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Hong Kong Industrial Award


The Hong Kong Industry Award is established in 1989 to express and encourage manufacturers who have outstanding achievements in different industrial performances, and promote the experience and strategy of successful models. .

The Hong Kong Industry Award is made up and developed in the past, with a reward plan set by different industrial performance, including Hong Kong Governor Design Awards held by the Hong Kong Industrial Association in 1969. And the Hong Kong New Product Award held by the Hong Kong Chinese Vendor Federation in 1970. The Hong Kong Industry Award will broaden and organize these incentives, avoiding repetitive situations, and also praises other important industrial performance.

The Hong Kong Industry Award is held for the first time in 1989, and the award category has only two, namely consumer product design and machinery and equipment design. In 1990, the incentive program adds two categories of productivity and quality, until 1992, and then add environmental achievements and export marketing categories. In 1997, the reward scheme has further broaden to the scientific achievement category. Since then, the annual Hong Kong Industry Award includes the above seven award categories.

The Hong Kong Industry Award Preparatory Committee is responsible for overall coordinating work, and its members come from different industrial support organizations and is the chairman of the Committee by Industrial Trade Director. Under the guidance of the preparatory committee, different institutions will hold a competition every year for each award. The Consumer Product Design Award is hosted by the Hong Kong Industrial Association; the Machine and Equipment Design Award hosted by the Hong Kong China Federation; the Productivity Award was hosted by the Hong Kong Productivity Promotion Bureau; the Quality Award was hosted by the Industrial Trade Department; the Environmental Achievement Award was hosted by the Business Environmental Protection Association; Export Market Promotion is hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Bureau; the Scientific and Technology Achievement Award is hosted by Hong Kong Science Park. Each organizer is responsible for formulating and implementing the rules of the award category, promotes and inviting participants, and conducts the initial review work. The final review of each award category will be responsible by the individual review committee. The members of the Committee consists of specialists in the industry, and the seven review committees are chaired by the same person to ensure the consistency of the evaluation standards.

The best company in each award category will receive a Hong Kong Industrial Award. In order to highlight the honor of the Industry Award, only one Hong Kong Industrial Award for each award category. Each organizer can also set up multiple awards and excellent awards in its hosted categories, issued a company to have excellent performance.

The winners of the Hong Kong Industry Award can showcase the officially recognized Hong Kong Industrial Award for three years, and can save the cultivation of the awards to stay forever.

Enterprising qualifications

This annual export market promotion award is welcome to participate in the manufacturer of export business.

Participants must register and operate in Hong Kong, the production place of export products is not limited to Hong Kong, but the company's promotion business, including research and publicity, should be held in Hong Kong.

The company's companies and their representatives are not allowed.

Review Guidelines

Selection work with reference to the achievement of the company's market in the world, the main selection criteria include:

1. Market research

2. Product planning and development

3. Brand strategy

4. Price strategy and market location

5. Promotional strategy < / p>

6. Distribution channel

7. Export performance

8. Market promotion goals and employee reward systems

Environmental achievement

The purpose

Encourage industrial and commercial manufacturing concerns and understanding, praise and Jia Xu's industrial and commercial institutions to improve environmental protection standards.


Encipline must pay in Hong Kong within one year before the deadline, and Hong Kong is a business base, whether it is manufacturing (product must meet the source of origin of Hong Kong) Requirements can participate in the service industry (for example, utility, but excluding finance, wholesale and retail) with direct relationships with the manufacturing industry.

Review Guidelines

Whether it meets environmental legislation standards:

guidelines 1: Participation institutions to environmental protection commitment

reference mechanism Environmental policies and statements, encourage employee awareness and participation in environmental protection, and enriched environmentally friendly goals and measures and environmental procurement procurement procurement procurement plans to prove that their commitment to environmental protection.

Guidelines 2: Improve environmental performance

Partic selection mechanism needs to prevent air, water quality and noise pollution; promote waste reuse, recreate and management, save water, energy And materials; and protect the ecological environment and exhibiting improvements in the above aspects.

Guidelines 3: Compliance with Environmental Protection Legally

Participation agencies must declare in written statements in Hong Kong and domestic operating units that have been violated within the past 12 months. Received a complaint regarding environmental protection, advised, warning. The information obtained will be used in the review process.

