Home Technique People's Republic of China Shanghai Customs

People's Republic of China Shanghai Customs

Synonym Shanghai Customs Generally refers to Shanghai Customs in Shanghai, Shanghai Customs People's Republic of China Shanghai Customs

Building Section "

Shanghai Customs is one of the oldest customs in my country. Since 1685 (Qing Dynasty Kangxi 24 years) Qing government set up Jiang Customs in Shanghai, there have been a history of 324 years. In February 1950, the Administration issued an order and Jiang Customs changed its name to Shanghai Customs in the People's Republic of China. Shanghai Customs has 49 institutions, including the office, regulatory office, supervision customs clearance, aeston, post, investment office, and customs clearance department (including the private bureau), on-site business One, two, three, parliament, station office office, etc., Pudong, Airport, Wusong, Pujiang, Waigaoqiao Port Area, Yangshan, Ocean, Waigaoqiao Bonded Area, etc. 14 affiliated customs, and the whole country Customs Import and Export Commodity Category Center Shanghai Division, Handheld Shanghai Commodity Price Information Information, China Electronic Port Data Center Shanghai Subsidiary Center, 6 other institutions and 1 temporary organization in Shanghai World Expo Park Regulatory Service Center, set up regulatory points 275.

Shanghai Customs adheres to the "administration of administration according to law, the country's control, service economy, and promoting the development" team building 12 words require 12 words, scientific The development concept of leading work, to improve the ability and level of the control service, to deepen the reform, be brave in innovation, to implement risk management as the central link, to build the grassroots, continuously promote the second step development strategy of modern customs system , Seek truth and pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising, and courage to strive to be the leader of the national customs modernization.

Historical Level

Ancient Huduan


1, Shanghai Customs Origin and Song Dynasty City mechanism.

According to the Northern Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty Zheng and the three years (1113) set up the city's access in Huating County (now Shanghai Songjiang District), which is the first overseas trade management agency in Shanghai. That is, the origin of Shanghai Customs. The Urban Division is a full-time institution of my country's ancient government to manage sea entry and exit, and has a full-time institution in today's customs, and the city's land service, and the city landing area. City, the city's transportation, the city's landing area happens to be counterprint, office, department, department. Its main function is to manage entry and outbound ships, goods, business travel, levy, disposal of land, and implement a ban. From 1130 - 1132, although the Northport of Qinglong Town has not established a city institution, it has begun to implement official aces in Hong Kong. Southern Song Jian Yan four years (1130) Raised two Zhejiang City, Liu Wu Wu, proposing that foreign ships can directly drive and tax on the Qinglong Town, without having to retreat to Huating Town. Huatou Hong Kong City, the employee, who is responsible for the weighing of the Yunang City to go to Qinglong Town, accounting of tax operators on Qinglong Town, so measurement and taxation point management, money separation. It can be seen that the metering and taxation of taxation in the time, the separation of money separation is conducive to the prevention of the people's fraud, and it is beneficial to the two ports to master foreign trade materials. In Song Jing, the first year of Xianli (1264-1265), Shanghai has officially built town, and set up the city's sub-division in Shanghai (the city division is moved from Qinglong Town), Shanghai Port Town, Later, modern Shanghai port was developed on this basis, and the specific location is equivalent to this area of ​​Shanghai Nanshi District. About the era of Shanghai Customs, the initial address of the academic community, according to Jiaqing "Shanghai County" record, Shanghai has built the year for Shen Zongxi, seven years (1074).

