Home Technique Lu Xun Park

Lu Xun Park


Park View (9)

Lu Xun Park built very early. Early in the 19th century, there has been owned for the Municipal Council Sichuan Road (now Sichuan North Road) bounds the target field, then set aside part of the completion of the park, built and opened in 1905, the beginning of "the new target Fields Park", in 1922 renamed Hongkou Park. Because there is a vast sports venues, often military, police and parade as a practice venue, the earliest use of the park is the concession of Shanghai Volunteer Corps paramilitary organization, Shanghai around the political and military situation is a sign of trouble, Shanghai Volunteer Corps on admission practice. 1920s when warlords compete for Shanghai and melee occurred, Shanghai Volunteer Corps admission to practice every morning and evening for two years.

In Hongkou edge of the park, built a golf course and playground, so in 1915, May 15 to 22, held the second session of the Far East Games in this 1921 May 30 to June 4 and held fifth Far Eastern Games.

Hongkou Park is an extension of the range made on the basis of an area slightly smaller than the Mega Park, but bigger than other parks, partially open to foreigners in 1906, 1909 and fully open to foreigners, 1928 , open to the Chinese people, is the most important leisure and entertainment areas north of the Suzhou River.

1932 Nian 4 29, had "bombings in Hongkou Park" event in Hongkou Park, sensational and East Asia. Korean anti-Japanese righteous Yun Bong-gil threw a bomb to the podium, killing the commander of the occupation forces Shirakawa, Japan nationals residence river round end, killing the Japanese foreign minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, Consul Murai, the occupying forces warship captain Nomura, head of the division Ueda, lead Friends of the Registry Agency wild. The case sparked anti-Japanese sentiment of the people of Shanghai. After

1937 year "Bayi three" after the incident, Shanghai (China boundary) fall, Hongkou Park all the Japanese occupation, and renamed the "new park." Because here is where Japanese nationals live set, Chinese people rarely dare to park. Park southeast of the original target field, were converted into the Japanese "Japanese shrine Shanghai", used as a memorial hall to commemorate the Japanese invaders and killed officers and men.

After the war, the park that is taken over by the Chinese government, renamed "Chung Cheng Park" (ie, Chiang Kai-shek Chiang Kai-shek in the name), but folk still call it Hongkou Park. After the founding of New China, to separate the park and stadium, named Hongkou Park and Hongkou Stadium.

Lu Xun October 1927 from Guangzhou to Shanghai, the Shanghai whole life nine years, he has repeatedly came to the Hongkou Park. When the death of Lu Xun, people wanted to change the Hongkou Park Lu Xun Park, but for various reasons did not succeed. In October 1956, when the twentieth anniversary of the death of Lu Xun, Lu Xun Park, Hongkou tomb moved from inside nations Cemetery. Park built a house style Jiang Nan Min Lu Xun Memorial Hall.

1988 Hongkou Park officially renamed the Lu Xun Park, Hongkou Stadium is remodeled and renamed Hongkou Football Stadium.

Traffic Information

bus lines

1. By 18-way, 21-way, 47-way, 52-way, 139 Road 167 Road 597 Road 854 road, the road 863, 939 road, the road 991, to the four-wire Airport Park Lu station

2-way by 70, 97 to the passage station may Sichuan Road Toronto Road Park South gate to Lu.;

3 by passage 70, passage 79, passage 222, passage 853, passage 875, passage 937, passage 959, passage 975 to the Dalian Road East Road station PE will be the North gate Park Lu.;


3,8 Metro line to the next Hongkou Football Stadium station eastbound Lu Xun Park and 2 minutes to the south gate along Sichuan Road.

The main attractions

Lu Xun Museum

Lu Xun Memorial Hall (6)

Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial Hall was established People's Republic of China after the first character class memorial, manage Lu Xun's former residence, the tomb of Lu Xun two cultural relics protection units, the spring of 1950 by the East China military preparatory Committee of the Ministry of culture, Xie Dan as responsible for the preparation, was officially opened January 7, 1951, Premier Zhou Enlai wrote Pavilion name. The museum was named the 1994 Shanghai Municipal Government patriotism education base, the Central Propaganda Department in 2001 was announced as the national patriotism education bases, 2009 by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as the first batch of a museum.