Machine and equipment design


encourage and improve the design level of Hong Kong production machine and equipment, improve product competitiveness, and reward outstanding products .


All the design research or manufacturing of all participating products must be carried out in Hong Kong once a year before the date of receipts of the registration deadline. The participating company must own the manufacturing or sales of this product, and must hold a valid Hong Kong business registration certificate.

Review Guidelines


Application New Technology;


Easy to use;

cost efficiency;


on the environment.

Technology achievement


praise the development and application of excellent technology development and application and its contribution to Hong Kong, strengthen the understanding of the use and development of science and technology, and improve the industry The competitiveness of the Hong Kong industry.


Interested Participation shall have a valid business registration certificate. If necessary, the participating company must submit a copy of the business registration certificate. If a subsidiary or a division, you can also choose from an independent name.

Manufacturing or related industry or services with direct relationships with the manufacturing industry (for example, public utilities, Internet, e-commerce companies.) If all or some of the products are eligible for local production .

Corporation must prove its good performance or outstanding achievements in management, commercial strategies, scientific and technological development and practice.

Review Guidelines

The judging criteria include the following major factors:

Technology development and adoption - cultivation of local science and technology strategy and process, its innovation ideas and commercialization the result of.

Successfully applied technology to make a significant competitive advantage in the global market.

The scientific and technological culture of the selection mechanism.

The Commission is composed of related industrial and academic people.



a. Implementing effective quality management measures through praise and rewards, enabling products to achieve high quality standards, thus Make Hong Kong's manufacturers more important to quality;

b. Promote a successful method and strategy of winning a prize.


The Hong Kong Industrial Award - Quality Competition accepts companies in Hong Kong as a business base, and in the previous December, the participating company must be all or Part is made in Hong Kong.

must have a valid business registration certificate.

Review Guidelines, Program

Hong Kong Industry Award - Quality Party will be selected as the following three main standards:

1. Quality of the company's products, That is, whether the product can play a set of power, stable performance, beautiful packaging, beautiful appearance, promote environment, value value and safety;

2. Relevant company's overall quality culture, in design, material procurement In the production and testing process, the extent to which the quality management system is applied, and whether the system effectively eliminates delays, secondary products that may be generated during the manufacturing process, and the subsequent customer complaints; and

3. The company is not only to implement the degree of creative development.

The participating company is reviewed by the judgment, and then judges to submit an audit report to the review committee.


The purpose

Encourage Hong Kong agencies to improve productivity and commended their efforts.


Any Hong Kong company agency, a subsidiary or department of company agencies, if a commercial entity, organizational map, administrative manual, and annual report can show it to have clear Organizational architecture can participate in this annual productivity award selection activity.

The selection must have registered a year or more, operate manufacturing or manufacturing services, and can provide an example of improving productivity. Its business activities, regardless of productivity operations or services, there is no need to be in Hong Kong, but there must be at least one or more important manufacturing work in Hong Kong.

Review Guidelines

Production of Power Power

Value-added Capability

Effective Application Resources

Productivity Achievement

Consumer Product Design


promoting product design, affirming product design to the importance of Hong Kong industry, and encouraging Hong Kong entrepreneurs to improve product design levels and promote product research develop.


Participation consumer products or related products related to consumer must be design in Hong Kong. Designing companies, trading companies or agents can represent their participation in the consent of the above product companies. The submitted product should be a new design in recent years, it is best not for more than two years. All entries must participate in the name of company or institutions. Participants must be a registered company or agency in Hong Kong.

Product Nature:

Most consumer products or related products related to consumer can basically participate, products are mainly widely divided into two categories: technology products and tradition Products, for example:

miniature computers and computers;

electronic products;

electrical products;


Jewelry clock;

clothing and clothing matching;

household and home supplies ......

Review Rules:

design (new design on appearance or internal technology);


technology Breakthrough and its application;


functional use;

market sales;


The above review guidelines are for reference only, and the order is not arranged in terms of importance. The proportion of the guideline is determined according to the nature of different products. Some review guidelines are not necessarily applicable to all products. Other review guidelines, such as environmental, price, market share, convenient use, social contribution ..., if applicable, it is considered.

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