Home Technique National Registered Assets Appraisers Examination Related regulations

National Registered Assets Appraisers Examination Related regulations


Currently, the state attaches great importance to the market intermediary industry including asset assessment, providing an unprecedented policy environment for the development of my country's asset assessment industry, but also registered assets The comprehensive improvement of the quality of the assessor team has put forward higher requirements.


The backup forces of registered assets and evaluator through the exam selection and cultivation of Germans is one of the very important links that regulate the development of my country's asset assessment industry. In order to cooperate with the 2009 national registered asset appraiser exam work, better for the majority of candidates, China Asset Assessment Association, professor, in accordance with the "2009 National Registered Assessor Examination Outline", combined with registered assets The characteristics of the assessor qualification examination have absorbed feedback from previous year propositions and warents, and write this exam book. This set of books should be comprehensively reflected in the knowledge skills of registered asset assessments, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, professional education and test guidance, pay attention to the latest results in the field of asset assessment theory, especially those released. Related policies and regulations and industry guidelines.


Full set of books, a total of five subjects: Assets, "Economic Law", "Financial Accounting", "Equipment Evaluation Basis" and "Building Engineering Evaluation Foundation ". The five subject examinations have been supplemented and revised on the basis of the 2008 exam book book, and supplemented and revised in accordance with the latest development of relevant regulatory systems and the latest development of theoretical research. "Asset Assessment" revised according to the newly promulgated evaluation criteria, an increase in the "Assessment for Financial Report" and other content; "Economic Law" has been adjusted in chapter structure, expanding "Property Law" Related content. The registered asset appraiser qualification examination proposition will mainly be based on the knowledge content of (2009 National Registered Assessor Examination Outline "and this Suitbook, candidates should combine the learning outline and examination books, pay attention to understanding and mastery Based on basic knowledge, basic theory and basic skills, making flexible use.

In order to help candidates have a comprehensive understanding of relevant professional knowledge, we also organize the "national registration" Asset Assessor Examination Comprehensive Problem Set "and" National Registration Asset Appraisers Examination Requirements "for your reference.


Registered asset appraiser exam policy class

Notice of the Personnel Department, the National State-owned Assets Administration on Printing and Distributing the Interim Provisions on the Qualification System of Registered Assets Appraisers and the Implementation Measures for the Examination of Registered Assets Appraisal Examination - May 1995 10th People's Work [1995] No. 54

Personnel Department, the Ministry of Finance on Adjusting the Registered Assets Appraisers Licensing Qualification Examination Policy

February 25, 2002 [2002] No. 20

Personnel Department, the Ministry of Finance on the addition of jewelry assessment professional in the qualifications of the registered asset appraisers

March 14, 2003 No. 19

General Office, the General Office of the Ministry of Finance about Hong Kong, Macao residents application to participate in the national registered asset assessor qualification examination related issues

January 2004 14 Days of China [2004] No. 5

Personnel Department Notice on Doing a Good Job in Hong Kong, Macao Residents Participating in the Mainland Unified Examination -

2005 1 14th National Mansion [2005] No. 9

Personnel Department, the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office on issues related to the opening of some professional and technical personnel qualification exams to Taiwan residents

2007 5 Month 30 曰 国 人 [2007] No. 78

China Assets Evaluation Association on issuing "Registered Assets Appraisers (Jewelry) Decisive Examination Implementation Measures"

2003 9 Yue 7th, China Compass [2003] No. 3

Asset Assess Management Class

The People's Republic of China State-owned Assets Law

(October 28, 2008 The Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, throughout the People's Republic of China, through the President of the People's Republic of China, announced the No. 5 of the People's Republic of China)

National Assets Evaluation Management Measures

November 16, 1991 State Council Order No. 91

Enterprise State-owned Assets Property Right Registration Management Measures

January 29, 1996 State Council Order No. 192

Enterprise State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Regulations

< P> May 27, 2003 Order No. 378 -

The Office of the State Council forwarded the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, "Regulations on the Research of the National Scientific Research Program Project Research Achievement Intellectual Property Management" >

April 2002 National Office [2002] No. 30

The General Office of the State Council forwards the State Council's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission "Opinions on Regulating State-owned Enterprises Reform Work

November 30, 2003 China Division [2003] No. 96

The Office of the State Council forwarded the "Implementation Opinions on Further Regulating State - owned Enterprises" Changes

< p> On December 19, 2005, China Division [2005] No. 60

Ministry of Finance on Further Doing the Work of Assets Evaluation of Bond Transfer Enterprises

December 12, 2000 Japanese Fei Enterprise [2000] No. 734

State-owned Assets Evaluation Management Several Problem of Several Problems

December 31, 2001 Order No. 14

State Asset Assessment illegal punishment method

December 31, 2001 Ministry of Ministry of Finance Order No. 15

The Ministry of Finance on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for National Assets Evaluation Projects

December 31, 2001, China [2001] No. 801

Ministry of Finance on issuing the "State-owned Assets Evaluation Project Record Management Measures" in December 2001 31 days [2001] No. 802

The Ministry of Finance on issuing the "State-owned Assets Evaluation Project Sound" 抽 办 办

Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Further Working on the Registration Management of State - owned Assets Property Rights of Financial Enterprises

March 22, 2002 Financial [2002] No. 32

The Ministry of Finance on the changes of state-owned stock ownership units related to issues related to the issue of state-owned strands in listed companies, "September 2002, September 26, 2002" 2002] No. 395

Asset Assery Approval Management Measures

May 1, 2005 Ministry of Finance Order No. 22

Ministry of Finance, China Banking Regulatory Commission on Regulating asset assessment in asset assets in asset management companies

June 15, 2005, 2005 [2005] No. 89

Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Intellectual Property Office on Strengthening Several Issues of Intellectual Property Assets Evaluation Management Works

2006 On April 19, Financial Enterprises [2006] No. 109

Interim Measures for the Administrative Unit State-owned Assets

May 30, 2006 Order No. 35

< P> Interim Measures for the management of state-owned assets in business units / P>

May 30, 2006 Order No. 36 of the Ministry of Finance, the provisional method of state-owned asset assessment supervision and management of national-friendly assets, October 12, 2007, October 12, 2007 No. 47

State-owned asset assessment management method is implemented in accordance with the rules of the State-owned Office issuance [1992] No. 36, "No. 36," State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration, State Council The Committee on Implementing the Interim Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Enterprises, Further Strengthening the Issues Concerning the Construction of Enterprise Legal System - "2003] No. 28

2003 Interim Measures for the Transfer of Corporate State - owned Property Right Transfer

December 31, 2003 State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee, Ministry of Finance Order No. 3


Asset Evaluation guidelines

four, finance, accounting, taxation

five, finance, securities class

six, other relevant laws and regulations

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