Home Technique N generation

N generation

Net Generation synonyms generations generally refers to N

meaning set forth

N Generation "Net Generation", refers to the "Net Generation" born after 1970. There is also a broader definition is "Next Generation".

When you were 22 years old or younger it? Have you ever helped your parents to solve computer problems? If the answer is "yes", then you belong to the N-generation (net generation).

In the US, there are about 88 million people who belong to this generation N. The "N-Geners" those children from child to grow up feeling the mouse. This is accompanied by the past generation grew up a telephone and TV, and the generation of life is full of these ultra-generation video games, Internet, e-mail, instant messaging, online communities, and download from your computer down video and music.

appears N generations of so many companies see a huge niche market, this huge emerging consumer forces are the future of the enterprise must not be ignored.

N generations of research focused on the field of demography, marketing, psychology and sociology. In the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s have considerable influence.


Elastic free work

in contrast to the mothers and fathers that "life is to work", N generations in the workplace motto on the contrary, that "work to life "and thus exclude nine to five life, more eager to strike a balance between life and work. Among them are as high as 69 percent, hoping to get the free choice of work place, time and employee benefits; and desire meaningful, challenging and diverse work. In addition, N generations according to their hope is in charge of "specific job performance" rather than "in the office to show his face time" to judge the merits of their performance. Therefore, flexible working, working from home, and seasonal employment shifts, should be better able to attract and retain N generations.

N generation

tailor their rules

N generations growing up in anything, including ringtones, news, information, etc., according to personal needs in mind. So, after they enter the workplace, most executives hope can be "tailored" management, they will be treated as a separate "individual" rather than equal treatment "group." The company is even giving "incentives", N also look forward to the energy generation tailor, preferably also with their current life situations. For example, N-generation single hope "Cash" bonus, you can save up to buy a house; who has been married, you want more time with their children.

In view of this, companies should begin planning personalized learning and development opportunities, and frequent informal discussions, as the basis for one performance appraisal, or through open dialogue, improve managers' and subordinate relationships. More and more evidence shows that companies develop "highly personal" statement of work, work systems, compensation plans, often better retain talent.

Information transparency of enterprises to high

N generations hope everything transparent working company (for example, to let employees know the information financial data, business plans, new product ideas, the management remuneration, etc.) . 60% of N generations before entering the business work, will first search online for information about the company, to find out whether the company had any negative news.

The higher the transparency of corporate information, the lower the cost of work, the more can enhance the degree of trust between managers and subordinates, this way, like playing office politics of "politicians" will also be Reduce.

companies have integrity

Like trust is a necessary condition for all virtual communities, like, N generations expect employers have integrity (integrity) qualities - honesty, caring, transparent and abide by promise. N If you find yourself generations effectiveness of the company has integrity, not only to the actual results in return, and will soon be one of the managers attracted.

work in tandem, to resist orders

Baby Boomers grew up in full "level" in the world - family, school, workplace, everywhere level, the purpose of the establishment of the hierarchy, It is to allow people to climb. However, according to N generations in the digital world by our upbringing, they know best work, not the level, but to work together: and others together to get something done, rather than a group of people calling the shots.

Work should be fun

Baby Boomers managers may be hard to understand why prohibit employees from working hours to use Facebook, could even cause great rebound? However, for N generations, work and play are inseparable, as many as two-thirds of N generations that the work is pleasure, they just want the work itself is interesting. Therefore, instead of blindly ban N generation network behavior, but should gradually establish a new business model (new paradigm). For example, even if your company had prohibited employees during working hours online, but you find that business and network inseparable, then lifted altogether, and given to each employee an e-mail notification:! "Go on the Internet because you have to go there a waste of time. "

can not stand the delay, quick-fix

N generations pay attention to speed, they are accustomed to immediate response, if everything have to wait for manager approval, or struggle with red tape, they will soon be frustrated. "Ultra high speed", is hearts of generations N ideal speed, so companies in the recruitment, hiring should be recruited to go, and give feedback during the many candidates.

N generations very receptive to managers for their performance, given feedback, in order to examine their progress in the case. For N generations, an annual performance evaluation was not enough, they need more intensive and frequent feedback. According to one study, 60% of N generations want to hear every day the manager's praise, 35% of N generations hopes one day to hear praise several times.

hands, accept the challenge, called contributing

"innovation" is the hallmark of culture N generations, 75% of N generations like look for new ways to complete the work, like in office of creativity. Young employees want to do different things, challenge the status to enhance the value to see how their work contributed to the success of the organization brings.


The new economic well-known writer, trend guru Don Tapscott, a decade ago, the "digital economy," predicted the arrival of the new economic era; a decade ago, "grown up digital" foretold the arrival of N generations; and this latest "grown up digital" (version 3.0) is really declare to the world: N generation has arrived. If before the best-selling works by Tapscott is his unique perspective and forward-looking analysis keen eye, then this book is inspired from the observation and comparison of their own children.

Perhaps even the author himself did not expect, just after the completion of its creation in 1997, his sensational "Grown Up Digital", N generations grow up is so rapid. Tapscott was very proud in their own name "network expert", one day, he was pleased to go high visibility of television to do a show, live to a large audience demonstrates how to use this new technology computer access . Order of surprised that he move was ridiculed as young as 12-year-old son, he asked his father why everyone is familiar on television demonstrate this technique, in his view, the Internet is like a computer with a remote control to select TV channels as easy. This thing thoroughly discredited author also gave him a great touch, he discovered that their child seems to have is a computer expert, proficient in all his modern digital equipment, capable of handling five work, to build a network of flat world, computer and high-tech as the oxygen of the sun, it has become an integral part of their lives nourishment.

To find out, to understand this generation unique child, his immediate action to set up a company called "Net Generation", and launched a related survey project: research of Internet impact on young people, with a lot of time with as many N-generation communication, try to understand their inner world, in the course of the investigation, the author can not help but be attracted to N generations are charming and rich inner, then, the book appeared.

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