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Linnas Ben Na Crat Tobaz

synonymous with Linus Torvalds generally refers to Linus Benedict Torvalds first Benner

Characters experiences

December 1969 Torvalds was born on 28th Helsinki, Finland city. Father Nils Torvalds (Nils Torvalds) is an active communist and radio reporter, was elected member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Finland. Torvalds family belongs in Finland accounted for 6% of the Swedish minority in Finland. He graduated from the University of Helsinki Department of Computer 1997 to 2003 in Silicon Valley, California worked at Transmeta (Transmeta Corporation), now employed at the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL: Open Source Development Labs, Inc), the full development of Linux kernel. With his wife Tove (Tove, former Finnish women's karate champion) have three girls.

different from many other hackers, Torvalds act low profile, rarely commented Commercial competitors (eg Microsoft) The quality of the product, but insisted that open-source conviction, and rivals such as Microsoft's FUD strategy greatly dissatisfied.

For example, respond to comments in a Microsoft senior vice president reggae Mundie (Craig Mundie) related to the open source movement (Mundie criticism of the open source movement undermines intellectual property rights) of e-mail, Torvalds wrote: "I do not know whether Mundie heard of Sir Isaac Newton (Isaac Newton) because he not only created the classical physics (as well as his and Apple's story) is famous for, but also because also said? famous saying: I was able to see farther, the reason is because I stand on the shoulders of giants, "Torvalds also said:" I would rather listen to Newton than hear Mundie of him (. Newton), though dead for nearly 300 years, but did not let the room was so smelly. "

Linus is currently employed in the Open Source development Lab (OSDL, Open Source development labs) , heart and soul of the development of the Linux kernel. Although this man looks unremarkable, such as Linus had his autobiography "Music is king" (Just for Fun) in self-deprecating: "I'm an ugly child, who have seen pictures of people I was a kid, I would think that looks exactly like the beaver. imagine my slovenly dress, and a big nose Torvalds family for generations inherited, so, in your mind on the formation of my appearance. "but this did also not affect Linus tremendous value to the entire business community -Linux represents a form of intellectual property rights and opening new forms of Internet age, which will subvert the traditional business model on the foundation of a closed proprietary software to Windows as the representative. More importantly, this subversion has long been quietly appeared in every corner of the business community.

main achievements

to subvert the world of "liberal Pope" Linus

"Some people are born with a command of one million people's charisma; others write software for the subversion of the world is born only one who can do both at the same time people, Torvalds is the "United States" Time "magazine on" Linux "father of the forest. Jonas Torvalds (Linus Torvalds) give a high evaluation. Even in the "Time" magazine readers voted out according to the 100 most important people of the twentieth century, Linus actually routed to the first 15, but from the last years of the 20th century began to occupy the title of world's richest man Bill Gates but is the 17th.

Linus' famous and "important" harbinger of what did not come, although this was born in 1969 in Helsinki, Finland in the young genius hacker has considerable charm - a fascination for computers so that he can early computer driven to do things, to be able to control all the details freely. But Linus just beginning to produce during 1991 studied at the University of Helsinki on the Unix keen interest, try to do some development work on Minix (Unix variants), he never thought would build a new operation core system to.

The birth of Linux seems full of chance. Linus often use his terminal emulator (Terminal Emulator) to access e-mail and newsgroup on the host university, for the convenience of the reader and download the file, he wrote to the disk and file system drivers, which later became the the first prototype of the Linux kernel. At that time, he was only 21 years old.

Inspired by the spirit of the father of some of the free software Richard Stallman (Richard Stallman), Linus quickly to the Linux name of this Unix-like operating system added to the free software Foundation (FSF) of the GNU Project, and authorized by the versatility of the GPL, allows users to sell, copy and change the program, but you will have to pass along the same freedom and must be free and open to modify your code. This shows that, Linux is not being deliberately created, it is entirely the result of cumulative, experience, creativity and collection of short short code.

No doubt, it is Linus's move to bring Linux and himself a great reputation and high success. Just a few years, at around Linux has gathered thousands of fanatics, everyone excluding gains and losses for Linux additions, modifications, and subsequently the liberal spirit of the open source movement continues to spread, people look almost like gods, like the forest Jonas worship.

However, at the end of 1996, Linus suddenly left Helsinki, alone went to Silicon Valley, became Transmeta's one until 2003 before leaving. The reason has been complicated and confusing, but it appears that it was just for their own value Linus a realistic pursuit. At the time, many people suspect that this will cause fatal damage to the development of Linux, but Linux development in the next few years proved that such worries are unnecessary.

Lynas said that many successful Linux actually achieved can be attributed due to his shortcomings. "I'm lazy, I like to authorize it to others." Even the Linux penguin logo is the image of Linus' wife, he won the Finnish karate champion Tove (Tove) think, because Linus is a once in Australia penguin bite. "Hackers, no, programmers, and work on Linux and other open source projects, than on sleep, exercise, recreation and gathering higher priority because they are happy to become a part of the activities of global collaborative efforts -Linux is the world's largest collaborative projects. "


since the successful development of the operating system Linux kernel, Torvalds won the 2014 computer pioneer Award (For pioneering development of the Linux kernel using the open-source approach). He created a number of winners on the Computer Pioneer Award history: the first time granted a Finn; "60" for the first time grants one (in fact, only a thin three days, is the "after 70"); award the result is achieved in a student.

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