Home Technique Price mechanism

Price mechanism

The role of price mechanism (PriceMechanism) is multifaceted under socialist market economic operation and development.

price mechanism adjustment production

reflects the improvement of labor productivity and restrictions in labor productivity; the distribution of resources is allocated in various production sectors of society, coordinating all production sectors of society , Proportional development.

price mechanism adjustment consumption

The scale of price levels or decline in adjustment market consumption demand; changes in commodity compass system, regulating market demand direction and demand .

The price mechanism is an important regulatory means of macroeconomics.

On the one hand, the change in price level is the basis for the national macroeconomic regulation; on the other hand, the price mechanism promotes the total social supply of society. Balance with total demand.

It can be seen that the deviation of price and value and its consensus is the form of a price mechanism. The key to the full playback of the price mechanism is to alike the price, make it changed with the changes of goods.


Transfer information

price is based on the direction and amplitude of its own changes, and the economic information such as market product supply and market is conducive to improving the efficiency of decision-making.

Adjusting Resource Configuration

The price is high, affecting supply and demand, guiding production and consumption, and thus regulates the reasonable configuration of resources.

Adjustment income

Price High and low decision producers, consumers' economic benefits, is the scale of adjustment of income distribution.

is a powerful tool of competition

price mechanism is a powerful tool for competition.


The price mechanism is a mechanism for regulating the role of market economy. The market mechanism includes such as competition mechanisms, supply and demand mechanisms, price mechanisms, incentives, etc., the price mechanism is a centralized reflection of market mechanism regulation, and is a hub for the adjustment of the market mechanism.

Important Composition

also forms a price mechanism while the market mechanism is formed. Prerequisites the formation of market mechanisms must be that there are many economically independent directly dependent on the market in society. At the same time, there are many demanders with payment capabilities and free purchase, and more perfect market systems, including commodity market, labor market, capital market, technology market, information market, real estate market, etc. Under these three, the supply and demand mechanism, price mechanism, incentive mechanism, competition mechanism, risk mechanism, and a unified market mechanism are formed. Specifically, the formation of these mechanisms is that the production operator and consumer demanders in order to achieve their respective purposes, the production operator must maximize profits, and the consumer demand must maximize utility, must be in various markets. Exchange to meet their needs. In this way, the supply and demand has formed a supply and demand mechanism in the market. The two sides of the market is constantly exchanged, and the currency must be used as a medium to reach a transaction, form a price mechanism. After the formation of various transactions is formed in the market, it will issue a signal of the supply and demand, and the price increase will not be required. The price decline will indicate too much, which gives the incentive mechanism for the supply and demand.

Price mechanism

Core status

There is a market inevitable price, such as commodity prices, labor prices, capital prices, information prices, technical prices, real estate prices, etc. At the same time, various value forms, such as fiscal, tax, currency, profit, wages, etc., all from different aspects and varying degrees and prices in different levels of mutual restrictions and dependencies. Financial payments directly affect prices. Receiving greater than support can stabilize prices, the support is greater than that will promote prices. Price changes will affect fiscal balance. Tax, profits, interest and salary are the components of the price. Their changes directly affect the price level, and at a certain level of price, the price has restricted tax, interest, profit, salary changes, and the price changes direct dependency In the change of monetary value, such as the depreciation of the renminbi will cause prices to rise, it will cause prices to fall. The price is relatively stable, which will also restrict the amount of money. Therefore, the price changes, not only directly affects the changes in other value forms, but also a comprehensive reflection of other values.

From the relationship between price mechanisms and other mechanisms, although various mechanisms are in different positions in market mechanism, the price mechanism plays a driving role in other mechanisms, and hosted in the market mechanism. status.

The supply and demand mechanism is a guarantee mechanism for market mechanisms. In the market mechanism, we must first have a supply and demand mechanism to reflect the intrinsic links of the price and supply and demand relationship, in order to ensure the formation of price mechanisms to ensure the normal operation of the market mechanism. However, the price mechanism plays a promotion mechanism, and the price fluctuations promote production operators to increase or reduce supply, and promote consumer demand to reduce or increase the need, and constantly adjust the relationship.

Competitive mechanism is a key mechanism for market mechanisms. In the market economy, there is competition and will promote social progress and economic development. The price mechanism has promoted the competition mechanism, and the price contribution promotes the production and operators to carry out various competition, promote product innovation, technological innovation, and innovation to achieve greater profits.

Incentive mechanism is the power mechanism of market mechanism. Enterprise production operations should be incentive, promote enterprises to compete, and speak economic benefits. The price mechanism can affect the incentive mechanism, and the price changes will be sent, and the incentive enterprises determine what is produced and does not produce.

Risk Mechanism is the basic mechanism of market mechanisms. In market operations, any company will face profitability, loss and bankruptcy in production and operation. The price mechanism can affect the risk mechanism, and the price can be promoted to the risk of risk, and chase the profits.

Play the role

Market mechanism to play a regulatory role, it must be achieved smoothly through price mechanisms. This is because the price is the communicator of economic information. From all the fields of social production, from all aspects of social life, all economic information is provided and passed, and the price changes are the mirror that reflects the situation of socioeconomic activities. It is a barometer of the market economy. (2) The price is the link between people's economic interaction. Social products are in various economic units and individuals, and they must be implemented through prices. (3) Price is a regulator of people's economic interests. In the market economy, any price changes will cause redistribution and combination of economic interests between different departments, regions, units and individuals.

