Home Technique Huangshan North Sea Scenic Area

Huangshan North Sea Scenic Area

Scenic Spot Overview

Huangshan North Sea Scenic Area (5)

Beihai Scenic Area is the hinterland of Huangshan Scenic Area, in the bright top and Xinxin Peak, lion Between Feng, Bai Pengfeng, Donglian Yun Valley Scenic Area, Nanta Yuling Scenic Area, Nisson Peak Scenic Area. It is an open area of ​​around 1600 meters above an altitude, with an area of ​​1316 hectares. Beihai Scenic Area is peak-made, bringing together peaks, stone, 矼,, 台 和, 奇, 奇, odd, dangerous, illusion-characteristic, Tiangong's wonderful layout, glass color change, constitute a magnification Wei, odd, illusion, dangerous natural picture, is the scenery window of Huangshan. The peak of Beihai, Shimenfeng, Gongyang Mountain, is a peak of more than 1800 meters above an altitude, like a barrier, separated from North and South. Less-in-One of the 1690 meters above sea level is in the middle of the scenic spot, the Qingliang Taiwan on the Lion Peak is the best place to watch the clouds and sunrise.

Beihai is the main scenic spot and tour of Huangshan Alpine. The North Sea is located in the Huangshan Center. The four south of the north and south of the North Sea are connected to the North Sea. The North Sea is connected to each of the attractions. .

Geological Causes

The geological position of the North Sea Scenic Area is in the fine granular granite granite granite granulite in the end of the central pulsation of Huangshan Rock Mass. The fine particles contain a high degree of patching, and the rock is relatively easy to weathe, in order to form the central and southern sea, the southern part of the South Sea, the top of the top of the scenic spot is formed. Medium fine granular granite, vertical, horizontal journalism, under frozen and weathering erosion, constitutes a beautiful stone with beauty of the scenic area from Qifeng and the form.

Climate characteristics

Huangshan is in the subtropical season wind climate area, located in the northern edge of Central Asia, often green broad-leaved forest, red soil yellow soil. Due to the depth of the mountain, the climate changed vertical. At the same time, due to the large radiation difference between Northern slope and South slope, local terrain dominates its climate, forming more cloudy, high humidity, and has more climate characteristics, close to marine climate, summer cool, winter and less cold, The average temperature difference in the four seasons is only about 20 degrees Celsius. The highest temperature in the summer 27 degrees Celsius, the lowest temperature in winter is 7.8 degrees Celsius, the average temperature is 7.8 degrees Celsius, the average temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, and the average temperature in winter is 0 degrees Celsius. The annual average rainfall is 183 days, most concentrated from 4 to June, the annual precipitation in the mountains is 2395 mm. Southwestern wind, northwest wind frequency, annual average snowfall day 49 days.

Topographic landform

Huangshan has experienced a long, mountainous movement and the crust loss, and the glacier and natural weathering effects form its unique peak structure. Huangshan Punfeng Lin Li, with seventy-two peaks, "36 big peaks, 36 small peaks", the main peak lotus peak is above 1864.8 meters.

Huangshan Mountain is mainly composed of Yanshan granite, vertical journalism, erosion, hard break, and cracks, longitudinal, long-term water, form a magnificent granite cavity and hole, to make Zhenling Canyon At the gate, there are 30 parts of the mountain, 22 rocks, 7 cave, and 2 points. [2]

Huangshan's fourth Ji Glacier remains mainly in the southeastern part of the front mountain, typical glacier landforms are: bitter bamboo stream, Xiaoyao Creek is "U" "corner of the glacier movement; Eyebrow peak, squid back, etc. is two "V"-shaped vallets and graph-resistant edging edge; the top of the Tiandu is the peak left by three-sided ice, and the Hundreds of faces, the character waterfall is glacier Valley and The glacier across the glacier is suspended; Xiaoyao Creek to Tangkou, Wu Mud, Huang Shi, etc., distributed ice stone with glacier handling, and the "Danjing" used by Xuanyuan Huangdi's alchemy. " Pharmacokine is also formed by glacier effect.

Main Attractions

White Wieling

is the most east side of Beihai, here is the best place in Yunhai, Donghai, Linghead, Pingtan, Yungu Rod Road The room is located in the Lingdou, and the tourists will be more organized by the cable car, and then visit the mountain.


The West Sea Canyon is always known as the mysterious valley because of the peak. It has been open to the Baiyunxi Scenic Area. From the fishing bridge in the gate of Huangshan West, the new pair of Shi Yunxi, Shi Zhifeng, the peak peak of 15 miles of Shi Yunxi, the peak of the stone bed, through the bottom of the sea, more than 1,000 meters. Tourists can reach the three estuary through the fishing bridge and shame. The Sanhekou is the gathering of the three streams of Jiulong Feng, the row of cloud booths, and the sea from the sea, and "Sanxi Bridge". Sanhekou Fei Waterfall is the highest waterfall Huangshan, 140 meters of drop, and not freeze in the whole year. The waterfall sound can be heard in the swan of the stream, and you can also see the "cactus". After the droplets and lucky clouds, they are rolling booths. Shi Zhufeng has a stone bridge over the peak waist between the two peaks. The two heads of the bridge open the mountain peaks, and the roads pass through. After passing the bridge, we will wear the cave before the bridge. This is "Xi Xian Bridge". After the bridge and the beautiful flower garden, the small road to the sea. Along the way, people can watch a variety of weird pine trees.

