Home Technique Nanjiji Island

Nanjiji Island

Nanji Islands tourism, summer, vacation, resort and enjoy the seafood, playing sea resort. There are 800 meters wide and 600 meters long shell sand beaches, crystal clear water with visibility up to 5 meters; Zheng Chenggong has been drilled country surname Ao Navy; Kai-shek had been resting habitat wind residence; there are daffodils Island and seagull Island; there are more than 100 spots focused as many as three Pan tail tourist spots; abalone sea Bazhen located in the head of; there are expensive grouper and so on. 368 kinds of fish, shrimps and crabs 180 kinds and hundreds of other land animals, Jinshabihai, odd reef rocks, different peaks Ya-dong, natural grass, attractive, away, beautiful, worthy of a "blue mountains." Nanjiji Island

is the main island Nanji Nanji, the shape like deer, head-northwest, southeast tail, area of ​​70,000 square kilometers, winding coastline, length 24.8 km, surrounded by a top nozzle 5 Long sip Australia name and country corner, Matsu Australia, Queensland Australia 3 fire and Harbor Bay South Harbor deer. The annual average temperature is 16.5 ℃, the water year-round clear blue, the rocks by the waves long-term erosion impact, forming a sea cliff, columns, points, platforms and other attractions, a large sand Australia, Guosheng Australia, three tail, big beat Hill, Bamboo Island, etc. area, known as "sea mountains."

Nanji Archipelago (5)

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