Home Technique Non-Extended County

Non-Extended County


Most of the non-capital counts will be used in the name of "Shire", such as Shropshire; and some do not include Shire Urban county, in the past, there have been Shire, such as Devon (Devon), DEVON Shire .

Sometimes the meaning of urban county is narrower, specifically has a double-level structure, which is a county council, and county of various district councils (districtcouncil). Some counts will be excluded from the countryside in this definition, such as Herryfordshire, Herryfordshire, which is only a single area (DISTRICT).

England currently has 35 non-urban counties, 34 of which have a county council, and there are multiple districts:

Bedfordshire, Buckingham County Cambridge County , Chaishire, Cornwall, Cambria County Debu County, Devon, Dorshire, Darham County East Sussex County, Essex County Glosteshire Hampshire, Hertford County Kentholic Lankaixia County, Leicesters, Lincoln County, Norfolk County, North Apon County, Northbragun County, North Yorkshire, Nottingham County Oxford County, Shropshire, Somers Texig, Staffordshire, Saffu, Surrey Warwickshire, Sussex, Wilt County, Worcestershire.


Berkshire In 1998, all integration of Urban Area, a summary of 6 single management areas, and the county of county, counties were abolished ( Diagram. On April 1, 2009, England local government structural changes were officially implemented, Bedfordshire, Coozhire, Cornwall, Nosenbown, Dalham County, Shropshire and Wilt County, etc. 7 county waste or restructuring, generating new nine single management zones.

Reference Source

Jonesuk , (2004)

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