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Wusong Railway
Wusong Railway

History 1872, the US vice consul in Shanghai Olivier Brad-upon-Avon has made "extraordinary road" built right, Wusong Road Company was founded. 1874 Nian 7 28, the British set up the Wusong Rail...

Hu Yang River
Hu Yang River

Synonym Hu Yanghe City generally refers to the Huyang River (Xinjiang municipality counting county) Historical Level Qin, a semina population. The first year of Han Di, for the moon people, afte...

Military logistics
Military logistics

Military Logistics Concept is from logistics in commercial sectors. 1915, US marketing scholar Achi _ Xiao first proposes the concept of physical distribution, is considered to be the early logist...

Westodo Harold Merman
Westodo Harold Merman

Synonym Meman general referring to the marrow Harold Merman Licheng Merman is born in Los Angeles City, his father is an electronic engineer, in his juvenile era Get income by helping universities...


Overview Sigiriya [1] is 170 kilometers from Angient City of Sigiriya, 170 kilometers north of Sri Lanka Capital, located at a "lion" of about 200 meters high. It is famous for the Wusiy...

Government portal
Government portal

Introduction In accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development of Government" (National Office [2017] No. 47), the go...

Do you mind playing?
Do you mind playing?

Songs Introduction In 1998, 15 "Allez Ola OLA" included 15 football songs from all over the competition. The official theme song is "I will kick you mind" and "The Cup of Life". The reason why "Th...

China Physics Society Static Technical Committee
China Physics Society Static Technical Committee

Development History In 1981, China Physics Society The Static Power Professional Committee was officially established by China Physics Society. In 1988, the China Physics Society The Electrostat...

Sketch cycle
Sketch cycle

Synonym Economic Cycle Theory General Refiguration Basic Circulation Definition For the economic depression research, the birth of macroeconomics has prompted the birth of macroeconomics. At the 1...

Memory watch icon
Memory watch icon

meaning Memory refers to the appearance of things over the past perceived not appear before, in the mind is still able to reproduce the image of things. Memory Image is the process of perception...

Information retrieval system
Information retrieval system

Development developing information retrieval tools from scratch, through the manual, automated, computer retrieval, computer network to retrieve the four main stages. 1. Manual stage a so-ca...

Nanjiji Island
Nanjiji Island

Nanji Islands tourism, summer, vacation, resort and enjoy the seafood, playing sea resort. There are 800 meters wide and 600 meters long shell sand beaches, crystal clear water with visibility up to...

Telephone exchange
Telephone exchange

Development Progress in telephone exchange technology has experienced four major phases of manual exchange, electromechanical exchange, electronic exchange and program-controlled digital exchange....

Hall close to the switch
Hall close to the switch

This shows that the relationship between the sensitivity of the Hall effect is proportional to the magnetic induction intensity of the external magnetic field. The Hall element belongs to this activ...

Duke of Cornwall
Duke of Cornwall

Introduction One of the members of the British royal family John's second marriage married Guolam's Isabel, Henry, Henry III, First Generation Cornwall, The current Cornwall is the eldest son of t...