Home Technique Jianyan Nandu

Jianyan Nandu

Historical Background

Jin Hui will become Humiliation in Qin Emperor prisoners, as well as members of the royal family including the Queen, concubines, princes, princesses and other ministers and confidential, court female officer, court musicians, cooks and so was captured north of the Golden Army, Kang Zhao Gou was spared. Humiliation two years (1127), Jin withdraw troops from Bianjing, Li Da Chu Zhang Bangchang for the emperor. Meng Zhang Bangchang in desperation to the name of the Queen Mother, issued an edict of Emperor Zhao Gou Li.

Humiliation two years (1127), Zhao Gou south from Beijing Daming (now the Hebei city name) to accompany Nanjing should Tianfu (now Shangqiu) ascended the throne, is the Song Emperor, reign title Jian Yan. Panchen Zhang Bangchang but to protect state-owned power in the name of being champion. April Humiliation two years (1127), Jurchen moved northwards. The next day, Zhang Bangchang obeyed Lu inquisitive recommendation, sent to look for Kang Zhao Gou. Zhang Bangchang later killed, Song became the only civil officials were killed.

Emperor ascended the throne in the second year (1128), Jin went on to massive southward invasion. After Zhao Gou all the way south, crossing the Yangtze River through the Huai River. Song Jian Yan for three years (the day will be seven years, in 1129) and Li Jin Liu Yu as emperor, the country together, to strengthen the rule of the south of the Yellow River. Song and Jin Tai scattered off to the Huai River as the boundary line. Built in three years to change our health Jiangning government for the government. Shaoxing first year (1131) to lift the state government of Shaoxing, became the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing eight years is set Lin'an line.

south through

Kang Ji-system

At this time, Zhao Gou is Jeju (now Shandong Juye). His mission to the gold camp in November last year, halfway reentry phase state soon, he received Qinzong appointed him grand marshal troops and horses wax book, open government relative to the state. Tokyo emergency, although he received in Daming rushed loyalist wax Chao, only to let the deputy marshal Zong Ze Qin Wangbing Nan lower part with relief, then he fled to the east all the way to Jeju. Zhang Bangchang sent to the Imperial Seal brought it, and he knows himself as the Prince of the Huizong thinkers are not the only prisoner to the north, the most qualified to ascend the throne. Nanjing has Hongqing Zhao Song of Temple Palace, so he moved to Nanjing should Tianfu (now Shangqiu) on May 1 in Nanjing palace throne, reign title Jianyan year, for the Emperor, owned Bangladesh government.

Li Gang June 1 to reach the Tianfu, Emperor appointment he, first under the situation seriously, and second, so as to attract people hope. Li Gang battle, he's into the phase, and most of the main yellow submarine good, Wang Boyan the hate. Autumn, Jin Zhang Bangchang killed to the ground, attack Song again. Wang, Huang advocated southern escape, Li Gang advocates adhere to the Central Plains, Tokyo Zongze also force are also requested Emperor presided over the recovery plan.

Gao Li Gang was appointed the right phase, this time, he also rushed to the road Yingtianfu. Gao make good any yellow submarine in the book assistant minister and the royal camp, Wang Boyan any sub-prefect Privy Council and the Royal camp Fushi, they are the most trusted right-hand man. Ascended the throne at the beginning, although the Emperor of Zhang Bangchang said I did not pursue the matter, but Li Gang ton of bricks, Gao also does not allow his heart to arrogate retrograde, over only in January, it will be demoted officer Prince. Zhang Bangchang large section of the course or lose, for the public discussion will not be tolerated. But Wang said the Southern Song Dynasty historians say "Bang Chang of the tyrant, there is good stress", or realistic, be simply regarded as Panchen seem too harsh.

Hunts Southeast

Emperor fearing a repeat of the mistakes of his father and brothers captivity in July, issued a Shouzhao "inspecting the southeast," the destination is Jiankang (now Nanjing) . Li Gang strongly opposed, carried out the promised "to remain independent Central Plains," the Emperor long ago, forcing him to withdraw its proposal, has incurred the Emperor's abomination. In August, Li Gang was promoted with the left, yellow submarine good substitute right phase, into Wang Boyan know the Privy Council, Li Gang to clamp down on the trend.

At the time, the establishment of two rivers military and civilian spontaneous landscape Village to defend the homeland, fight Jin Jun, Li Gang, Zhang ordered the Hebei pacify the West, Fu Liang to the east by the system, to the contact, to regain lost ground. Huang, Wang to withdraw troops fighting the Secretary Zhang and Fu Liang made by the Secretary, put an end to the excellent situation of anti-gold two rivers, Li Gang argue, but favoring the Emperor Huang, Wang, Royal Assent consent. Yellow submarine good to make their referrals censor impeachment Zhang Jun Li Gang, Li Gang resigned. Gao retain some hypocrites, they put their Baxiang. Li Gang until his death, he did not re-entry into a large used, he was later crossed the best candidate for prime minister, Emperor without his fundamental reason, is worried about its own main battle attracted to big trouble.