(1) The price mechanism can solve the social production, how much production is produced; how to produce; who produces these three basic problems

1, what is the production, how much production, first must Taking the market-oriented, that is, the market supply and demand is oriented, and market supply and demand, it must also look at the market price. If a product in the market is too scarce relative to its use, its price is too high, indicating that the supply does not seek, and the production operator has a lot of production of the product, while consumers do not use the product, this will Causes the price drops until its scarce is in line with its use. If a product is too much relative to its use, it means that it is too good, and its price is too low. Consumers have multiple motives that use this product, while the production operator has less production or no production of this product. Motivation. This will bring price rising until its scarcity is in line with its use. Therefore, the production operator decides what is produced, how much production is based on market price signals.

2, enterprises must solve how to produce problems in determining what and production, how to configure resource issues. Is it multi-purpose labor, or multi-purpose capital (including machinery); use ordinary materials or with high-grade materials; use general technology or high technology. The key is to see that the cost price is high or low. If the capital is lower than the use of labor costs, then take more capital less labor; if the general technology is used high technology, it adopts higher technology. When the company decides how to produce problems, the company must produce the cost of the lowest cost. Through competition, promote efficiency and reduce costs to improve market share, and achieve more profits.

3, after product production, how to allocate between people, which is to produce issues. The company's most concerned issue is who can buy the products they produce, which determines the income of various groups, families and individuals in the market. Product prices change, and variations in the price of production factors as income, will determine the price level and payment structure of the product is willing to pay, so that the products are allocated between resources owners, those have more resources, or expensive resources. People will be wealthy and can buy a large number of products; those who have less resources will be unfortunate, only less products can be purchased. Therefore, the price can be allocated between the output of the product at the resource owner.

(b) Price can regulate multiple income assignments

price can determine and regulate the revenue distribution of industries, industries, inter-business and internal enterprises.

First, the market price can determine the difference between the income between the various industries. If the product price of the first industry in the past is relatively low, and the product price of the second industry is relatively high, the income obtained by the first industry is less than the second industry. After the price is constantly adjusted, the price of the product of the first industry has gradually improved. The price of the products in the second industry is relatively stable, and some have declined, and the first industry income has increased, the second industry revenue has declined. This is the initiation assignment between the price to the industrial sector is the first distribution.

Secondly, the market price can determine the industry, and the income between enterprises is different. For example, in the second industry, the price of electronic products is high, the profits, the industry, and the company have more income. Other some industries, the price of enterprises is relatively low, and its income is small, this is the price of income between the industry and enterprises, is the second distribution.

again, the market price is part of the income to the company, and it is necessary to redistribution through salary, interest and profits, which is the third distribution.

(3) The price mechanism also directly affects the consumer purchase behavior

If the income is unchanged, some product price has risen, and the price of related products is stable or falling. Will promote more consumers to purchase more products, buy less or do not buy some kinds of products. A certain product price fell, and the price of related products increased, which will cause consumers to buy some kind of product, and buy less or do not buy related products.

Consumer income increases, the price is relatively stable, which will cause consumers to increase consumption. Consumer income is lower than the price increase, and the actual income of consumers will reduce the consumption level. The corresponding reduction of consumption is reduced, but the survival information will not decrease, and the information and development of the information will be reduced accordingly, the income of consumers is higher than the price Increased increase in the actual income of consumers, will increase consumption levels and increase consumption. In addition to adding some survival materials, they will also increase the consumption of information and development materials.

The price of survival materials is stable, and the price of information and development materials will be promoted to increase consumers to increase consumption structure and increase the consumption of information and development materials. The price of survival data has risen or declines. Due to the smaller demand for survival materials, the purchase consumption information will not change significantly. If you enjoy data and development, the price increase or fall, due to its large demand, its demand will reduce or increase accordingly.


China has long neglected the role of value law, causing price system to be fairly disordered and unreasonable. This is mainly manifested in: The quality difference between similar goods is not kicked off, and the price difference between different commodities is unreasonable, especially some agricultural products, mineral products and raw materials.

The principle of price reform is to make the price level of the price is basically stable; the income level of urban and rural residents is adapted to the price level; most important commodity prices are generally close to the value, implement an equivalent exchange; the national price subsidy Partial cancellation, price relationship is generally drama; the price difference between most products, reasonable differences, all departments can obtain substantially the same profitability.

The key to price reform. It is necessary to launch a variety of commodities and the difference system based on the market formation price. The compass system refers to the comparative relationship between the prices of different commodities produced by different departments of the national economy, and essence is the value comparison between different commodities. The price is reasonable to achieve equivalent exchange. The commodity comparison system mainly includes three-class agricultural products price, agricultural product price, industrial price difference. The commodity price difference system mainly includes five categories of purchase and selling differences, regional differences, quotation differences, seasonal differences and quality differences.


Market Formation Mechanism

Gradually implement the mechanism of forming commodity prices by market supply and demand, is a basic role in the market for resource allocation The key is the goal of my country's price reform. At present, most of China's goods include the price of production materials has been formed by market, and the price mechanism for market supply and demand decision price has been initially established. In the future, on the one hand, we must continue to release prices to further expand the market adjustment price. On the other hand, it is necessary to establish and improve the price regulation system, stop the price increase, the charge, and implement measures such as anti-profit, anti-dumping.

Price management system

Price management system is a common statement of various specific management systems and management forms of socialist countries to manage and regulate commodity prices. In China's original traditional plan economic model, it has formed an over-concentrated price management system. All goods are almost all government pricing, excluding market mechanisms in price management, hindering that the price of market mechanisms is mainly formed, and the price cannot be changed in time to change with the value of goods and supply and demand. The unreasonableness of the Chinese price system, the unreasonableness of the price management system is closely related. The reform price management system is to change a single government pricing method, implement the price management system mainly based on market formation. That is, in addition to a small number of goods and some public welfare undertakings, other goods and services must gradually release prices, priced by companies as market mains. The government's custom price refers to the price department of the government at or above the county level, the business executive department, according to the national regulations, and define prices or guidance prices.

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