance is polarized, it can be born with ginger juice; the heat, can be equipped with astragalus, bamboo mushroom, etc. to help the heat of the heat. In addition, this product temperature drop can be used to cure the pour pain, each with a fennel, Wu Hao and other temperate medicines.

Food Section

Lilac: Thinwee is not visible, fear.

Nutrition ingredient

energy 20216.5 kcal; protein 679.47 grams; fat 1869.46 grams; carbohydrates 160.7 grams; folic acid 216.74 micrograms; dietary fiber is 5.56 grams; cholesterol 4000 mg; vitamin A911. 05 micrograms; 11.16 mg of thiometin; 8.44 mg of riboflavin; 180.14 mg of niacin; vitamin C1.25 mg; vitamin E28.82 mg; calcium 570.31 mg; phosphorus 864.53 mg sodium 17789.65 Mg; iodine 6 micrograms; magnesium 1228.6 mg; iron 103.01 mg; zinc 107.19 mg; selenium 603.87 micrograms; copper 3.49 mg; manganese 6.21 mg

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