Home Technique Nanjing Turtle Natural Museum

Nanjing Turtle Natural Museum

History Development

In 1982, Nanjing Wulongtan Park Management Office Zhou Dynasty Director Zhou Director Self-raised funds, determined to create China's first turtle natural museum.

Nanjing Turtle Natural Museum

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the National Day in 1989, the purpose is to improve the understanding of the ancient animal and the source of turtle, and protect the "activated stone" of nature. Jiangsu Provincial School of Education, Nanjing University Biology Department often brought students to the museum for animal teaching.

Building layout

The whole hall is set in front of the front hall, turtle culture showcase, specimen, Chinese turtle hall, world turtle hall, sea turtle, and release pool. There were more than 80 species of Chinese and foreign turtles, accounting for 36.4% of the world's known turtle varieties (34 of my country have known turtle animals, three of which were found by my country's scientists after 1984, belonging to 22 genus ), There are more than a thousand, including 15 of the national one, secondary protection varieties (4 primary protective animals, 21 secondary protective animals), 203 turtle animals. There is also a pair of land tortomete from 15,000 years in the hall. In 1990, a new turtle species was discovered, and the person in charge of China Anti-Creeper Expert Group was identified and named " Zhou's closed shell of Zhao Merza, Chengdu Biology Research Institute Turtle ", in order to create China's first turtle natural museum, the contribution of the Chinese turtle research industry is revered and commemorative.

Important activities

Since 1992, it has also received a study from the United States, Australia, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and other countries and regions. Scholars, academic exchanges. Many of the news media at home and abroad have reported and reviewed that the museum has played a positive role in popular scientific knowledge.

Nanjing Turtle Museum in addition to collecting, breeding, breeding, exhibiting turtle animals, and actively carrying out research on this scientific field. The interior animal performance program has: fighting turtle, giant turtle climbing stairs, giant lizard chasing chickens, etc. Since its opening, Nanjing Turtle Hall has received 600,000 visitors have received 600,000 visitors. He has been highly evaluated by Chinese and foreign turtle enthusiasts, experts and audiences, is becoming an important base for the science and academic exchange of turtle arms. .

scientific research

Nanjing Turtle Natural Museum in addition to collecting, breeding, breeding, exhibiting turtle animals, and actively carrying out scientific research in the discipline. In 1991, the "Chinese Turtle" teaching tape was filmed. In 1992, Zhou Dufa and Zhou Ting have published China's first "Chinese Turtle Jials", filled the blank of monograph in the field of China, and won the second prize of East China Excellent Science and Technology Book in 1992. In 1996, Zhou Ting was published in the book "Turtle Appreciation and Family Farm", published in China's first "Turtle Culture Papers" in 1997. Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Ting has been hired by the International Nature and Natural Resources Protection Alliance Save As a member of China Anti-Creeper Experts.

To set the Nanjing Turtle Nature Museum, the Shou Dynasty, 1994, has founded the Nanjing Turtle Research Association, and the president of Zhou Dynasty. The establishment of the research will make numerous turtle scientific research staff and enthusiasts regard the turtle natural museum as exchanges, explore the research, farming and development of turtle, and discuss the activities of Chinese turtle culture.

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