Home Technique Italy Joint Credit Bank

Italy Joint Credit Bank

Company Profile

Company Business & Products: Personal Investment, Business Banking, International Business, Telephone Service, Credit Card Service, Deposit Loan Business, etc.

Development Strategy : The development goal of the company is to obtain leadership in Italy and even Europe, create greater economic benefits for its customers, employees, and major shareholders.

Development History

Italy Joint Credit Bank was combined in 1998 with Credito Italiano A ND Rolo Banca 1473 and Cariverona, 1999 Assa Di Risparmio Di Trento E Rovereto, Cassa Di The important commercial banks of Risparmio di Trieste and Poland Bank Pekao joined the Italian Joint Credit Bank to make the bank's strength increased.

In April 2000, the Italian United Bank acquired Croatian Bank and Plitska Banka, M & 5 M & A Slovakian Bank Pol'Nobanka. In July, the Bulgaria signed an agreement to acquire Bulbank.

Today, Italy United Credit Bank has developed into the second largest bank in Western Europe, which is ranked ninth in 2007, "Wealth" ranks in the world's largest five hundred companies.

The Italian electricity industry is mainly managed by private enterprises. After 1962, according to public industry state-owned law, the government took over the national private electric power company, and established state-owned Italian National Power Company (Enel). , Transport, distribution and distribution use vertical integrated management system, is the largest power generation supplier in Italy. Italy has 3 million customers in Italy's national customers, accounting for 87% of the entire Italian. The company is also Europe's only energy companies through ISO14001 certified. There are mainly two major business branches of electricity and natural gas. Enel Rete Gas sells natural gas 5.2 billion cubic meters in 2005, with a market share accounting for 12%. In addition, Italy has more than 20 electricity, energy equipment manufacturing, environmental equipment manufacturing, research and development, new energy development and other companies and institutions.

There are more than 10 foreign-owned, joint ventures, and shareholding companies, mainly distributed in Spain, Slovak, Romania, Bulgaria. In South America, North America has a clean energy development company.

The company's sales in 2005 is 42.3 billion euros. In 2006, "Wealth" magazine commented on the 132nd digits.

Technical advantage

Italy leading internationally leading technology includes: clean energy technology, rural energy and technology, hydropower plant design, construction technology and thermal power plant Environmental technology.

Cooperation Project

Italy National Electric Co. 2006 and the China National Environmental Protection Administration and industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturers to purchase three agreements to purchase China's greenhouse gas "emission reduction quota" (ERAP). According to the agreement, the Italian National Power Company (Enel) will obtain an emissions of the oxide of the HFC-23 gas, which is a by-product of the production of refrigeration substances, and the "greenhouse effect" produced is 11,000 times higher than the carbon dioxide. Italian National Power Corporation will also open offices in Beijing and further strengthen cooperation with China's biomechanical, hydropower and reducing mine gas emissions.

In May 2006, Italy national electricity company and Hubei Huaqing Electric Power Co., Ltd. signed the Clean Energy reduction displacement agreement for the Hefeng Hihe Power Station in Yichang. According to the agreement, Huaqing Company's Haohe Hydropower Station has been completed by the carbon dioxide reduction of 280,000 tons. Italian national electric company purchased every year of approximately $ 7 per ton. After 2010, it started payment, and 2012 is the first Commitment period. After the agreement officially signed the effectiveness, Huaqing Company's Hihe Hydropower Station will receive advanced construction technology of Italy and $ 1.96 million per year. The Hihe Hydropower Station is located in the territory of Fishan Village, Hefeng County, 1.7 million kilowatts of the power station, mainly delivered Hubei Power Grid. It is planned to start in 2007 and the construction period is 4 years.

Carbon dioxide reduction background information: The "Kyoto Agreement", which officially entered into force in February 2005, clearly stipulated that from 2008 to 2012, all industrial developed countries should emissions from 2 greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. The amount is reduced by 5.2% on the basis of 1990. Equivalent emission rights can be obtained each of the developed countries to reduce the cost of 1 ton of carbon dioxide emissions in developing countries. The above cooperation mechanism is a clean development mechanism, which is a multinational trade investment mechanism. The design of the carbon dioxide reduction is a virtual product, and its transaction rules are very strict, and the development procedures are more complicated.

China is developing a developing country in the Kyoto Agreement, because in 2012, there is no need to undertake specific emission reduction obligations, and therefore all reduced greenhouse gas emissions in China can follow the Kyoto Agreement. The CDM mechanism in the book is converted into a price to sell to developed countries.

officially combined

Mid June 2005, Italy Yuxin Bank announced that it costs 15.1 billion euros to acquire the second largest bank in Germany. Yubao Bank.

November 18, Italy Yixin Bank and Germany's second largest bank Yubao Bank officially merged, which is the largest multinational bank acquisition transaction in Europe so far.

Internal Market Committee of the European Commission, Chari McIvi pointed out that European Bank's multinational mergers and acquisitions is much lower than other industries. The British "economist" believes that part of this phenomenon is that the financial regulatory agencies have set many obstacles to ensure market stability.


May 13, 2020, Italy Joint Credit Named 2020 Forbes Global Enterprise 2000 Bit No. 202.

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