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Profile Characteristics

Fengwei Green birrel (61 photos)

Fengwei Green birror is the largest body, body length 38-41 cm. Plus the tailpower for 70 cm long. Weight weight 180-210 grams. Its toes is different from other birds, 1, 2 toe, forward, 3, 4 toes forward, is a heme-shaped shape.

The phoenix green bite has an extremely gorgeous appearance, green feathers, red chest to top with narrow half-shaped white rings, feathers are bright copper green and red, viewed from metal green to different angles Blue purple, usually a bright feathers that flash metal gloss. In general, the feathers of the first-level flying wings will cover the tail feathers, while 4102 only the male seasons will only see long tail feathers.

Male and there is a mache like a mache. The male beam of male bird is yellow, and the female is black. Male green bite has a smooth long-tap, as the same tail feathers like a Phoenix. The young phoenix green tip is retained with a paw of the original claw, just like the jaw of the ancestor or a wing, disappears after adulthood.

Habitating Environment

Perched in the south of Mexico and the tropical jungle of Central America, the original wet mountain clouds, the gully and cliffs of the dense vegetation, the edge of the forest, the pasture, altitude 900 - 3200 meters between. In Costa Rica, there is a record of low altitude migration in the non-propagation season.

Life habits

Flight speed, because of its very beautiful feathers, one of the most beautiful birds in the Americas, is important in Central America's myth pass 2113 1653 position. Eat, insects, fruits, frogs in the jungle are their food.

Distribution range

Distributed in Costa Rica, Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama.

Reproductive mode

Breeding period between February to July each year, male in order to attract female, will be dressed in the air, jumping in the air, singing loudly. Misrial is nesting, usually the nest is in a tree cave from the ground, occasionally chooses the old cave of the woodpecker. After mating, the female bird produces 1 to 2 eggs in the nest, and the eggs are light blue, and the parents have incubated 17 to 18. Once hatched, the mailing fed by the female turns, from 23 to 31, until they feathered. A paw in the wings of the freshman young bird, disappeared after adulthood, this is similar to the thus, indicating that it is also a raw bird.


Phoenix Green bite (2 sub-seed)

Chinese name Phoenix

Latin learning


Fengwei green bite normally names

pharmachrus mocinno mocinno


Feng Tail Green bite Costa Rica seeded

pharmachrus mocinno costaricensis

Cultural Connotation

The phoenix gather is called "Aztk Bird", is a beautiful bird living in the tropical rainforest of Central South America. In ancient Maya and Aztec culture, the phoenix gylic nirvone is considered to be the avatar of the snake god (Gekur), enjoy the sacred status.

Green bite plays an important role in the American civilization before the European colonists, in ancient Maya and Acount, they are the incarnation of the 蛇 神, symbolizing the heavens and souls, It is strictly forbidden to kill the green bite, and the illegal is extremely punishment. In their society, the green tail feathers of the green bite is more precious than gold. In the ancient Maya and Acount Civilization, only the kings and senior priests wear this long-term jade-like tail feathers. In many Chinese and American languages, the word "quetzal" is precious, sacred, and a pen.

Green bite has never been fed for a long time, always died for a period of time after being captured, for this reason, people think it as a symbol of freedom. The green bite is the national bird of Guatemala, and there is a green birror in the national flag of Guatemala. It is said that the Spanish colonists have invaded that the total number of green bite is beautifully singing. When the colonists have begun to silence, when Guatemala is liberated, they have begun to sing again.

Protection level

is included in the "World Nature League" (IUCN) 2012 endangered species red list VER 3.1 - recent crisis (NT).

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