Jianyan Nandu

August 25, Chen and Ouyang Che chop Tianfu East Market, Chen Dong forty-two, Ouyang Che only thirty-one. Brought pledge of "do not kill people made things scholar with a letter" A, vows content just last month with the situation Chao belt she was conveyed to the Emperor Huizong. The reason why the Emperor slaughter, fundamentally for three reasons: First, Chen Dong, following him doubt the legality of the system, Ouyang Che for his debauchery revelations are touched the most pain; secondly, lest Chen Dong Jing Kang reignited civil commotion as the student movement; Third, Chen and other advocates letter multiplexing Li Gang, and resolutely anti-gold, its decision-making tit for tat escape. Therefore, Gao will be killing them and then quickly and repeatedly expressed remorse hypocritically, is the official gift, but also thanks to Tian, ​​the official repair history books also stressed that he is mistakenly listened to the instigation of the yellow submarine good, nothing but aimed at reducing the condemnation of public opinion.

Li Gang any phase only seventy five days, his Baxiang aroused indignation of honest men. Chen Dong students this time too was summoned arrived Tianfu said his trip with his own coffin, determined to pay the price of his life. Li Gang Baxiang heard, twice he had no fear of a letter, hope deposed Emperor Huang as soon as possible, Wang, saying that "For complex Central Plains to set plans, non-use Li Gang can not", should also warn Emperor ascended the throne, he questioned future Qinzong back, I do not know why from the Department. Another commoner scholar Ouyang Che letter also accused the Emperor "pet palace music" (that is indulged in sex).

Chen Dong killed soon after, the Emperor issued an edict on "inspecting Huai Austin." In October, small court fled to Yangzhou, this bustling fireworks as a "line" (ie temporary residence of the court). End of the year, respectively, Emperor Huang, Wang were moved to the left and right phase, the full court to them, at their own pleasure palace, completely ignoring the Central Plains soldiers and civilians working with the army in a bloody battle gold.

under Jinjun Nan

In December, the Golden Army in three columns southward again. Yan built two years in May, returned to Beijing Gao Zong Ze letter please presided over the Northern Expedition feat. But the Emperor turned a deaf ear; Zong Ze for each memorial, Huang, Wang smiled and thought he was sick mind. Zong Ze's death, the situation quickly reversed the north against gold, the Rebel is one by one break, government troops falling apart, a year later opened again occupied the Golden Army.

Built in three years in February, finished Yanzong Han troops raid Yangzhou, straight forward Tianshui Army (now Anhui Tianchang). Three days, is Gao Huan palace lines merry, hears battlefield, scared from loss of sexual function, it can no longer give birth. He hurriedly led the horse out of the city a few followers, fled across the river. Kang legends in the mud Madu Jiang on the source for this.

The next day, Jin Jun scored Yangzhou, chase river, less than the withdrawal of military and civilian casualties and countless drowning. Yangzhou government and rout of guilt that are yellow submarine good and Wang Boyan body, Emperor whom also dissatisfied They can not count early so that they are much suffering, Baxiang ordered the appointment of Zhu Sheng not for the right phase, Wang Yuan sign book belongs to the Privy Council, Secretary palace guard and still have control.

squad tens of thousands of incoming fifty-six daughter riding without putting up any resistance, not only is not a penalty, but promotion, because the original palace eunuch Kang Lu Kang, blue Gui Yuan Wang big retreat in Yangzhou complicity. Gao fled en route from Hangzhou in Zhenjiang and Hangzhou after arrival, these eunuchs are still unscrupulous, domineering, strong people buy material, Zhu Jiang Ling suddenly aroused great indignation soldiers and civilians.

In March, the Royal Secretary generals Miaofu camp, Liuzheng Yan Wang Yuan suddenly promoted both jealous, and jealousy eunuchs abuses of Emperor blindly fled south also deeply unhappy mutiny in Hangzhou. They Heaven and Kang Wang Yuan Lu, Gao stress demise to the throne Prince Zhao Fu as young as three years old, behind a screen of Ryusuke Empress (ie Queen Meng Zhe), by Ming reign title. The coup, known as the "Miao Liu change" or "out by the change."

At this time, signed with the Privy Council Lvyi Hao is Jiangning (now Nanjing), the warlord Rites assistant minister Zhang Jun Ping Jiang (now Jiangsu Suzhou), after they heard the news Hanshizhong contact generals, Liu Guangshi revolted loyalist, etc. . Miao Liu mutiny despite reasonable matter of course, but also mixed with personal ambitions, they have neither the foresight nor clear objectives, dilemma, see close to Hangzhou Qin Wang Dajun, it abandoned the city, Gao restoration. In May, Miao, Liu was captured Hanshizhong army, two months after the death.

into the sea to avoid the enemy

In July, the Emperor rose to Hangzhou Lin'an government, intends to here as a temporary comfort zone. Golden Army to complete Yanzong Bi (Wushu) as commander in chief, sub-four massive southward invasion, Wushu Gao personally led the main chase small court. Subservient to the emissary of the Emperor and Marshal Kim begging, his best credentials:? "Justice has the security of Jesus is no code of practice to be no Ben, together with a loss, 跼 days Ji ground, and nothing Yung house, day and night so this course, but Ji you see the sorrow and has also forgiven. "but the Emperor Wu Shu must have been so totally ignored the Emperor's fawning, broke through the defense line of the Yangtze River, the occupation of our health, toward the Lin'an .

