Home Technique Memex.



MEMEX is VANNEVAR Bush assumed in 1945 in its article "AS WE May Think" in its article "ASMORY-EXTENDER". The article pointed out that MEMEX is a "personal library" based on microclinating volume storage, which can play books and videos according to "Cross-reference". It can record new information by photographic or touch screen sensing. It also provides the ability to establish associations between information, readers can create links to certain micrillaly fragments, and form new linear sequences in accordance with their own preferences, and even add their own supplements or comments. And these can be shared, others can be traced back to these associations as long as they type the index code of the author's authors.


Information Machine MEMEX

1945, a US scientist Vannevar Bush published an article "As We May Think" in the Atlantic Monthly, proposing an idea of ​​an information machine As in the picture below.

This machine is stored in microfilm, that is, automatic remake, can continue to add new information inside; there is a reading screen on the desktop, used to enlarge reading microflake roll; there are many A button, each button represents a topic, as long as you press it, the corresponding miniature film will be displayed. Each film also records the number of other film, which can be easily switched to form the same topic.

In the idea of ​​Dr. Bush, this machine can also be connected to the library. With a certain mechanism, the library collects the film, which is automatically loaded into the local machine. Therefore, by this machine, massive information retrieval can be achieved.

He named this machine as MEMEX, which is the combination of the two word words of "Memory Extender", meaning "the extension of memory".

This idea has a very large impact, and this machine is mentioned in many early computer papers. Then, the description of the information handover is directly inspired by the description of the information switching. Now, we jump between different links on the Internet, and its source can be traced back to this article.

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