Home Technique Mechanical hard disk

Mechanical hard disk


All discs in the mechanical hard disk are installed on a rotating shaft, and each disk is parallel, there is one on the storage surface of each disc. The magnetic head and the distance between the magnetic head and the discs are only 0.1 μm to 0.5 μm, and the higher level has reached 0.005 μm to 0.01 μm, and all the heads are linked to a magnetic head controller, and the magnetic head controller is responsible for the movement of the respective magnetic heads.


Mechanical hard disk and solid state hard disk excellent disadvantages

1, shock resistance: mechanical hard disk is a disk type, data storage is magnetically The disc sector. The solid-state hard drive is made using flash particles (ie, memory, MP3, U disk and other storage media), so there is no mechanical component inside the SSD solid state hard disk, so that even if high speed moves even with flipping inclination, it will not affect To normal use, and can minimize the possibility of data loss when collisions and oscillations occurs. Compared with the mechanical hard drive, the solid has absolute advantage.

2, data storage speed: The speed of the mechanical hard disk is about 120MB / s, the SATA protocol is about 500MB / s, the NVME protocol (PCIe3.0 × 2) solid state hard disk speed is approximately The solid state drive speed of 1800MB / s (PCIe 3.0 × 4) is about 3500MB / s.

3, power consumption: The power consumption of solid state drives is lower than the mechanical hard disk.

4, weight: Solid state drive is lighter in weight, with a weight of 20-30 grams compared to conventional 1.8-inch hard drives.

5, noise: Since solids belong to no mechanical components and flash chips, there is a small amount of heat, heat free, and there is no mechanical motor and fan.

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