Home Technique Longyan Bay National Forest Park

Longyan Bay National Forest Park

Development History

Longyan Bay National Forest Park is a state-owned forest farm in Longyan Bay, 150 kilometers away from Luoyang City, opened in May 1994, in December of the same year by national forestry The bureau approved as a national forest park, in 1997, it was divided into the national nature reserve. In June 2001, he was granted by the National Forestry Department in Henan Province, the title of "National Civilization Forest Park" in Henan Province, was reported to the National Tourism Bureau in August 2002. Approved to name "National AAAA Level Ecotourism Scenic Area".

Longyan Bay National Forest Park Landscape

Longyan Bay National Forest Park

Main Attractions

Park is located in the hinterland of Fu Niu Mountain, a range of Volt Niu Mountain National Nature Reserve, Differential Plant Types There are more than 1,900 plants, more than 800 Chinese herbal medicines, more than 200 kinds of raise birds, thousands of Japanese laded pine forests and thousands of acres of Taibai Du Fu, let tourists linger; 1990 meters of altitude, 199, Damu Waterfall 216 , The main peak chicken corner is 2212.5 meters known as "Zhongyuan First Peak"; the climate is cool, the highest temperature is 21 ° C. The contemporary writer Li Zi praised the "Xiuqian Wuyue, Qi Guan San Mountain". Longyan Bay National Forest Park is the back garden of Luoyang City, the top ten landscape of Luanchuan. Internal mountain, water, peak, stone monsters, pass, waterfall, forest, vegetation, Qifeng Lin Li, Gufeita, there is Heilongtan, Bai Madtan, Cactus Waterfall, Rainbow Waterfall, Qinglong Waterfall; Cactus Cave, Tibetan Cave, Virgian Cave, Hat Helmet Cave.

Chicken Cerem Point

Central Plains First Peak Ceremal Point Stone steps to "Tianting", I saw the mountains, chaos, surrounded by four weeks, majestic mountain peaks, layers, like a knife, lactus ancient trees, is wrong. The original forest is in the past. Side of the Dragon Gate, Xiwang Huashan, Nanzha Wudang, Beija Yellow River, the Ji Yunjiao, the sun, the cloud is like Huangshan. Jiuzhufeng, the hometown of the Langyama Mountain, Junxiu, Junxi, Zhangjiajie. There is a Baiyun Mountain (1982 meters above sea level) around it, and the Jade Emperor (2,153 meters above sea level), the crowns (2177 meters above sea). Under the pointers of the chicken, the millennium, the thousand years, the flowers, the flower, the flower is like a box, the shape is like a bell, and it is said to be too white Venus, so the famous Taibai Du, according to the third China Forest Resources Survey information, the chicken pointer There are more than 200 mu of Bai Duji, about 3,500, and there are more than 200 treasures of Taibai Cuzi to 1 meter.

Longyan Bay National Forest Park

Du Duyuan

The Rhododendron Scenic Area is located at the foot of the Central Plains - the foot of the chicken angle, it is too white Venus to plant, and it is called Taibai Cu. This azodeng grows on the mountains above more than 200 meters above more than 2 meters, with drought resistance, cold resistance, wind resistance, and disease resistance. There are 627 strains of Taibai, the biggest bust, which is 2.2.62 meters, which is the largest area of ​​the Central Plains, the longest, the most complete, and the most complete millennium. Every year from 4 to May, Du Fu blooms, the branches, flowers, flowers, snoring, and no number of tourists sigh. Every year, the spring and summer is open, red, white, purple, yellow rhododendron is open, and it is purple.


Legend has black dragons to bathe. Black Dragon Pool has fallen two, forming two pools, Shangtan as "Dragon Palace", Xiantan as "Longquan", and the spray is the ball and the green water in the Tan. Tanning waterfall rushing, high tens of feet, more than ten meters wide, emptiness, water roar, 25 meters long steel ribbon hanging bridge across the pool, sighing. Tan has a Black Dragon Temple. It is a place to be built in Ming Baichuan, Ming County, July, six years in July, is a place nearby towns praying. "Black Dragon Pool" has fallen three buildings, forming a three-pool, and the beads, and the green water in the pool. The mountain people covered the Black Dragon Temple, and the black dragon king will pray more, and the cigarette is.

Red birch forest

The fire birch forest view area, more than 300 mu, about 2,500 plants, due to its influence of special geographic climate, in my country is extremely rare, is a caver The only growing forest area in the mountainous area is the largest area. The birch bark can treat rheumatism, arthritis, and athlete. The ancient times used to do fight, rain, and the young people used to write love books, love letter, and high success rate, so they also called "Love Cupid Tree". There is a tree in the red birch forest, there is a tree of more than 20 years of Huashan Pine, standing, just like looking at this rare botanical garden, name "big general."

Primitive Forest

The original forest scenic spot is located in the south of Longyan Bay Forest Park, with an area of ​​2560 mu, a natural wild tree species, a tree, a top of more than 40 meters, a tree diameter of 2.1 meters, The original forest covers the sky, the plate is wrong, there are more Gengo entangle, and it is only one original forest in Yue Niu Mountain. There is a wildlife such as roe, grass deer, antelope, wild boar, and red gangliu. The highest temperature in the three volts 1 ° C, fresh air, cool, you can enjoy the "forest bath", meet people's leisure vacation, return to nature, find the wishes of the mountain forest. Japanese larch, in 1961, from Japan, in 1978, the large area of ​​Longyan Bay is now 25,000 mu, and the growth trend is better than the origin of Japan. Li Hui accumulated 250,000 cubic meters, worth RMB 170 million. Forests can exude "Fen Duojing" and "ion" that have special effects on the human body, which can promote human function metabolism, often go to the forest, there is a special effect on chest tightness, asthma, pneumonia, etc.

