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Chubachi (ち ゅ u ba ち ri January u ji, September 4, 1947 born), Japan Bachelor (BA), Northeastern University, master's degree ( MA), Ph.D. (PH.D), serving (Ni ー Toso Co., Ltd.) on behalf of Executive Officer, the Board of Directors, vice president for the company's number two, second only to the representative executive officer, the Board of Directors for the Japanese Sony Corporation, will long, president and CEO Howard Stringer.

SONY experience

1947 was born in September Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in April 1977 joined Sony Corporation, worked at Sony Magnetic Products Company (Sony Magnetic Products, Inc.)

1981 Nian 5 Yue transferred to Sony magnetic products Group R & D department

1989 Nian 1 Yue transferred to the United States, Sony magnetic products

1992 Nian 11 Yue Sony record General Manager of the Ministry of tape media products Group

in April 1994, Sony recording media and energy Group Managing tape Ministry

in January 1998, vice president of Sony's recording media and energy group < / p>

Sony's core technology and senior Vice president in April 1999 networks


in April 1999, Sony's core technology and Internet companies affiliated recording media company president

in June 1999, vice president of Sony

in April 2002, Sony's core technology and network president

senior vice president in June 2002, Sony

in April 2003 Sony micro system network president

in June 2003, executive vice president of Sony Corp.

June 2004 Sony Corporation executive Vice president, Corporate executive

in June 2004, Sony's chief operating officer, responsible for EMCS under Microsystems networks

in July 2004, president product strategy Group, Sony

in April 2005, Sony e-business company CEO

in June 2005, Sony's president, on behalf of corporate executives, board members

in October 2005 Sony display device development Group president

in April 2007 Sony B2B solutions Group president

2009 in April, Sony's board members, company representatives executive vice chairman, after leaving

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