Home Technique Nanxi Street

Nanxi Street

Street Overview

The area is 56.68 square kilometers, and there are 18 natural villages (Venus, Gu Yong, Shi Si, Tea, Lotus, White Flower, Of ​​Hua, Wanghong, Endoculation, Hua Dragon, White Crane, Zhongshan, Datang, Route, Huang Mud, Kowloon, Pine, Stone, 15 community neighborhood committees (Dongmen, Fengxiang, Xuefu, Culture, South Gate, Tiantai, Guangfu, Ziyun, Fengxi, Jin Hong, Nanshan, Ximen, Sichuan, Fuxing, Qinglong), 308 villages (residential) people group, as of the end of 2016, the total population of 156,600, including 77,600 non-agricultural population, 39,000 agricultural population, flowing population 4 Ten thousand people.

Yibin Nanxi District Government Nanxi Sub-district Office

Administrative Region

Nanxi Street Jurisdiction 11 Residents Committee 12 Village Committee. No. 84, Dongda Street, Dongmen Community Office, Nanxi Sub-district Office.

(1) Residents Committee (11)

Dongmen Community · Fengxiang Community · Culture Community · Nanmen Community · Guangfu Community · Ziyun Community · Fengxi Community · Jinhong Community · Nanshan Community · Qinglong Community

Nanxi Street

· Fuxing Community

(2) Village Committee (12)

· Jinxing Community · 石坎村 · 石鹅 社 · 古 永 社 · 花 社 · 古花村 村 花 村 · 花村 · Baihe Village · Dongtang Village

Zhongshan Village · Fighting Village

Economic Development

Street backbone enterprise has an emblem food, Tiancheng wine industry, Nanshan nail, national soybean product company, 人 坊 tofu dry factory, etc., has been initially formed The industrial system leading to food, liquor, chemical, mechanical manufacturing, etc., Nanxi Ancient Street, Binjiang New City, Binjiang Landscape Tape has been fundarated, [1]

Traffic overview

There are 11 kilometers of provincial roads, 12 kilometers from the district-level road, 68 km from the street and village road.

The scenic spot

There is a civilized door in the city, Guangfumen, Wang You, Zhu Dexue, Bao Yichen, the ancient city wall, Ming and Qing Duocheng District and other places; Production of tofu, goose dry, beef dry, mustard, white wine, is the famous liquor production base in the country,

current leaders

district committee member committee, Minister of the United Front, street Director of the Party Crafts Committee, Zeng Xiong

Deng Chengxiang, director of the Party Crafts Committee, Director of the Office of the Office, member of the Party Committee, Director of the Party Committee, Director of the People's Congress Deputy Secretary of the Committee, Wang Xuexin

, member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Cooperative Committee, member of the Party Committee, Organizing Committee, Nie Dadheng, Organizing Committee, Minister of Armed Forces, Zeng Ding, deputy director of the Office, member of the Party Committee, deputy director of the Office, Li Yin

Jiang Xuefeng, deputy director of the Office, deputy director of the Office

Party Committee, Li Wei, Li Wei,

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