Lu Xun Park

Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial Hall with a total construction area of ​​5043 square meters. A layer of special library to build a cultural celebrity "Morning Glory library," lecture hall "Shu Tong", special exhibition "Art Gallery torrent", etc., the hall can accommodate hundreds of people conducted ceremonies into the team, to join the league, at the same time to join the party, etc. Activity. Lu Xun's life story exhibition hall. The museum now hidden artifacts, literature of more than 200,000, of which up to 93 level cultural relics (group), more than 20,000 pieces of precious cultural relics. Exhibition Hall Lu Xun manuscripts, photo documents, relics and is supported by a variety of modern science and technology to show the way, with new literary pioneer, who created a new, cultural broadcast Burning Man, the spirit soldier, the soul of the Chinese nation five thematic true representation of Lu Xun profound spiritual world scene and tortuous journey of life. There is a Lu Xun's "Herbs" in front of the memorial hall, park Feng Ye Rudan, flowers fighting Yan.

Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial and actively carry out patriotic education activities, organize volunteers, organizing the flow of exhibitions, "Lu Cup" Textbook Plays activities, literary society, "Lu Xun search footprint" and a series of events, become a social teaching second classroom.

Lu Xun tomb

Tomb of Lu Xun (6)

1936 Nian 10 19, the death of Lu Xun. 22, Lu Xun's funeral was held at the Palais cemetery hall, after the remains buried in the cemetery on the eastern side zone F, numbered 406 to 413 points, an area of ​​over 50 square meters, the scale is also simple. After the founding of

People's Republic of China, to build a new government that is the tomb of Lu Xun. The spring of 1952, East China Ministry of Culture and other authorities after brewing, select near the former residence of Lu Xun, Lu Xun Park, Hongkou had during his lifetime to build a new tomb. January 1956, the State Council decided to move the tomb of the 20th anniversary of the death of Lu Xun. In mid same month, the Shanghai Lu Xun grave relocation committee set up by the mayor Chen Yi, director of the committee. In early June, the center was approved by the design experts chaired by Chen Zhi design and engineering costs allocated 900,000 yuan. July 19 the same year started, completed October 9.

New Lu grave, lined with velvet grass grave, the grave south, flat shape □, are built in Suzhou Jinshan granite, construction area of ​​1,600 square meters. The middle of the cemetery is rectangular green space, surrounded by boxwood plant seeds, green frontier set oblique horizontal "national cultural heritage" flag stone. After the central green side, it has a statue of Lu Xun. Like granite set into the base with four, upper embossed floral pattern, part of Lu personally designed using cloud "grave" title page; Lu intaglio pattern engraved at birth and death year: "1881 to 1936." Lu Xun as the total height of 1.71 meters, a professor of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Jiu Xiao Chuan. The outer edge of each channel on both sides of green plant a row of cypress. Through the passage up the stairs, it is a capacity of four to five people square internet. About platform planted two magnolia, then out for the pillars flower-planted wisteria, set up long porch chairs. Large screen wall is a positive platform tombstone, 10.2 meters wide, 5.38 meters high, Mao Zedong central engraved inscription: "Mr. Lu Xun tomb," Engrave gilding. Lu coffin is placed below the tombstone vault, with six above dense cover plate granite. About graves have a wife and son Zhou Haiying Lu Xun Xu Guangping the planting of juniper. After the monument was screened mountain soil, planted pine and cypress, camphor, flowers and seasons, as well as gift Japanese friends cherry, bloom, sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

1956 Nian 10 14 morning, Lu Xun shift coffin bier cemetery ceremony was held at the Palais hall. Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People's Committee and representatives of the people of Shanghai Jin Zhonghua Lu Xun to offer flag, lay a wreath. When the flag is imitation year Lu Xun funeral on behalf of the people of the "national spirit" banner offer. Libi, namely shift moved the coffin. After the arrival of a new cemetery, it was held in the tomb. Soong Ching Ling, Ke Qingshi, Mao Dun, Zhou Yang, Ba Jin, Xu Guangping, nearly 2,000 people participated in the re-interment ceremony, Ba Jin, Mao Dun and Xu Guangping delivered speeches. End of the ceremony, held Lu Xun statue unveiling ceremony.