In October, Gao Lin fled from the state (now Zhejiang Shaoxing), next month, and then fled to Minnesota (now Zhejiang Ningbo), in December, decided to avoid the enemy into the sea. Fifteen days, the Emperor received the news of gold Lin'an government army approached, they fled to sit floor boat Dinghai (now Zhejiang Zhenhai), and then across to Chang State (now Zhejiang Dinghai). End of the year, Gao learned Wushu approaching Minnesota, let royal boat adrift in the sea between Taizhou and Wenzhou. Built in four years lunar January, Gao fleet drop anchor Taizhou Zhang Changan (now Zhejiang Huangyan northeast), after staying here for two weeks towards the coastal Wenzhou, Wenzhou since February Zhubo river temple.

Southern Song Dynasty against gold

Wushu in the first month on the 16th captured Minnesota, ready to catch a boat into the sea won the Emperor. On the way encounter big storm, Song navy was defeated, returned to Minnesota. Then south to the Golden Army is a spent force, behind the emptiness, the long front, Song repeated armed attacks. February, Wushu claims to have completed "check search mountain sea" intended target, start Beiche. Along the way, burning the city, looting adultery, Minnesota, Lin'an, PingJiangFu are Yanyan several days without a break.

wet weather in the south river aspect, coupled with the heroic resistance of the Southern Song Junmin, Jurchen Wan Yan Wushu coach decided to withdraw troops north. When Beiche Zhenjiang, the song is broken posterior HanShiZhong results forced into Huang swing. Song to eight thousand troops besieged the Kinbyo of thousands, the two sides locked in a stalemate forty eight days before the final Jurchen Fire will open the gap, to retreat, female human has been defeated Yue Fei in our health, and since then did not dare to cross the river.

Golden Army moved northwards

In March, Wushu army withdrawal from PingJiangFu, ready to go north in the town of Jiangdu Jiang. The Navy Song Hanshizhong rate from the Yangtze River estuary and hardships west, an ambush on the river near the Temple Zhenjiang coke, cut off the return of the Golden Army. The two sides fierce water war, Hanshizhong wife Liang (historical Song Dynasty only know the surname Liang, after the name of a ruby ​​or legend will be attached) drumming personally assist in the work. Jin Jun uninterested, suffered serious losses. Wu Shu Shizhong refused to name the horse route through wealth and goods requirements, the Golden Army Navy landed at seventy miles northeast of Jiankang yellow day swing. This is a dead port, Song blocked its exports, to enable the army to break through have failed repeatedly. Geranium Golden Army finally dug through the Qinhuai River Oxbow, let warships into the Yangtze River, to come to intercept firearms to repel the HanShiZhong navy, he was able to safely retreat. At the same time, Yue Fei defeated Wushu withdrawal of troops from land, regained our health. In the battle of yellow day swing, the Hanshizhong surround one hundred thousand to eight thousand gold navy military, military stalemate of four Shi Yuri, although not finally win, kept the Golden Army now refuse to cross the river.

Gao Jin Jun was informed that moved northwards, only from Wenzhou Fanhai north, back to the state, ending the desperate life at sea for up to four months. The following year, Emperor reign title for the first year of Shaoxing (in 1131), and combine the "Shao Jo ZTE" means. Although this rise in October as the state government of Shaoxing, but here as a line, there are a lot of inconvenience on water transport. The following year the first month, Gao Lin move back to the small court.

generally at Shaoxing two years (1132) Emperor in incurred as a symbol of Hangzhou, the Southern Song Dynasty small court essentially a firm foothold in the south, Song Shi crossed were also completed. After that, although short-lived Emperor in incurred over our health, but that was only for anti-gold stance. Of course, in order to do not forget to express their attitude to restore the Central Plains, Lin'an always called line.

Lin'an have as an economic advantage and geographical conditions of the capital: both natural risk of the Yangtze River, Yangtze River and unlike the verge of our health, vulnerable to attack; located in the Taihu Lake Basin and two Shaoxing plain land of plenty Interchange, rich; eastern Zhejiang Grand Canal and Canal here joints, Minnesota as a foreign trade port is also in close proximity, water transport, maritime transport is very convenient; the long-term construction Tang, the Five Dynasties and Northern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou has emerged as the most southeast bustling city.

historical influence

Jianyan crossed when, Kang Zhao Gou was in spite of northern soldiers and civilians caught in the fighting have fled south choose to say he did not do an emperor's responsibility, but he south so that Jin did not get the opportunity to eliminate Song for Song and Jin confrontation continues and later played a certain role.

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