飞 石 石

From the top of the light, you can see "Feihua Stone" from the south of the row. There is a high 12 meters high in the flying peak, the boulder lonely peak, the bottom and mountain peaks are suddenly separated, like the sky, the name. The bronchite taken in the Dream of Red Mansions is a flying stone. Only in Danxia Peak Flying Stone, I saw the lower circle, such as Xiantao, and Xianhu Peak. The flying stone is not only a form of lack, but also on the platform, you can also enter the wonderful "painting". Double-shear peaks, the bamboo shoots are like a magical splash mountain painting.

Fu Zifeng

is located at the foot of Huangshan Make in Sanqi Township, is a tourist attraction of beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and fascinating, ancient bridge and natural landscape. There are three famous attractions such as Scenic Lake, Shenxian Cave, Kowloon, Water, Fairy Diversion, Panda, Qinglongtan, and Turtles, and Qinglongtan.

Bright top

Altitude height 1840 meters, Huangshan second peak. The top is high and flat, with an area of ​​60,000 square meters, and it is connected to the flat tank. The front mountain and back mountain are bounded by this. Here is the highest level of sea level in East China, Huangshan Meteorological Station. Since the terrain is high, it is one of the best places to watch the sunrise in Huangshan. Standing in the bright top can determine the east, south, west, Beihai and the sea, really, the five-sea smoke cloud is full of eyes! Therefore, the people said that he did not see Huangshan View.

Dream pen flowering

In the northern part of Huangshan, the North Sea Hotel Dupo, which is similar to the pen. Have an altitude of 1640 meters. A stone is very out, flat, down the pointer, like a calligrapher's fight. In the peak sewing, there is a cheap and fallen, the flutter, and the green is like a blooming flowers. There is a smock of stone under the peak, the shape is like a sleep, the singer said that this scene is "Dream Pen Shenghua", which is Huangshan Shengjing. The Qing people have poems: "The stone bones can be used, and the Song Weaving Cui Jin Yun shop. Natural tube flowers pen, write the peak into the picture." The 70s, the pine tree is dead, and then the imitation plastic pine. Next to the pen, there is a stroke peak, up peak.

Yunyun booth

is located in the north of Flying Stone, is about 1 km away, here is the most ideal place in Huangshan Qianshi, the West Sea, so there is a Qiao Shili Show. Standing in the row of clouds, but seeing the peaks of the arrows, heavy stacking, whenever the clouds are lingering, when the cloud is hidden, it is like a large sea.

Lion Peak

is located opposite the North Sea hotel. An important attractions in the view of the North Sea scenery are in the mountainside of the Lion Peak. It is the best place to be the sunrise of the Yunhai, the North Sea View, so there is the first part of Huangshan. Standing in the Qingliang Taiwan, you can also see numerous cleansses, such as "pig eight ring to eat watermelon", "18 Luo Han Dynasty South China Sea", "Guanyin Fenghai", etc., the image is wonderful.


is 1668 meters above sea level, and the ancient people are skeptical to visit the mountain, and they will be invited to Huangshan cute, so there is. Here is a talented stone, and the three faces are empty, the cliff is thousands of earth, the stone bamboo shoots, the peak is around, Cheng Ding is the potential, the peak has a fairy bridge, the bridge is like the fairy bridge. Pine. The peak is a platform, the ancient literati Yashi Chang Deng peaks, poetry painting, drink alcohol, so there is a Qintai. Initial Xinfeng Scenic Area gathered many Huangshan famous loose, and the start of the peak is: attractive pine, black tiger, Xi Zong, dragon claws, Wolong, exploration. Squitrous stone can watch numerous stones. Stone bamboo shoots, known as "Huangshan's first wonder", 矼 上 石 柱 参 林立, 奇松 奇石风姿, "The 18th Luo Han Dynasty" Wei Xiao Xiao, fascinating. There is also a Jianglian bombing office in the beginning of Xinfeng Peak. Jiang Litian is the anti-Qing Yizhijiang Tianyi descendants, Yongzheng, Qianlong years, is not willing to be an official, lonely and proud, life is not a born, and the cloud is in the world. Jiang Lian is proficient in the music, not good at the piano, often on the night of the moon, the beginning of the giant, in the ancestral Hanjiang, sitting in Fuqin, the valley responded, bird and beast gathered.

Wolong Pine

is located in the Luxury Peak, located in the east side of Shinfeng Peak, the trunk is divided into two branches, the growth of the rock discs, and the top branches are integrated. Working, head, angle, and Canglong Lingbo's potential.

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