Drought lotus

In the deciduous pine forest, more than 10 drought lotus were found, with a total area of ​​250 mu. Due to growth in the high-precipitation area, and Ye Dawei Lotus, a famous "drought lottery" is a thousand miles. In recent years, due to the deterioration of the earth, the drought lotus is near the upstream area of ​​the Yellow River. Drought lotus flowers every year from 8-7, the flower is yellow, the total shape is blossoms, and the flowers are attacked. It is a precious Chinese herbal medicine, medical treatment of headache, hypertension.

Sightseeing Cableway

The total length of the Central Plains first peak sun tourist with 27 million yuan in the Longyan Bay National Forest Park is 1278 meters, up to 390 meters, is the Central Plains A large tourist sightseeing cableway in a mountain.


"Leigong" Dragon, the dragon, the dragon, Qing, black and other twelve dragons, Lei Gongzhai, Yun, Fang Yuanli It's raining, so it is the place where Dragon King lives. Lei Gongzhai is also known as "Little Huashan", an altitude of 1825 meters, and the cliffs of the four sides are not better. It's like Xiyue Huashan, you can pass it since ancient times, it is easy to defend. The peak is in the peak, and it is like Benlong. There are attractions such as Tibetan cave, flyer stone, black wind village, and perlite. Before liberation, the local gangshot Zhang Shaoxian, Qi Ping gathered hundreds of bandits, negatively aroused, the liberation of the army had repeatedly folded, and the whole bandits were over. The People's Liberation Army has sacrificed a long, two rows and 20 soldiers. After liberation, the Luoyang government was established as "revolutionary history education base."

护 石 石 古

The martial arts scenic spots have been named this by the mother of Hanguang Emperor Liu Xiu. Legend has there beads in the end of the Western Han Dynasty, and then killing Liu Xiu, Liu Xiu mother saw the situation crisis, let Liu Xiu first walk, he left the love of Liu, the two of the two foreign wealth, advised Wang Hao, unexpectedly, not, it was also mad Here. After Liu Xiu called the emperor, he booked his mother to Mengjin. Only he left the mother's clothing, with the sky, the land, and the three boulders do the tomb, and the homes for the mother of the mother. The inscription of Mother Gerude is still available on the stone.

Jiuchu Cushi

Jiubec Scenic Area, 2.5 km, Rongshu, Rock, Fujiqia, Fall, Qingquan, showed the harmony of nature, Last elegant, beautiful, quiet and quiet. On the stone stroke, the spring water is squirrel, the rare tree, such as the rare tree, the rare tree, such as the rare tree, and the nine ancient bridges, the column is all entangled with the ancient 藤, such as python out Cave, appear to be beautiful.

Immortal Valley

The legend of the immortal Valley is that the old dragon will practice the land of Jiudi, and the valley is 2.3 km. The narrow valley is deep, the ancient wood ginseng, the wall is jumbler, the gods, the flowers, the water, the birds, the birds sing, the grass, there are incense, warm wood, water, water, water, more than ten kinds of national key points Protected rare tree species. There are often wild animals such as antelope, roe, money leopard, wild boar. There are 17 ones in the valley, and there is a Ming Dynasty statue in the cacto: three cleansing people.

Natural resources

Longyan Bay is located in the transition zone of subtropical and warm belts, due to unique geographical location, superior climatic conditions have enriched rich variety of organisms, Scholars are called "Northern Tree Genes, Wildlife Exhibition Hall." The forest coverage in the park is 98.6%, which is the highest forest park in the Central Plains, there are more than 1,800 species of various plants, including more than 800 Chinese herbalities. The rich forest resources provide a good habitat in the wild animals. According to statistics, there are more than 400 kinds of wild animals in the scenic spot, including 48 Chinese countries, two types of protective animals, such as money leopard, red gourd, roe狍, plum deer, big 鲵, etc.

Honor record

June 2020, a list of national forest contributory bases (first batch).

Travel Guide

famous specialty products

Tole product: fungus, mushroom, monkey head, walnut, chestnut, kiwi, lily, fist, etc.

famous snacks: garlic juice mix with tofu, paste noodles, no cut cake, cake egg pie, kettle, hand-made, Longdong dish, mountain wild cooker, etc. Local specialties: stewed chicken, garlic juice tofu, red burning monkey head, bursting fungus, fist, smear, fried eggs, home tofu, etc.

Tourism line

Zheng Shaolou Expressway - Yichuan Guozhai Toll Station - Luohuo Expressway - Luanchuan County Temple Township - Longyan Bay Scenic Spot Scenic Area

Road condition: Tourists in the car or self-driving can arrive at Luoyang City, Yichuan Guozhai Toll Station, from Luoyang City, Ji Chuan, from Luo Yang City, Railway Expressway. Township, Shun 311 National Road to reach the scenic spot, and set a clear traffic indicator along the way.

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