2. Yuan Dynasty Shanghai City Treasury.

Shanghai Town has just formed, and the South Song Dynasty was replaced by the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan Shizu Dubei attaches great importance to the development of foreign trade, to the fourteen year (1277), in Quanzhou, Qingyuan (now Ningbo), Shanghai, Yupu (now Hai Salt), Guangzhou, Wenzhou, Hangzhou has set up a national seven famous market in Hangzhou . Therefore, the development of ancient Shanghai port should be from the Yuan Dynasty. The first year of the Yuan Dynasty, the first to mention the city's officials is a fee *, and he has once mentioned the city officials in the last year of the Southern Song Dynasty. For the illegal behavior of some port-oriented officials, the Yuan government has developed 222 "Examples of the City", which is not allowed to bother and discuss and focus. Shanghai Ancient City has established a relatively careful registration management system for ships and goods. China's traits operate overseas trade and coastal trade must first apply to local officials and commissioned names, quantities and reaching locations, please lead the "public" or "public), if necessary, "Two years of prison, five hundred miles). China and foreign sea parks, first by local officials "color" (ie monitoring megadownload) to prevent peak. Then I will send a ship "Seal Copper and Copper", check the registration goods (called "reading"). In terms of the Urban Order, the most complete in my country's ancient China, the "Xuanshi Region" promulgated by the Yuanshu to the Yuan 30 (1293) (also known as "rectification of the city,", " "Refers to business, things or the meaning of the provisions). There are 22 cases, and the provisions of ship management are regulated, in addition to the above registration certificates and inspects, and stipulate that the sea is not allowed to change without approval. It is not allowed to occupy the sea-owned sea, and the local officials and the city officials will bring the merchant to the merchant to bring goods, and the default is from the crime of relegation. For example: "Seventh provisions of the main example of Yuanshi City" provisions "ship merchants please give a public test, still hit the teeth, the teeth are collected, and several ships will be purchased to buy goods, and to some brokers. Public Test someone of the owner of the owner, the head of the Outline, someone who has someone in the library, someone who has some people, etc., someone with someone, the vessel will win, the high, the boat is a few ... . This paragraph is: When the shipper applied for the abroad trade license public test, there must be a hand-owner's work; the publication, the owner of the ship (the owner of the ship, also called the owner, the owner), the Owner (The captain is generally served by the ship owner, or serves as a large businessman), direct library (management weapons and other equipment), the governor (helmsman), the logistics personnel of the daily life affairs), the parties (the responsible part of the ship People), people have the name of the person who is waiting for the small businessman. There are also ninth, eleven, twelve, fourteen, nine, etc., have detailed and strict regulations on the declaration, registration, examination of ships and goods. "Conditions of the Yunyuan City" is the most complete customs regulations in the ancient China, and the basic responsibilities, specific procedures and even smugglers of customs, such as today's supervision, taxation, check, and other customs have clearly stated. What is even more surprised is that this ancient customs regulations are alive in the historical background of corruption, fraud. In the first year of the year, the 17th year of the year (1280), Wang Nan, Shanghai Shi Wang Nan, proposed the "Family Shuangzhao, Silk Single Single Pumping" Tax Policy, and the Government Approved. This "Award-for-Limited" Difference Tariff Policy has played a positive role in protecting the interests of our business people.

3. Shanghai City, Ming Dynasty.

Ming Yongle First Year (1403), Xia Yuan Ji is appointed, dredging Wusong River, exploiting Fan Jia, forming a wide new river, Huangpu River, thereafter, the regional economy is faster, but Due to the implementation of the "sea ban" policy restriction, foreign trade decline. In the first year of Ming Hongwu, in Jiangsu Taicang Huangdu (now Shanghai), the foreign trade ship is mainly in Liujiagang, but only three years of removal, change in Ningbo, Quanzhou, Guangzhou set up city .

4. Qing Dynasty Jiang Customs.

Modern Shanghai

(1843 - 1949)

1. After the death of the Customs Autonomous Region, after the explosion of the Opium War, the Qing Dynasty was on the 23rd year (1843), the Qing government has been forced to sign the "customs tax" under the pressure of the Kingdom, the United States, and the law, and lost our country. The customs of tariff autonomous rights and semi-colonial nature begins. Four years in Qing Xianfeng (1854), Shanghai Dao Taiwan Wu Jian and Ying, US, and Law Three Kingdoms Consulate Reached the "Jiang Customs Organization Agreement" and formed a "Jiang Customs Tariff Management Committee". The loss of administrative rights in Jianghai, established a foreign customs system, deepening the nature of the semi-colonial customs. On December 6, 1911, tariff balance of payment of payment was completed by the British Agent of the Taxation Secretary, and the semi-colonial nature customs was fully formed.

2. Shanghai has become the national important business port cleavage light on September 26, 2013 (November 17, 1843), Jiang Customs set up the North Shore of Yangyu (now Yandian East Road), marking Shanghai official foreign Open. Marx, Engels has pointed out in "Success in Russia in the Far East": "Before Nanjing Treaty, countries have tried to get tea and silk. After this treaty, due to the opening of five national ports, Trade is transferred to Shanghai. There is almost nothing to trade in other ports. The only business meaning of Shantou has a small port of the five open ports ... "(" Maxi Gus Complete Works "Volume 20, Page 663 ). Since 1853, the import and export goods of Jianghai supervision, entry and exit ships, account for the country, and Shanghai has become the national important business port. According to the "Customs Trade Statistics", from the 4 years of 1866--1869, the total value of the national import and export goods was 28,993,7829 Guanping silver, Shanghai is 190595657 Guanping silver, accounting for 66% of the country. In the same period, the national customs collection of taxes 36973996 Guanping silver two, Jiang Customs were 9649451 Guanping silver two, accounting for 26% of the country.