Lu Xun after the completion of the new tomb, he has repeatedly renovated. In 1961, the original white cement Lu remolded statue of the statue. In March, the State Council announced the tomb of Lu Xun as a national key cultural relics protection units.

1986 October Municipal People's Government to determine the scope of protection of Lu Xun tomb, 50 meters around the base, building control zone is 150 meters.


Meiting (4)

Yun Bong-gil (1908 ~ 1932), South Korean nationals, in 1930, the Shanghai Hongkou area , of selling vegetables for a living. Yun Bong-gil participate in the anti-Japanese struggle in the famous Korean patriots led by gold and nine. Upon notification of the Japanese invasion of Shanghai are ready to hold a grand scale, "the Emperor" celebration in Hongkou Park (now the Lu Xun Park), Yin insisted on bombing enemy to the scene, his life to serve the country.

1932 Nian 4 26, Yun Bong-gil patriotic oath to the group, my chest oath card, a bomb left hand, right hand holding a pistol. Kim Koo personally took him to the scene. After that, Yun Bong-gil and invited female teammate Lee Donghae (Li Hualin), posing as tourists to the park to observe the terrain, visual distance. April 29 morning, to bid farewell to Kim Koo Yun Bong-gil. Yin wearing a gray suit, shoulder kettle, holding a lunch box (actually shaped bomb), access to the park. 11:40, under a light rain, when the Japanese military and political officials stood on the podium singing "Kimigayo," Yun Bong-gil bomb about to invest in central Taiwan, bomb, Japan's new army chief Yoshinori Shirakawa general, was seriously wounded a few days later died in hospital Pingliang Japan depot; residence militia chairman River terminal is sent to North Fourth Chuanlu Fu's hospital, died that night; Kichisaburō Nomura in the Japanese Navy bombed blind eye; the Japanese army in the ninth division long Kenkichi Ueda right leg was severed; Japanese Ambassador Shigemitsu Siegen right leg was blown up. It is shocking "Shirakawa event."

Yun Bong-gil remain standing, and says loudly: "!! I came for it is the Korean people, my name is Yun Bong-gil, the bomb was I lost everything I bear personal" Yin was arrested after the charge to the East River 10 Bay Road, the Japanese headquarters, and then the solution to Kanazawa, Japan, in December 1932 martyrdom.

In Lu Xun Park Yun Bong-gil owed memorial built Meiting, tree has steles.

Poetry Selected:

Seven Lu Xun Park seen

Li Zuo Zhong

flowers odd trees around the pool wing, exercise people Weng is a woman.

Lu Xun like the previous few tourists, peaceful public hall empty.

Environmental Facilities

historical accumulation park through a century and continues to transform the building, not only retains the form of published British parks, preserves the southern gateway to the historical landscape of drinking water, etc. and crape myrtle and other centuries trees, and kneading and the Chinese garden, the formation of Shanghai city park features the famous memorial to become a cultural park rest. The park has mountains and water falls, the landscape, connected to the bridge embankment, beautiful. Provide food, toys, bonsai, tea:


Corsair, coffee chairs, electric boats, fishing

tea room facilities.

Tickets: Lu Xun Park and Memorial have been free and open.

Opening hours

Every April 1 - June 30: 5: 00-18: 00;

year July 1 - October 30: 5: 00-19: 00;

Every October 1 - March 31: 6: 00-18: 00

parking information

< p> 10 car parks nearby. South Park entrance and parking fees are Hongkou Football Stadium.

Park overhaul

2013 Nian 8 28, from Lu Xun Park will be a year-long overhaul. (Only open playground and Lu Xun Museum and part of the green)

After the transformation of Lu Xun Park, the park opened yet, to "divide" the park site fitness has been simmering. Multivessel fitness team members said, as the park opened successfully seized the site activities, team has been quietly into the park to survey the terrain, the team has prepared the night before it over the wall into the garden, the team intends to more people, "war", to bring practice fitness of apparatus "heavily armed." After the transformation of the park based on the original increase of 5% of the public area of ​​activities, including a total length of 430 meters in the "mountains" plastic fitness trail.

After a year of transformation, Lu Xun Park has been officially opened at 5:00 on August 2014 on the 28th.

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