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Pink pulley

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Pink Round is a traditional snack in Jiangsu Province. Qingzhong Ye, a hunt (now the place where the city is located in the place of Jianhu County), carefully produced a palace dessert with the unique folk flavor - 粉, the emperor is very appreciated.

After a few years, the chef took the old house to make the method of making the cuvet, and the hometown of the hometown is taken back, and the palace is open in the lake ... < / p>

The cuvet has become a special dish of Chinese and foreign guests. The round and transparent macro waters are bubble in the soup, half-half Shen, look like a drifting brown ball, clamped in the chopsticks, flexible and elastic, eat in the mouth, chewing head, Yu Unhappy.

The flour round is smooth and transparent, elastic, soft and tender, brown. The stuffing core is used as a raw material with a sweet sparkle (peach, apricot, jujube, melon seeds, etc.) for raw materials, sweet and refreshing, and sorrowful. Chewing the rest, avoiding fatty. Rich nutrients, there is a function of joining blood. Jianhu, Suining, Luoqiao and other land banquets, do not miss this. When I went through the guest, when I went to the Banquet, I always hoped to taste the festival. The famous writer Bojin rate visit group came to Jianhu City, and he had tasted his taste and intertwined. In 1958, Jiangsu Province is known in the province. After the economist Fei Xiaotong tasted, after the newspaper, the newspaper was evaluated, called "treasure."


ingredients: 400 grams of 粉. 5 grams of red and green, 5 grams of kumquat, 15 grams of candied dates, 10 grams of peach kernel, 5 grams of pinens, 7.5 grams of mass powder, 50 grams of glycogen. 75 grams of cotton sugar, 1 gram of osmanthus.

"Pink Circle" is more complicated. First of all, we must make a stuffing, the filling is particularly particularly paying, picking up the peony kernel, the melon seeds, walnuts are fried; the golden cake is crushing; the sesame crop cake is milled; the above fillings together with osmanthus, sugar, lard Wipe, smash it into a dough, then make a small ball to be used; 粉 粉 面, take a small bamboo, put the small ball, sprinkle the powder, roll well, boiling water, immediately Pick up and down, sprinkle with the flour, then add the pot, so three consecutive to four times, the ruthenium is successful. When you eat, you will be able to cook in the water pot to float, add white sugar, and osmanthus. "圆" can also be called "花" or "five kinds of powder", change cooking, can also be "crispy powder" or "draining rice powder" and so on.


When making a coat circle, it is necessary to regenerate it after boiling water, which is close to the chemical composition of the rubber powder. The flour is processed with fresh poverty, according to scientific determination, the flour contains 87.2% of starch. Starch is a polysaccharide formed by glycetocose produced by photoresist in a plant, which is a mixture of amylose and amylose, wherein the linear starch is about 15%, and the branched pulse is accounted for 85%. The linear starch is insoluble in cold water, but is dissolved in hot water; and the branched starch is insoluble in water, and the water is heated to the boiling, the adhesive gel is formed. The pulley is made of this nature after the starch is made, and the rotor's striped core has viscous, which can be stained with a layer of flour, and it can be formed multiple times.

It is simple and more quite, its production is baked, stuffed, hot system, and the four steps of the soup, which is the most exquisite. First, the flesh, oil, white sugar, sesame powder, osmosum, almond, walnuts, pine kernels, golden tapping, etc., is spherical, put in a tea tray containing the magenta or bamboo plaque, evenly sieved. Make it onto a layer of thin powder and put it in boiling water in boiling water, so repeated five or six times. The dumplings are evenly smooth, and the stuffing is sweet and refreshing, and the soup has a rich osmanthus fragrance.

Nutritional value

粉 圆 圆 别 别 荤 荤 荤 荤 荤 种 种 种 分 分 分 分 种 分 分 高 分 高 分 分 分 分 分 分 口 分 高 口,, And can solve the alcohol. Suffering the hearts of the carpes, the food is suitable for people with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and not eating lard, nourishing strong, wide chest benefits.

1. Qinghe cold blood: lotus root is used to use sexy cold, there is a hot and cold blood, which can be used to treat thermal disorders; lotus root flavor, thirst, blood, hemoptysis, The blood is particularly helpful;

2. Welcomes diarrhea, spleen appetite: the lotus root contains mucin and dietary fibers, can be combined with the inner bile acids, cholesterol and triglycerides in the food, This is discharged from the feces, thereby reducing the absorption of lipids. The lotus root has a unique and fragrant, but also contains a tannampet, there is a certain spleen and diarrhea effect, which can promote appetite, promote digestion, appetizing in the stomach, which is good for stomach, loss of appetite to restore health;

< P> 3. Your blood, the nutritional value of lotus root is high, iron-rich, calcium, plants, vitamins, and starch contents are also rich, there is obvious replenishment of gas and blood, enhance the human immunity. Therefore, Chinese medicine said it: "The main compensation, the benefit";

4. Hemora-free blood remasses: contain a large number of tannic acids, contraction vascular effect, can be used to stop bleeding. The can also cool blood, blood circulation, Chinese medicine believes that it is bleeding without staying, is a diet.

Appropriate population

The general population can be edible, old young women, body weak diseases are especially; especially suitable patients, voomers, high blood pressure, liver disease, loss of appetite, deficiency Anemia, malnutrition is more edible.

Festive must use a few big cylinders in front of the front of the door, and the bucket is smashed in the large cylinder, and the impurities were filtered with cleansing. Put the clariated wet powder, and the clean and dry straw on the front of his own door is to breathable, and then dry the clean fine cloth on the straw to dry the wet powder. There is a happy event or birthday banquet in the northern Rural people, and the graphic, because the rumor is a beet, it can also make a staple food, people love to discuss the color, Xi Chenghuang, the group is round, and " "There is a monk," there is a harmonious sound and the meaning, so the festival of festive and birthday must go to the rice circle. The banquet of the farmer's banquet is eight big, the left neighboring the right village is a dozen tables, so the owner is cheap when the price of fresh launches in autumn is cheap, or from home in the lotus pond. Golden powder. Some people don't do things for the guests, but for their own New Year's Eve, the nutrition of the elderly, and to the city and the foreign relatives. It is also a professional household, and the mortar is more. So in the late autumn, the farmers of the water township farmers, the peasants, the peasants, the lace, the waist, busy tamping, and drying the powder.

Other related

During the Qing Dynasty, the lotus root was attracted to the millennium. Because of the "even" homogenous, the folk customs wishes the marriage, but also infected with the sludge, and the lotus as a honest and high-spirited personality symbol.

Hubei Huanggang Pot Powder Meats

Pakpeli, the nine-hole, who is produced from Huanggang, is a famous dish, which is a nine treasure, which is more than the general, and it is the world. The only "nine-hole", which epidermal is jade, and the tube is rich, there is no need, the brittle juice is more, the amount of iron containing iron is large, and the glycogen is rich. Every four five festivals, quality tender snaps, and eat sweet and hardcore, eat summer, cooked food is not discolored, stewed, sweet and sweet, flavor. Sesame lake "nine-hole powder" delicate impurities, with the crystal meat that is made (ie 桂 花 丸), crystal clear, slip, not sticky, refreshing and delicious.

In the south of Huanggang, a happy banquet, the banquet is less than the Sikong meatball (粉 丸, fishballs, fried meatball or clear soup meatballs, pearlballs).

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