3. The formation of Yangguan System has been in accordance with the "Five Order Articles" stipulations, and foreign business ships should have all taxes, and they will be guaranteed by five foreign consulates and establish "consular declaration system". In the autumn of 1853, the knife will occupy the Shanghai County, Jianghai Supervise Wu Jianzhang, escaping into the concession, for the collection of tariffs, he has served the temporary customs in Pudong Lujiazui, Suzhou River North Bank and Minhang Town, Baihe 渚, Similar dummy, customs work is trapped. Foreign aggressors forced Wu Jianzhang walked without road, and planned a conspiracy of "Customs References and Tax". On June 29, 1854, Wu Jianzhao and the United Kingdom, the United States, the United States, the United States, and the United States, the British Witoma, the Americans Jia Ji, the French History of the Siamese, and formed a tariff management committee. Since then, Jiang Customs has fallen into the hands of foreign aggressors. In May 1859, Nanyang Metal Minister He Guiqing appointed Li Tailor for the First Taxation Department of China Customs, with a total tax department in Shanghai. In July of the same year, Li Thailand assigned British German Devad to Jiang Customs Tax Division. At this point, the Three Kingdom Tariff Management Committee naturally dismissesed, the UK's universal customs, and the foreign tax system is officially established in Shanghai. Subsequently, this set of systems gradually implemented to the national port customs. On September 12, 1863, British Herde was appointed as Jiang Customs Tax Secretary, and Hankou, Jiujiang, Zhenjiang, Ningbo Customs. On November 15, the same year, because Li Tailor signed "Li Zi Tong" with the British Navy Dasu Ajisen, the Qing Dynasty Prime Minister, was eliminated by the Qing Dynasty, and was eliminated by Head.

4. The characteristics of the Yangguan system are doubled by the Customs System held by the Foreign Tax Service. On the one hand, using the customs as a bumper that invades China, the Western countries have implemented goods dumping, plunder raw materials, and serve colonial rule. Specific performance in: The film is greatly reduced, and the foreign goods are influenced, destroying the national industry; Huangyang staff is unequal, the tax concerns and senior staff are all presented by foreigners; in the same level, foreign staff pays higher than the Chinese Multiplier. In the past 60 years before the Republic of China (1914), Jiang Customs's sea student and field inspections, in the crucial personnel, there is no Chinese staff; in the office tax personnel, the highest position of the staff of the Chinese staff is (Ie, tax regimen), but also stipulate that "cannot be responsible for a workbench, should be implemented by a foreign worker." Most of the Chinese people are only acting as a hand, belongs to the unlisted normator. After the second Opium War, a group of customs and other customs and other customs have successfully established a semi-colonial customs agency and other business systems, and the special status of their "double identity" after the establishment of the semi-colonial customs agency and other business systems. Dagui to interfere with China's internal government diplomacy. The Jiang Customs under the Control of Foreign Taxation, the privileges that have many customs have no direct relationships. According to the total tax commander, Jiang Customs is equipped with sea applications, main business including lighthouse, floppiles, lighting, etc., the construction and maintenance of navigation equipment, and care. Guangxu twenty-two years (1896), approved by the emperor, officially opened Daqing Post. Jiang Customs and Local Post, Tax Sites Raylite and the Post Secretary. In addition, Jiang Customs also covers quarantine, water, meteorological, handpake and patents, design, copyright, trademark registration. On the other hand, foreign tax companies introduce the rigorous literary authorities of Western countries, and introduce the Chinese customs management system. In terms of entry and exit goods, item supervision, the declaration system, an extraction system; in the collection of tariffs, the taxation, the estimation system; in statistics, a large number of trade statistics are accumulated; in the smuggling work, Trial case procedures; there is a certain result in terms of personnel assessment, archive information preservation, etc.

5. The so-called customs and self-definition scams were early in the early 20th century, and the Chinese people resolutely requested to recover the customary autonomy and protect the national economy. At that time, the Beiyang warlord government, in order to increase fiscal revenue, alleviating domestic public opinion, in 1919, in 1921, "tariff independent" requirements were proposed at Paris and Washington Conference, and I hope that the value will be valued before the custom tax rate is not implemented. The import tax rate of Hundreds of 5 is increased to 12.5%. However, then, the Chinese government has unintentionally cleaves the current tariff administrative system, and does not hinder the use of the repayment of external debt, which exposes the so-called "tariff autonomous", but it is to deal with financial urgent needs. , Require tax payment, decisive, real tariffs, which are required, and true tariffs. Even if such a requirement, it was also rejected by the imperialist country. In the future, the collapse of the Beiyang warlord will not. In 1927, after the establishment of the Nanjing Kuomintang Government, it was a scorpion, and also advocated "tariff autonomous". On the other hand, the imperialist country announced that the so-called "National Tax Tax" implemented by the Kuomintang government, and on the other hand, the Kuomintang government entered into a series of inequality tariff treaties as a "tariff autonomous". Prior to the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang government has published four import treaties from 1929, 1931, 1933 and 1934. At that time, the big propaganda has established a "independent national taxation" and actually there is no real autonomy. Because: These taxes are bound by imperient national inequality treaties; the Kuomintang government has changed the tax limits, which is to increase taxation, and do not consider protecting domestic production.

6. In February 1938, Japan and the United Kingdom have been open to China in Japan and the United Kingdom, unauthorized negotiating Jiang Customs tax storage and payment issues, and signing the "China Customs Agreement". On April 28, the same year, Nanjing Wang Pubin government appointed Li Jiannan to supervise the pseudo-customs. At that time, the Tax Space of the Kuomintang Government decided to be

this day.
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